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  May 2019 Autumn
Em MacKenzie
How do you sleep at night?
Are the blankets pulled too tight?
Is the room ever just too bright,
or do you find it fits just right?

And how do you get through the day?
When there’s so much you never say?
When the colours bleed to grey,
or do you like it just that way?

I’ve been playing scrabble with each thought,
cursed to babble ‘cause I was never taught
to speak out loud what plagues my heart
It’s not like I’m proud that it ends before I start.

How do you sleep at night?
Does your mind put up a fight?
Do you loathe every ray of light,
or is it out of mind and out of sight?

And how do you get through the day?
Tornado’s in your wake and at bay.
Casting me to the abyss to stay,
as long as you choose that way.

I’ve been playing scrabble with each thought,
known to dabble in whatever I got.
Doing things so foul I would never do,
to buy a vowel and then another two.

How do you sleep at night?
I put up such a gallant fight.
Bleeding knuckles, holding on with all my might.
You’re asleep and I’m greeting first light.
  May 2019 Autumn
Emily Williams
I play this twisted game when I start to question why people talk to me. I call it “Are you paying attention”. Usually it’s not in person.

I’ll send a Snapchat that if you actually looked at it you would notice my glossy eyes and my red nose from crying.

But you won’t notice

I’ll smile when you tell a joke or I’ll nod in a agreement but you don’t watch my smile fade when I look away.

But you won’t notice

I’ll ask you if you’re ok to see if you ask me back. If you do respond you’ll believe me when I say I’m ok.

But you won’t notice

I’ll stay quiet and not as happy as I like to think I am. Hoping you notice and ask what’s wrong.

But you won’t notice

I want to think that you understand me. That you get me. I want to believe you listen when I’m upset. I want you to care. But when you don’t notice I know you don’t.

It’s a twisted game because you tell me you do care. And sometimes you show me you notice. Or when I’m crying you’re there for me. But if I don’t tell you something is wrong

You won’t notice
  May 2019 Autumn
Radhika Lusted
There once was an evil shadow
Who's body noone saw
He slept upon the daylight
But woke upon the fall

The fall of which we know of
As day turns into night
The name of which is nightfall
Brings shivers to our life

For when the clock struck midnight
And all was fast asleep
The unseen evil shadow
Came into dark to creep

He stole and struck the people
From all the towns of grace
To capture souls of infants
From the entire human race

They never understood it
They never knew quite why
But slowly in the darkness
Their souls began to die

And from that moment forward
The people who once lived there
We're long forgotten in mysteries
Of who
And when
And where
I wrote this poem when i was a little girl and changed it up a bit to post here but not too much because i didn't want to ruin the memories i have of it, but i hope you guys enjoy as this poem will always have a special place in my heart :)
  May 2019 Autumn
i try to speak, but every day
my words shatter on their rocks—i pray
if you had sent a smile my way
it might have set me free—

i fight the chains of typical
i laugh; inside I’m miserable
i guess i’m still invisible
to everyone—
but me.
  May 2019 Autumn
She was a ghost
floating through rooms
listening to people's stories
She noticed everything
They noticed nothing
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