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 Jun 2020 Luna lunatic
You tell me pretty lies,
You protect me from the truth.
You look into my eyes,
And tell me not to fall for you.

You tell me about your crush,
And I dream that I was her.
You tell me not to rush,
But I don't wanna see you with her.
She cried out loud as he pulled out her heart
Leaving a gaping hole in her chest
Not caring about the pain she felt
Breathless, she fell on her knees
Sobbing, she watched him walk away with her heart
And with that she whispered lifelessly under her breath knowing he will still hear her, "You called it love,I called it pain."
I love your bright smile
And your soft kisses
I love you every day,
And the way you touch me
You touch my heart every day,

I love your warm hugs
I love your tender touch
I love you so much
And I love you every day..
I Love Her
He is My teacher
he is My best friend
he is My leader

He is a warrior
he is a struggler
he is a survivor

He is handsome
he is smart
he is strong

He is My father
Happy father's day
To all dads out ther
I know that he still misses her;
I see it in his eyes;
The girl he met so long ago
That made him feel alive.
I can tell he sometimes thinks of her,
I shouldn't be surprised,
She's younger, more carefree than me;
She yearns him in her eyes.
I know he sometimes misses her, she was desperate to be held;
Why would he not want her still?
She was in under his spell.
But can he not look deeper
And see her hidden scars;
Her need to please him all the time
Was bruising her own heart.
Maybe soon he'll understand
Why it could never last,
And love like that is too extreme;
Its why she's in the past.
I'm here right now, in front of him,
This love will always last,
But I know that he still misses
The old me from the past.

Heather Lea
You promised not to
let go
You promised not to

You promised you'll never
look back
You promised you'll never

You promised not to
break me
You promised not to
rip my heart

You promised you'll never
make me cry
You promised you'll never
leave me

You promised not to ever break any of your promises
Your words not mine
 Jun 2020 Luna lunatic
Aryan Sam
 Jun 2020 Luna lunatic
Aryan Sam
Years ago
We stayed up till
3 am talking,
And today
I don’t even know
How to say hi,
 Jun 2020 Luna lunatic
I cannot compose brilliant poems, sonnets, or verses,

and I cannot speak to you in Latin or Greek;

I cannot move you with any language made up by man.

Love is the only only language I could touch you with

If you only knew how much I could love you.

If you knew I love you;

If I were brave enough to tell you at all.
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