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2h · 16
The Ride
Drab 2h
Life is like a roller coaster.
It’s like a wave to me.
Eventually, everything looks the same no matter where I am.
Do I get off the ride,
Or get a freebie?
NOTE - 91824
8h · 31
The Pike
Drab 8h
A metal plane.
On a chain, so high.
A nasty man,
Laughing at my cries.
He pushed the lever,
Forever it seemed.
While smiling always.
As I screamed.
NOTE – 5 years old

Got chills when I wrote/then/read this. What's up with that?
circa 1960
Drab 8h
One’s a ****.
One’s a *****
Richard thinks the kitty is pretty.
But Emma doesn’t.
They are both forms of life.
But identify as pieces of plastic.
2024 - Note
Drab 14h
He was just an angry, depressed, elderly human being.
The foreship’s snip away at its soft underbelly.
But it hung in there.

Respect is hardly earned.
It’s just a word……..

NOTE – this
More Notes - Nobel here I come!
21h · 34
The Final Plea
Drab 21h
You know, people continue to ignore my poetry.
I’m getting depressed (looks at the clock).
The more I think about it, the more I get sore.
Around the groin.

It happens every time I write a poem.
Oh well, I’m sure they will come to their senses soon.
I see a boat, with a broken back……
NOTE – Water
21h · 27
In memoriam...
Drab 21h
Keep  your enemies close.
Keep your friends further away.
Study them both.

Who are they voting for?
It’s madness I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTES – Edgar Allen Poe (phd: Poet, *******, and ultimately, dead as a canary.)

Also Employee Assistance Counselor, but that’s after he stopped drinking…
1d · 29
Drab 1d
Hubby - Wo ist meine Rennmaus?
Wife -      ja, ich habe es Richard geliehen
Oh, ok dear. Good night Ivanka…
1d · 37
Me worry?
Drab 1d
Why worry about being miserable now?
When I’m supposed to be miserable forever after now.
Seems counter-productive.
N = 0
1d · 36
How old?
Drab 1d
I am so old,
I have to take the blue pill,
just to think about ***.

That's as far as I get........
brain freeze (among my other stuff)?
1d · 107
Drab 1d
The day was cold.

It wasn’t “just right”.

Suddenly a flash.

We had been warned.
It’s a thermo-nuclear-coupler, that tripped.
They are all gone now…
NOTE – just put the TNC in there, to see if people even pay attention….

You Awake?
Drab 1d
I want change!
I want it NOW!
Where did all those coins go?
NOTE – don’t even think about it bub….
Drab 1d
The doctor said I have “floating bodies” in my knee.
They were going to do surgery, but felt some of them might still be alive.
They didn’t want to take a chance.
Neither did I.
NOTE – f flat
1d · 10
The Hotel
Drab 1d
I lived in Queens, for about a week.
The view was great,
Down to the street.

I took a walk, down memories’ lane.
And noticed I, had missed my train.

A few guys snuck, up on me.
I was scared, I felt free.

They made me laugh,
And became my mates

I had to laugh, at my first mistake,
Was judging them, before we ate.
NOTES – Good hearts come in strange places….
Drab 1d
"la misma cagada todos los dias"......
NOTES - a friend once learned me this here sayin....he was from Iceland....
Drab 1d
Throw the money
Into the sea.
Run real fast.
Away from me.
NOTE – Unless we are talking badmitton…..

RIP E. Banks (Let's play two!")
Drab 1d

I just won a *****.
I’d like to thank the little people.
But there are not any here.
So thank me very much…
9/2024 - waiting like a wounded deer....

***** - Poet Of The Terrible Year - 2024 - candydate only
1d · 42
World Traveler
Drab 1d
An aroma soared.
A French Man’s foot.
The evil eye.
Remove thyne boot….

From peoples’ eyes,
It’s in their face.
My only disguise,
Is a fall from your grace.
A notable – I have no idea what it is…..
Drab 1d
I am here.
So I can get somewhere else.....
1d · 20
Take Notice
Drab 1d




NOTES - I accept paypoo
Drab 1d
This just in?
This just out?

Everybody lost!
NOTES – Nostradamus……. when he was correct that is.
1d · 23
Mirror, mirror
Drab 1d
I prefer to talk of myself as a first person
My third choice is the second.
The one I use is the third.
She’s the one that judges a lot.
NEATs - this poem, 91724
2d · 30
Under Cover
Drab 2d
There is a mood that digs in deep.
It keeps its head inside my sleep.
Every day it wakes up bright
The rays of knowledge led to my plight.

I opened them, these lines of glee
And saw them piercing inside of me
But the gnat came crawling,
out of my nose….
And began to wash, all my clothes.
Notes – there’s a deep meaning to this…….
2d · 36
Drab 2d
Swatting a gnat,
When it flies in front of my white screen.

Is like the Battle of Britain, the OLYmpics and the reader.

All in one…..

