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Fluttery yellow passerine
Spring green is here, calling
Spread your wings
Fly high and
sing nature’s songs.

Shell ✨🐚
Passion without love is just instinct
Let love be the carrier of your passion and it will be
passionate love.

Shell ✨🐚
I can too rhyme
Most any time.
I know what rhymes with purple.
I cannot find
What’s in my mind
Because my brain’s a *******.

I know you heard
I’m one sad bird.
My sorrow’s more than double.
So let me bring
This one last thing
My life’s a pile of rubble.

I want to be
A perfect me
And be admired by many.
But first I sigh
And then I cry
And act just like a *****.

To rhyme is tough.
I’ve done enough
To win a crown of glory.
If you agree
To let me be
That finishes my story.
A bit of silliness for midweek.
It’s a Saturday afternoon worth waiting for. It’s 52°f and the sky is clear except for a scattering of popcorn clouds. I’m eating lunch with Sophy, Lisa, Anna (my roommates) and Peter (a friend) at one of the two residential dining halls that have the best pizza (yeah, you KNOW who you are).

We’re touching base before we scatter, shrapnel like, for the night. I’ll be hemmed-up by circumstance and in my most diligent work-mode. I have a presentation due Monday.

Sophy says, reading from at her laptop, “Research suggests that cat owners are seen as better looking and have more ***.”

“I have two cats,” I say, “at home.” I preen in my double-catness.

“I’m a cat owner!” Anna announces.

“My cat DIED.” Lisa reveals sadly.

“THAT cat did its JOB,” Sophy pronounced saliently, as if proving the studies validity.

“I grew up in a cat house,” Peter says.

“Ooo! YOU must have learned a LOT!” I say, batting my eyes seductively.

“Maybe we should get a cat HERE!” Sophy suggests.

“To cement our status!” Anna laughs.

The pizza was really good.
BLT word of the day challenge: Salient: "of notable significance."
Seen as having never been
Though circumspectly in between
This parody of eerie sound
Sifting simply, and profound…
Through tones of gossamer intent,
In vagaries of soft ascent,
Whispering, wafting through the breeze
With phantom interceptions ease….

Quite thought as having never been
In silenced echoing, serene.

3 February 2022
This is an issue which isn’t spoken of enough. Awful, manipulative people roam this earth and poison the minds of many. Humanity often does not want to hear the other side of a story, and choose to instead blindly believe the slanderer. This brings no justice to the truth that was twisted, or to the victim who bears the damage. In many cases, the victim is forced to part with money and other things that are highly important to them. Why must slanderers feel so secure within their own lies, and why must the world deprive the victim of a voice?
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