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May 2 · 299
Don't borrow
rose hopkins May 2
Don't borrow tomorrow
To stay in today
While living in yesterday.
Feb 24 · 217
The rain
rose hopkins Feb 24
Thwack !
The wiper swiped
The rain off.
Observation, rain, wipers.
Sep 2023 · 689
rose hopkins Sep 2023
Let it be open
So the love can flow
Let it burn through
And leave
An indelible mark
On your soul.
May 2023 · 290
rose hopkins May 2023
Buttercups and bluebells
Lilac and cherry blossom
Violets peeping
Leaves unfurling
Blackbird calling
Lambkins bleating
Raindrops falling
Merry month of May
Spring time observation
Apr 2023 · 575
17 words
rose hopkins Apr 2023
The skin on your shin can be thin
It's a curse when the nurse makes it worse.
Feb 2023 · 346
Late February
rose hopkins Feb 2023
A late February evening
A tree lined silhouette
On the far horizon
Against a sunset
Of burnished gold .
Jan 2023 · 314
rose hopkins Jan 2023
Wet and windy
Winter whiteout
Weather Warning.
Jan 2023 · 437
January 2023
rose hopkins Jan 2023
A dusting of snow
Under a pink sky
A flash of gold
Where the narcissi
Too early.
Observation of the weather
Nov 2022 · 223
rose hopkins Nov 2022
The subtle certainty
Of a trap carefully laid
I never heard the word
'Til I went to women's aid......
Jun 2022 · 301
rose hopkins Jun 2022
Long days, short nights
Green trees, blue skies
Bird song and butterflies.
May 2022 · 311
Early May
rose hopkins May 2022
We watch
The dandelion clocks
Shake their perfect orbs
And release
Their seeds
To dance away
And flower again
Another day.
Late spring
Apr 2022 · 244
rose hopkins Apr 2022
When every conversation
Begins with a challenge
And the truth
Is obscured
By a lie.
Mar 2022 · 589
All Our Faces (repost)
rose hopkins Mar 2022
Mother,aunt,we're all of these
Lover,nanny,friend and foe
Each different face,we're all of those
But in the end
At the heart of it
At the point that is
The crux of it
We shine our light
'Cos we exist.
For international women's day.
Feb 2022 · 274
Love is..........
rose hopkins Feb 2022
A warm cwtch
A safe place
A smiling face.
Feb 2022 · 284
rose hopkins Feb 2022
Blinded by arrogance
You hold the key
What kind of impudence
Ignores the plea
For fairness.
Nov 2021 · 1.1k
The passage
rose hopkins Nov 2021
Like a sleepwalker
she passed through each day.
Voices chattered in her head,
Snatches of conversations
That she could not quite catch.

She dropped like a stone through her emotions
And lay in silence on the bottom.

Battered and bruised
She ached at every turn,
Or floated softly among the shadows
Guarding her spirit.

It seemed she had passed
Through a threshold of pain
That held her on the edge,
Like the new born......
And the shadows nurtured her
Behind the veil of her own consciousness,
Waiting for the memory
To rise up into the light of her being.

When it came she was filled with fire,
Warming her as it spread
through her soul,
And she knew a new knowledge
That was older than she,
Older than her previous selves ,
Older than the Earth.
Slowly,she raised herself,
Taller than she'd ever been.

Filled with courage
she stepped out,
Over the edge,
And she joined all of her other selves,
Embracing them with open arms.
Sobbing,she acknowledged herself
As she flew with her shadows
Back through time,
Back to her beginning
From whence she had first set out
In the darkness of ignorance.

The light shone so brightly,
Drawing her own light towards it
In a spinning ****** so intense
That she let go of herself,
Separating into a million points
of light as she joined the pool.
Her lights bounced off each light
They touched in an ecstasy of greeting.

Looking back ,
Towards the edge,
She watched the shadows
Nod their satisfaction
Before they turned away,
Fading into the darkness that was the Earth.
Rita,   Mado,  Thelma
Nov 2021 · 198
rose hopkins Nov 2021
No! Is a hard rejection
A negative adverb
An unwelcome word
By not asking.
Sep 2021 · 566
rose hopkins Sep 2021
Rough gusts
Sep 2021 · 827
Head in the sand
rose hopkins Sep 2021
In fear of it
We don't want
To hear of it.
Sep 2021 · 308
Remembering Rita
rose hopkins Sep 2021
Remembering Rita's quaint
Independent ways
The children loved
Her gentle ways
Her mind made up
She would not be moved
She lives on
In the memories she made.
May 2021 · 311
Haiku 128
rose hopkins May 2021
His demeanor was
cleverly ingenuous.
Quite ingenious.
Different meanings between similar words.
May 2021 · 231
rose hopkins May 2021
The spirit wriggled free
And flew
And through
The memories it knew
It grew
Spirit  free gathering knowledge. Death and rebirth.
May 2021 · 417
Late Spring
rose hopkins May 2021
It gives me the sweet scent
Of new mown hay
And the blackbirds song
In May.
Birdsong  fresh scents sunshine
Mar 2021 · 662
rose hopkins Mar 2021
BLT you challenged me
You made me rhyme deliberately
When through the years my poetry
Was written quite spasmodically
A year apart or every day
It didn't matter either way.
I haven't taken up the word of the day challenge for a while but it has been a good lockdown activity and it kick started me into writing more . Thank you BLT :)
Mar 2021 · 121
Happy days (haiku)
rose hopkins Mar 2021
Bare branched silhouette
Sky larks pirhouette
Blue sky
Spring's arrived.
Bird chatter, trees still bare,
Feb 2021 · 366
Haiku 124
rose hopkins Feb 2021
You can't steer clear
Of fear
It hides in you
Resides with you
Feb 2021 · 150
Isolation 4
rose hopkins Feb 2021
We suffer disconnection
No sign of reconnection
Face to face
Two metre space
Practice isolation.
Lockdown 3
Jan 2021 · 293
Haiku 135
rose hopkins Jan 2021
Chinese whispers
Distorting the facts
When passing on
Innocent chats.
Fact or fiction
Jan 2021 · 441
Hearts in love
rose hopkins Jan 2021
The moon is rising
Full and bright
She sheds her light