You have to lead him/her/it with it.
It’***** and miss mostly.
Drab 2d
Sitting on a perch of deedlebobs.
Skqueezing in the slime out of the ***** that came in before him
One eyed snake, it seems to be mate.
She said.
Get the ***** out of here!
2d · 32
Timid Anger
Drab 2d
Sometimes words are the way we were.
Sometimes the words are the way we are.
I just want someone to listen to the ones I’m saying tomorrow.
On occasion,
With all due respect.
If you don’t mind.

I never had it so good.
How about you?

We all could use a little G.A.S.
NOTE – not a poem, a realization
2d · 30
Half Full
Drab 2d
It is a  good thing I’m me.
Who would the rest of the world…
Feel superior to?
NOTE – Cheer up
Drab 2d
You know.
The left.

                                  The right.

Or, the other way around.

Look at it in a mirror.
2d · 23
No Idea
Drab 2d
Biting one's tongue is hard to do when one's mouth is open.
It's less hard if you bite it when it's closed.
That way, no one will see the blood.
Dedicated to the two most undedicated people in the world....
Drab 3d
This is a joke of course.

I mean a poem, really

But my apocalypse survival kit must include.

One revolver, small but powerful
Five rounds.
One shot.

NOTES – Guess Who?

Luv you Burt…
NOTE - It was my earthquake survival kit in the 70' - 90's on the left coast.
That would be baja.......
3d · 40
Title too much
Drab 3d
If I'm not following you,
It's because you are a better poet than me.

If I'm following you,
It's because you are a leader.
Drab 3d
The only way to flip.
Is to flip both ways.
Then you can decide.
Drab 3d
Talking too much?
I’ll take a break.
Go watch a flix movie…
Go read a, what do they call those?
Go outside, if you can.
Go inside, if you dare.
Go forth,
Which way?
Note  A+
Drab 3d
Give me your poor.
Have a monster…..
Have the mass (or is something on your face), removed.
Watch a movie….
Don’t keep reading this poem.

Let’s just not worry about the little things…..
Knute – none
3d · 30
Drab 3d


I feel better now....

Bad Gateway!
3d · 37
Alanissism sayce
Drab 3d
He saw it was chaotic.
He saw it didn’t make sense.
But he made it anyway.

Isn’t it ironik?
NOTES – ***
3d · 26
Poet’s Choice
Drab 3d
I’ve got some chunky yogurt sitting out in the sun.
I’ve got some some processed cheese that melted in the sun.
I threw them both away and ate some swine……

Didn't want to get sick.

"True Story?"

Merry Sunday, or whatever.....
NOTE – the poem dummie.
Drab 3d
Call me a nephew, and I was there.
Look at a mountain, and I was there.
The streams of tears, and I was there.
Humanity, and it was there?
Oh. Hark, I must pause...

The trust, and it was there.
The compromise, and it was there?

or here?

The news, ban those butheads.

All of them!


N – Sorry I’m getting  silly
#grapes of wrath!!!!!!!

HINT: The worst is yet to come...depending on your POV>......

THanks Alex....
3d · 41
Mary had a lamb
Drab 3d
Last dance.
I grew up tall and she grew up RIGHT.
A wonderful lyric, I took the bait.
NOTES - Indiana boys on them Indian nights...
Drab 3d
HP is a name for many things.
Hewlett Packard, comes to mind.
A note, a name, to call myself….
Not that it really doesn’t rhyme?

Anyway, sung to the tune of Iron Man.
NOTE – Don’t
Drab 4d
Past or present
It’s not my past, or all of it.
It’s not my future, or any of it.
It’s not my now, I exist at this moment.
Which is it?

NOTE – What would happen if………
NOTE – What would happen if………
Drab 4d
Like a bottle or my brain,
I have a few necks and thoughts that are narrow.
The turkey’s have it easy……..

Except on…………..
NOTE – b# - Except for most people.
4d · 41
Look Earl.
Drab 4d
“That thing”
“Dear Watson”, Darrell said, your IQ is turning…
"No, really, what is it?, he retorted.
"A vestibule or AI, not sure which?"

he said...
Drab 4d
I wanted to be magnanimous
I wanted to be altruistic
I wanted to be ............


I “wanted” a lot of things……………..
NOTES – I learned these words in 6th grade. Well, the first two anyway…😉

The fourth is what I am....
4d · 34
I'm so dizzy
Drab 4d
the site keeps going around in circles.

I'm getting tired.........
Drab 4d
I’m so ******,
I don’t know what?
But who, I know…..
He’s in first.
Little does I don’t know, BUT, they’re gaining.
NOTE – Had to have been done before, but I haven’t noticed.
4d · 37
Drab 4d
Life is like a single edged sword.
Sharp on one side.

It's hell on the backswing too.
4d · 19
Drab 4d
There is no answer.
I am deaf as much.
No direction to go so just sit.

A better way to go as I cower in the corner.
4d · 20
Drab 4d
Dune, great movie.........
4d · 23
Drab 4d
dont do anything

it won't get worse.

4d · 38
Drab 4d
They all seem so drab and dull.
The memories I mean.
They came and went.
To all who've seen.

A better day,
Than he could have.
A better choice
A better ..
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