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 5d Mila
Her: I have a confession...
Him: what kind of confession...?
Her: I tried to **** myself.
Him: at what time...?
Her: last night at midnight.
Him: that's nice. we attempted at the same time.
Her: ...
Him: let's meet up the next time you feel low, hmm?
The thing is, he didn't try to commit suicide.
A short story :D attempting to suicide isn't a light matter, so pls take caution when approaching this topic :) <3
Sometimes it's easier to build new bridges
Than try to repair broken ones
Midnight thoughts
 Sep 3 Mila
Ayla Grey
 Sep 3 Mila
Ayla Grey
The sky bled on me today
I heard the clouds shriek
As I ran away
But the sound followed me
I heard her sobs
I felt her bleeding
I knew it throbbed

Finally I looked up
As I heard someone say
Stand up sweetie
It's only rain
 Aug 25 Mila
 Aug 25 Mila
I am a pigeon.
Once a pet
Once loved
Cared for
...But now...
But the only disease
Is the lack of care
That I can't live without.

 Aug 23 Mila
 Aug 23 Mila
you left
and suddenly i realised
why we started naming storms
after people.
- i wonder if the scent of thunder meeting earth haunts your memories.
I knew two things from that first puzzle we did.
I knew that we would never find that missing piece and that we'd probably lose another
                                               (we did)
I knew that you were the only woman for me and that I was going to marry you
                                                (I did)

— The End —