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Drab 2d
Hubby - Wo ist meine Rennmaus?
Wife -      ja, ich habe es Richard geliehen
Oh, ok dear. Good night Ivanka…
Drab 3d
Biting one's tongue is hard to do when one's mouth is open.
It's less hard if you bite it when it's closed.
That way, no one will see the blood.
Dedicated to the two most undedicated people in the world....
Drab 2d
The doctor said I have “floating bodies” in my knee.
They were going to do surgery, but felt some of them might still be alive.
They didn’t want to take a chance.
Neither did I.
NOTE – f flat
Drab Sep 8
The tide has turned.
So did I.
I missed it.
9824 or somewhere around there. Just pick a number....
Drab Sep 7
I wrote this is in Word.
It’s true I’m a lie.
Just ask Bill.
He will tell you why.

I’ll follow his shadow,
Into that dark place.
As long as he doesn’t show the world,
His his lying *** face.

Sorry Bill…….WORD
NOTE – My favorite kind of guy – Please make donations to the Mr. Bill Foundation. Oh Nooooooooo LLC

NOTE 2. - I was an I.T. professional.......operative WORD is w.............
Drab 7d
Enough said,
Or I might be dead.
NOTES - Sorry, I just ate some edibles about and hour ago and
Drab 7d
She told me with wit and wisdom.
He yelled some more.
The messages…..

Went straight to my intestines (both of them, gut and candidates):).

And the struggle continues……

The search party gave up….
Drab 2d
I am here.
So I can get somewhere else.....
Drab Aug 29
My give a **** factor is on the fritz.
I’m afraid it’s permanent, I won’t get it fixed.
It’s never a better life than now in this state,
Especially since my marbles were lost, on my way to this fate…
Say Goodnight Dan – 8-29-24
Drab Aug 22
"Life is an endless series of obstacles
designed to crush"
author - LIFE
Drab 6d
Hurt the innocent.
But they are strong.

Curse the martr's
They have it wrong.

And lock up those,
That use the key,

Protecting Others.
To be free.
NOTES - see ton o bricks
Drab Sep 6
What is pain?
Is it that what we feel physically, oh the agony?
Is it that what we feel in our heart, oh the anguish?
Is it what we feel in our souls, oh the torment, the fear?
Do I know when I am in pain?
I am not so sure.
I can stop everything except pain.
I can think of insignificant or awful things to stop love.
I can think of splendid things to stop hate.
I can have uplifting thoughts to tame the torment, to quell the fear.
I can think of other trappings to not think of something I don’t want to think about.
But when I am alone,
When it is just “me and me” and Him if you like (or need) ,
When I remove whatever clutter has taken residence in my mind, body or soul.
I can feel pain.
I have all kinds.
My body aches even though my head tells me to ignore it.
My emotions afflict me when I am rejected, feel unloved or lonely.
My soul seems to desert me when I have done something wrong (or thought I had) .
I always surmised this was a bad feeling, this pain.
It, pain, is only one of many feelings, emotions and spiritual parts of my life.
I am blessed because I am able to feel pain.
If I were not, I would not be human.
Or I might be ******, Pol ***, Stalin or of the like.
If I did not feel pain,
I could not feel love.
I could not feel gratitude.
I could not feel relief.
I could not feel Him.
I could not feel anything.
What a pity to not feel anything
Thursday, May 8, 2008 - Written at a time in my life......

But seriously folks?....had to get that in
Drab Aug 30
The cops were lots, but the docs won out.
They took me and my mum in for years.
The families, the friends, the memories are still here I know...
That’s what matters to me.
August 30th, 2024 – Dedicated to my Uncle Bob (aka “the Doctor Quincy of Orange County”….and Trev and Georgy, three fine people in blue suits), some of the most influential individuals in my life. For those who have strong experiences contrary to on these vocations, my father used to say, “Life is not a bowl of cherries”. (You can finish it if you want)….8<
Drab Aug 30
They come inside,
Without a view.
They exit out.
Expensive as HELL!
8/29/24 – another “pearl”, perhaps to dream……
Drab 3d
Swatting a gnat,
When it flies in front of my white screen.

Is like the Battle of Britain, the OLYmpics and the reader.

All in one…..

You have to lead him/her/it with it.
It’***** and miss mostly.
Drab Sep 4
"There once was a BOY named Paul.
       who went to a fancy dress ball.
He thought he would risk it.
   To go as a biscuit,
But a dog ate him up in the hall”
NOTES – told it to my limerick class in 1964. I copied it from a book and tried to pass it off as mine. It didn’t work. But I was only 9 years old……POV? Mom was ****** though. She gave the school hell for letting me get away with it. Oh yeah, the dog's name was a German Shepard named Gronk. He was from New England. Not the old one....;-)
Drab 7d
Leonard was a good man.
He carried a good tune.
And Johnny was a beautiful boy.
So was Gilbert too.

