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In our life time
people come and go.
Our children however
come and never go.
Or so it seems.
A blessing or a curse?
You decide, for me it works.
If we must worship a Deity,
we need look no further
than the mighty mountains
around us, the glorious deep
abiding oceans that surround
us, the nurturing forests of green
that provide the very air we breath.

Our mother Earth is the GOD
we seek, from her all life, hope
and blessings flow and repeat.
No supernatural beings,
no off earth solutions,
this blue orb is all we need,
or will ever have, the ancient
tribes knew this. How is this fact
not crystal clear to the modern,
so called educated we?

Juxtaposed are our hearts now,
Embracing me is your soul,
Near or far from glow,
Inside, like blood you flow,
Far you are yet so near, baby,
Amazed I stand in your precious love.

I want to say this now.

Love, care, or affection,
Oh call it whatever you may,
Very sure I am by the way,
Enjoying I am this infection.

You make your mind,
Only me you marry,
Unless death tears us apart.
My HP Poem #1768
©Atul Kaushal
You calmed my heart with your words that sound like angelic hymns
Your unconditional love took me out of my own labyrinth
Thank you for your miracle of love
You have healed my broken wings
I am my own masterpiece
flawed and broken
but unique and irreplaceable.
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