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 Mar 2020 John parker
Aditya Roy
I used to be scared
When I heard you sing
I used to be scared
When I heard you pray
I loved you
The moment I let go of my fears
Deciduous trees stand side by side
Branches entwined
A crow couple, cozied up on a high branch
And the sun shone upon the two
The morning light, a beautiful sight
Below I stood, watching the two
As the brown leaves fell like confetti
Smiling in hues
A great start to my day :)
Have always loved those trees, close to a grocery which i frequent :)
And today the crows and the morning sun added to the beauty:)
 Mar 2020 John parker
In my copy of J. M. Cohen's translation of Michel de Montaigne's Essays
Cohen wrote in the introduction: "Montaigne accepted a double truth; the sphere of faith and the sphere of reason were to him entirely separate."

If I were to describe my own double truth, of reason and faith,
I think my sphere of faith is surely placed within the sphere of reason.

Like a torus of Reason and Faith:
Though I can rationally navigate my way to reach the membrane of my faith
What is truly hidden within is still ever beyond reason.

Perhaps through this relentless search of truth, and the piercing gravity of love,
I can one day breach and reach
The nucleus of this ring or Circle
That is Perfectly spaceless
The Torus of Reason and Faith
By: Yue Xing Yitkbel **** 
November 5, 2019 2:09 PM
When it's said,
They threw the book at him
That can be rather misleading.

I mean, was it as harmless
As a flimsy graphic novel?
Or something far more frightening,
Like an unabridged dictionary?
 Mar 2020 John parker
Dark lover
Life is like a pyramid stairs where everyone struggles to step up, some takes few steps up and drift down-up until finally and gradually they slide down ward,  while some makes it to the top of the pyramid and tarry for a while before stepping down through the other part of the pyramid or steps down  the same path they have paved.
But there are those never privileged to take a step...
Pyramidal melancholy.
Let gentle rain fall softly as she sleeps

Let tumbled grass grow long and wildflowers be her counterpane

Let twining strands of ivy cover up her name

Let her rest in peace
* Latin for Remember You Too Must Die.
Marking the death of a family member
Let's go to the graveyard my dear
bury you alive
so you can't hurt anyone
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