A poet scans the sky for words,
That form into a cloud.
Of confusion and dishonorment,?
Of this, we should be proud!!!!!
NOTE – Legendary poet to be for sure…..
Drab Aug 26
I love poetry.
Of course poets ****.
We swim in the muck.

At least that's what the guy in the mirror says.

UPDATE: just realized the first three lines/stiches/observations is a 5-5-5 poem of sorts. Also known as the double nickel plus one type poem ...aka - MY-COO.
08/28/24 - The day, the legend, forgot the U in the title.
Drab 4d
I’ve got some chunky yogurt sitting out in the sun.
I’ve got some some processed cheese that melted in the sun.
I threw them both away and ate some swine……

Didn't want to get sick.

"True Story?"

Merry Sunday, or whatever.....
NOTE – the poem dummie.
Drab Sep 5
Even thought some things get lost in translation.
They don't through friends eventually.
Except For.......

See Kamala Harris and DT. Or the other way around. Either wins, they lose....................touch.
Notes 2024 @now
Drab Sep 6
Somebody call the "thought" police.
The "feeler" police are too busy.
Cutbacks are for the weak.
So the strong can take care of them.

Not sure how this will end.

How about now.....

never mind.....
NOTES - MISS Litella is in the house!
Drab Sep 4
The Peace sign is just a figure.
Of speech when all is said.
But if you look at it from both sides.
You know the world ain't dead.
09/04/24 - POV
Drab Sep 7
Confusions said...

View from history.
Gathers no knowledge.
090624 – NO-NE – I don’t understand…..K.I.S.S…...words to die by....
Drab Sep 8
"What gives you the right hey you
To stand there and tell me what to do
Tell me who gave you the power
To stop me from livin' like I do"

To: Everone.....NOW
NOTES - J. Kay and Steppenwolf - prophetic.......different time sorta. Should be a new moral prophylactic.
Drab Sep 6
You know you have indigestion.
When your stomach growls
And you think it’s someone.
Trying to break into the front door.

These are things that must be explored.
Not abhorred?
Or all aboard!

You mustn’t fret.
It’s just your ears.
They turn to dust,
Inside your fears.

NOTE ===  sorry about this………….I think this could be my ticket to fame or infamy. I’ll let you know after I get kicked off the site. #spiritual II - the sequel, don't go in the water....this ought to clear the riff raff off the site.
Drab Sep 2
The roaring car.
Put on some sound cancelling headphones
The searing heat.
Turn on the a/c
The rich get poorer
They've got a meter on your bed.
The lonely cry
What do I do now mr. know it all....
09/01/24 - POV
Drab Sep 10
One September day.
I spied a poem
Written by me
I wasn’t alone.

Finally, recognition.
After all these years
It’s been a long time coming.
Something’s taken away the tears.

Ninety Eight people.
Have read about me
Something, I, wrote.
For fun and for free…….
None – yes

HINT - DOn't read my Ocean's Eleven poem. BTW, this IS an AD

Three stanzas too.....impressive don't you think?
Drab Sep 11
Why is it that it's illegal to yell the word "fire" in a crowded theater?


It's legal to yell "FIRE!!!" in a crowded world?
NOTE - 9/11     -  Remember Everyone!
Drab 7d
Let’s all react.
That’s what the old trend is.
And now.
The information superhighway.
Is spreading the news.
"Happy Happy Joy Joy,# said Ren

If it was good enough for “them”,
It’s good enough for me.
Sept, 21st century
#nostalgia #future

Not sure what this poem means. i just reacted to something....a gnat perhaps?
Drab 7d
My thoughts sometimes are BLACK.
My skin sometimes is WHITE.
The world seems like it's gray.
I prefer the entire spectrum myself.
Drab Sep 2
Someone told me they loved me today.
It just goes to show you that it doesn't matter what you think of me,
it's what I think of you that makes me who I am.
Drab Sep 11
Questions, are statements of ignorance.
Answers, are what I ignore.

The more I know, the less I feel.
Double edge sword I guess...



Drab 7d
If I'm going to meet you.
I want you to be the greeter because  you want to be.
Not because you have to be.
NOTE - Real
Drab Aug 20
Her amber hair
My bulbous nose
Her silken blouse
My thrown on clothes
She still remembers the good times had
I still remember my thoughts said bad
A better person she is than me
I open my eyes but never see
Each day I will regret the past
The time goes by without a gasp
I talk to her just now and then
She talks to me of love lost when
I am the smaller of the two
In the heart my pains are not too few
I could have had it all when all is said
On my epitaph so short, and I will be so dead.
Too late to change what might have been.
The sorry always are late and grim
But the time I had with one so good
Regrets can be what could have should.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Drab 2d
This just in?
This just out?