O'er the hill
The night's so still

Spangled starlight
Welcomes her
As she takes her place
And begins to stir

Hearts in love

Hearts in love
Who look at her

And she smiles her smile
That only lovers know.
Lovers   moonlight
Jan 2021 · 87
Grandma said 3
rose hopkins Jan 2021
Clean out the corners
The middle will
Clean itself.
look after the pennies
The pounds
Will give you wealth.
Wise words
Dec 2020 · 196
Late December moon
rose hopkins Dec 2020
I look through fingers of light
And feathers of ice
In the milky glow
Of a full moon
In a cloudless,starlit sky.
I can see for miles at midnight
As the midwinter frost
Settles on the land.
Dec 2020 · 115
Haiku 118
rose hopkins Dec 2020
Like a couple of earthworms
Wound around each other
Nov 2020 · 101
Haiku 116
rose hopkins Nov 2020
The emotion I  feel for you
Is gentle
Oozing with warmth
And love.
rose hopkins Nov 2020
To be a conscious being,
being conscious
is important.
aware,   awake,     alive,    to be,     haiku
Nov 2020 · 107
First frost
rose hopkins Nov 2020
First frost
Riming the landscape
A white dawn
Announced by the crow's harsh call
The waning moon hanging
In a cloudless sky
As the rising sun's rays
Twinkle on the frosted fields.
Oct 2020 · 122
Self respect haiku
rose hopkins Oct 2020
When you care about
What people think
You pander
To their need
Not yours.
Care    feeling    opinion haiku
Oct 2020 · 59
Pandora's box
rose hopkins Oct 2020
This ship of fools sets sail
across a sea so fair
to hit a sudden gale
that sends them everywhere.
This ship is just an open boat
packed so full of hope
it barely stays afloat.
Too late to change as fear unfolds
their last resort is hope.
desperation,  migrant,   hope,
Oct 2020 · 112
problem solved
rose hopkins Oct 2020
There's an elephant
in the boardroom
here's the scapegoat.......
in the tearoom.
haiku    elephant    scapegoat
Oct 2020 · 83
rose hopkins Oct 2020
The armour's tight.
A shield against
A shield against
Better to bury your head,
avoiding confrontation
than to be honest instead.
avoiding    armour     shield     confrontation
Sep 2020 · 146
time for change
rose hopkins Sep 2020
At this juncture it would seem
your ubiquitous problems
have become obscene
to make all this less operose
delve deep and
find the root and show
that you can stem the flow
at the fountain head
and choose the right
route instead.
BLT's word of the day challenge   ( 5 words)
Sep 2020 · 178
where safety lies
rose hopkins Sep 2020
I watch,
the ocean of emotion
welling up
through limpid eyes
in fearful, tearful panic
clutching at the straws
that are granddad
that true constant
BLT's word of the day challenge  "limpid"  =  transparency, clear, simple.
Sep 2020 · 247
Losing battle
rose hopkins Sep 2020
You purport that you
are always right
with verbiage, loud
designed to confuse
fomenting exasperation
with this constant fight
and sisyphean failure
to change your views.
merriam- webster word of the day for BLT's challenge.
Sep 2020 · 125
rose hopkins Sep 2020
You live your life
through the lies you tell
on a fairy tale trail
through the gates of hell

You point your finger
looking to blame
any but you
seems you have no shame

Insincere pleading
we don't want to hear
you turn on your smile
through crocodile tears

Hooked like a worm
you wriggle and squirm
turn on the charm
why don't you?
Sep 2020 · 275
haiku 106
rose hopkins Sep 2020
when you blot out the problem
you can also
blot out the solution.
Aug 2020 · 256
rose hopkins Aug 2020
I am the undertaker
the one who speaks
for kindred who need to shield.
I am the risk taker
behind the mask
holding the fort
the last resort
in this estival of unknown out comes
this is my testimonial,my task
my forte.
for BLT's word of the day challenge .......nearly a week's worth in one sudden inspiration.
undertaker-one who takes the risk and management of business,  kindred-related individuals or one's own family,  estival-relating to the summer,  testimonial-statement,   forte-one's strong point.
Aug 2020 · 163
isolation 3
rose hopkins Aug 2020
So much time and space
for the things
that have been smothered
and forgotten.
time on our hands,no excuse........
Aug 2020 · 55
clear path(of thought)
rose hopkins Aug 2020
Where you've been
and where you're going
and what will happen
in between.
haiku.....inspired by discussion on u turns and dithering.
Aug 2020 · 154
Jam making
rose hopkins Aug 2020
I made jam,
rhubarb with redcurrant,
rhubarb with raspberry,
but the rhubarb with apricot,
it was just the best jam ever
ne plus ultra
For BLT's word of the day challenge. The word is "ne plus ultra".
Aug 2020 · 416
The road remains the same
rose hopkins Aug 2020
Here she is,vivacious yet
despite the years of self neglect
She wears it well,she stood the test
she earned her badge of self respect.
Quiescent in her dormant state
the potential yaw she may create
she journeyed forth towards her fate
and the road remains the same.
BLT's word of the day challenge .Been rather busy this week so this contains three daily words "vivacious " "quiescent" "yaw"
Aug 2020 · 62
haiku 100
rose hopkins Aug 2020
the place where all life's experience
is stored
good or bad.
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