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Jun 2020 · 594
Just as he heard
Madalasapriya Jun 2020
It was raining over clouds
I found he is searching to get a shelter
He never lost  a hope
What triggered him to attempt his best

As he walked every mile
He heard a soul speaking to him
Just as he heard, it was me standing in pain

He felt we need to move on
Irrelevant  even if what it may
Just as he heard my cries
He took a lead to show me a shelter
He left himself alone in rain forever
Jun 2020 · 399
Mine ever
Madalasapriya Jun 2020
Carry me through Golden period of love
Feel me so close if so
Its more precious moments between us

Care you gave me
Need you felt for me
Desperate our soul for togetherness

My only love mine ever
This one completes my world
Passionately I declare to say
I won't get any replacement ever
       Never .....
As he is ever mine for ever.....
Love can never be replaced, its ever forever for only one
Jun 2020 · 317
Will you be ever
Madalasapriya Jun 2020
When his eyes raised questions
I left with no more answers
He traced for my essence
Even when I was never with him

Calming was his heart
Every second he whispered my name
Doesn't look he forgot me
Even I wasn't with him

Such felt forever when
I met him after a long time
Doesn't he changed his love for me
Even I left him

My silence drove his instincts
I casually narrated him
but before he concluded anything
This time his silence told me one thing
" Will you be ever with me, Don't leave me
with an excuse  "
Silence between love do speak so much
Apr 2020 · 158
challenge my life
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
My life teasing badly to me
don't know what to do
It don't give any introspective chance
It wont give chances that I lost

It badly hurts I need to rest in peace
I Piece my shattered heart
I lost in my desert of past
My mistakes are mirage
They give wrong image

Let me challenge my life I can walk
miles miles in get some hope
Hope to wake, wake a long
In search of shelther and food
In search of relationships for better
In search of my lost soul to become best
Person not for others for me...
mistakes every one does they haunt us everywhere. let those mistakes doesn't shatter you and your hope to become better every day
Apr 2020 · 165
Love takes off masks
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
It's true, all pervasive
It's true always
When we both are together
Love takes off our masks
We confine to our hearts
Where love can't live without us
We can't live without love
Love can't live without us...we can't live without love
Apr 2020 · 125
Search for reasons
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
You may think I always search
for reasons to hide in your hug
But it's visible to me how curiously
You look for a place to make me
Gear up to lure
Love search reasons to be together
Apr 2020 · 248
Let me love you
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
Every night I saw you
Every night beside me
I feel to forget,  secret yet hidden pain
It's all about meanings
You teach me
With that smile to forgive my past
Let me make it those finest memories
Which will last between us
Cover my past, belove my present
Upbringing my future with you
Let me love you, let me love forever
Let me love you to endure...
Love is beautiful
Apr 2020 · 201
What about us
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
What about you, what about me
What about our love that we can't see
What about you , what about me
What about us, why are we fooling around
in flee
Why do we lie, why do betray
If we don't ever feel
Why do we care , why do we pretend
When we don't even need
Love is blind it's needs vision
It can't survive if we don't trust eachother
It's more than lust we like
More than we communicate
It commits two beautiful lives into
One United soul
Love is blind till one awakes vision for it, it's not lust nor passion only with body. It's beautiful commitment with two bodies United to one soul
Apr 2020 · 139
We don't live yet
Madalasapriya Apr 2020
We don't hear what we feel
We don't do what we need
We don't live yet in passion
We miss all our fun
Trying to gain attention
We pretend as we are the one
Forgotten that we are failing
Running around too much success
What are we, need not be proven
We are unique, uniquely designed
Let spread hope, every where in solace
Unfortunately we are forgetting we are unique and we have strength to design our lives but dragged into gaining success that we don't need.

— The End —