Everybody lost!
NOTES – Nostradamus……. when he was correct that is.
Drab Aug 30
You will find something you don’t like about me.
If not, I‘m sure you will find something else.
A final analysis should be forthcoming.
You won’t find me though, I’ll be running with the bulls;;;.
08/24/24 - A different point of view....
Drab Aug 25
Here lies what is left.
There lies what will be.
I lie down and hope I don’t croak.
Saturday, August 24th, 2024
Drab 2d
"la misma cagada todos los dias"......
NOTES - a friend once learned me this here sayin....he was from Iceland....
Drab Sep 5
I just do what I want to do.
To someone else’s chagrin.
Wish they would just frigging leave me alone.
So I can be with Him.
Notes – just sayin.................the date...9524 hike!

Once again, another version of Hai-coo. It's an 5-7-7-10-5 (includes title).
Drab Sep 11
It starts with just a sniffle.
A cough or two at worse.
But then it starts to spread.
Waiting for the hearse.

Oh wait, it’s here.
The mating call is near.
It wants me to resist.
I like that….
NOTES - POV – 91024
Come on, someone HAS to be offended? At least a little....
Drab 1h
The last time I saw a pound of flesh,
Was when I was at my last autopsy.
They put a mirror in front of me.
It didn’t last long.
Two pounds came out later.
I was 14 at the time.
Drab Sep 2
Integrity, Honesty, especially Empathy, neuropathy,  uniqueness.....

Two out of five is a good batting average in MLB.....

Fun stuff.

OK I stopped the madness.

That train sailed long ago.

Stopping that is.......

RIP : J. Hinkley - He had the wrong idea. Shoulda aimed at the mass in particular Unfortunately, he's still with himself.\ and us.
09/02/24 and counting the seconds. Tik Talk tik talk Clareeeece.....

Why doesn't Jodie love me?

She shoulda, but couldn't.

This poem was paid for by the fine people from P.C. Inc.. It's in the bag but at least it's in one place.
Drab Sep 3
Sign #1 - The *******
Sign #2 - Add the next one over
Sign #3 - The worlds' hands hand over my heart.

I'm number one.
Peace is my hand.
I love all of you (selective speaking of course)!

To all those with problems that I don't know about and don't understand.
NOTES - ***
Drab Sep 1
Jodie ate an insect.
It's fleece was white as snow.
She crushed it in between her teeth,
And the doc let her go.
Notes - And I had a crush on her....
Drab Sep 6
I do this daily.
Keeps me regular.
The perks are nice
But I keep getting headaches.
NO - Stop it. Bad Brain! STOP this instant!

Another Note of Import - This just in!

Situational syncope
Heavy laughing can sometimes trigger syncope, which can result in a life-threatening injury if you faint and hit your head.
Drab Sep 5
Just call me Ben.
After that then...
Punch yourself in the Bin.
And take the day off.
Notes - POV without a sense of humour. Also from the dish it out but can't take it society....
Drab Sep 4
It’s like a smoke screen
Where the two sides cannot see each other
And they don’t care who it is
They just keep lobbing Birthday presence through the air.
NOTES – 09-04-24 – ohhh, I like this one. It feels sooooo gooooood. I was going to go for a Christian slam but I thought I might get offended.
Drab Sep 9
They strip your heart.
Then rip it out.
Take it away.
What is this madness?
Do I stay?

The evil eye, zeros in on me.
I have a stye, it bothers thee?
I guess I better get a mask.
Oh, that’s been done before?

Commentary on COVID – the silent killer
NOTES - Somewhere in a galaxy far far away....
Drab Sep 4
Some People write poetry to be famous.
Some People write poetry to be heard.
Some People write poetry to blend in.
Some People wrote poetry when they are empty, bored old human beings..

Guess which one you are?
NOTIFICATIONS - 09-03-24-666.3   stardate now. R. Stuart is a pretty good lad.
Drab Sep 2
I grew up in a paradise,
Quiet, and near a beach.
The skin got quite eroded.
And now I feel like my feet.

A place where I grew up and my mind wandered.
A place where I thought I could fly.
The airplanes would slowly fly over.
So i could spy them with my little eye.

On my back as they flew over,
I imagined I would never let go
Of the feeling of wonderment tightly
Did more than I could ever know.
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