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2.8k · Jun 2019
will19008 Jun 2019
forgotten longing
deep custard days gone by
my morning trip: the pool, always
then, to stay swimming in the ocean
favorite lifeguards who never stared me back
boardwalk seagulls, seafood season
shops with time like windy cobwebs
the hotel, our melancholy Ferris smell
that last painful sunburn pizza and
sadder September funnel cakes


where I now walk alone
crying for dreams past
not just things
For Jennifer "down the shore"...
2.1k · Jul 2019
difficult letters remain
will19008 Jul 2019
difficult letters remain
a packed drawer overflowing
not with photography, but
kept in place by written
words, keen right through your chest;
oh, once we exchanged enjoyment
but now these treasures twist our hearts
like the blessed will of God
What does one do with old love letters too wonderful to discard but too painful to keep...?
1.3k · Apr 2020
always more goodbyes
will19008 Apr 2020
there were always goodbyes
and silence
more silence
but always more goodbyes

ended without an hello
just started
we began again
but always more goodbyes

ended in our reunions
maybe virtually
perhaps personally
but always more goodbyes

this time it's goodbye
that just could—
that just might—
that just may—
1.1k · Jun 2019
will19008 Jun 2019
I hedge, contemplating—
a sweating sky appeared to will us on
heating our loyalty, ensuring friendship
after my departure, remembering
our effort, given dearly

in the future, plant the dead
there; plant passed sections of
time, and the complications that came
of any blend of love in which I fell
wondering, myself, deeply

toiling without reluctance
once envelopes saw to my habit
cold days, old fears, and limp problems
all the mistakes of upcoming years
have hastened this day

drifting issues, written away
the fitting demise of a period spent
waiting angrily earnestly suddenly guiltily;
summers, memories from a younger start,
some still halfway in sunshine

consider, therefore, this case
something finished: the perfect mistake
feeling like the wind swept in unashamed
entangled relationships, waiting afresh;
however, I hedge, suddenly
1.1k · Aug 2019
notes on self-disclosure
will19008 Aug 2019
Definitely a trouble spot
I don't usually mind sharing myself
     with others, but it is mostly in a
     superficial way

I can't say I've tried all that hard
     to improve my ability at it

I think most of my problem is
     lack of trust in most people
     I communicate with

Self-disclosure isn't easy, even
     with people I trust, but it's not
     quite as bad

Needless to say, there's a lot of room
    for improvement
Written in my EDE 352 Self/Group Processes notebook, Spring 1980; although it was 'needless to say,' I said it anyway...
1.0k · May 2019
An Ode to P. Banyascki
will19008 May 2019

My, my.

Isn't that
a pertinent
Spring 1978, and I took Intro to Philosophy because there was nothing else open.  It was there I fell in love with philosophy and developed a man-crush on Professor Paul Banyascki.  I even took Logic the next semester because it was the only other class he taught, and there I fell in love with Logic.  Philosophy was all about the "philos" for me.  Great teacher, great classes!  These words were inscribed in the margin of my ubiquitous spiral-bound notebook...
829 · Aug 2019
notes on assertiveness
will19008 Aug 2019
Assertiveness: standing up
for your own rights;
Don't infringe upon or ignore
anyone else's rights, though

It is not aggressiveness

Start with an "I" statement;
It should be descriptive, not
evaluative or condemnatory
More notes from EDE 352, Self/Group Processes, Spring 1980; apparently it was at this point in time when "aggression" became "aggressiveness"...
807 · Jul 2019
tears wait in shadows
will19008 Jul 2019
the nasty bleeding
bloodstained ******* lines

ear-piercing weeping
failed prose scribbled

to touch people’s hearts
tears wait in shadows
stories still
It's never easy to span the many distances among heart and head and language and the keyboard of my laptop.  Perhaps I should go back to paper and pencil...

I just removed the original first verse:

my fake dreams
my stupid mind monsters

I think it didn't need it.  Did it?
772 · Aug 2019
will19008 Aug 2019

Uh oh, we encountered an error making this page for you
We've been notified and will fix it asap
Seems like HP is writing poetry back to me today.  I've received this one several times this morning!
will19008 Jul 2019
fantasies and the heavens
gathered in fragile moonlight
promises brightly eager
embraced beautifully
with trembling softness

now our starving swings
creak in complicated harmonies
of misunderstood goodbyes
no final tenderness
only a teacher’s regret
To me, nothing is more plaintive than the breeze making the chains on empty swings play their discordant and melancholy tunes in the night air.
755 · Jul 2019
shrapnel herself
will19008 Jul 2019
you know that I’m badly drawn
using words and lingerie for clothes
I'm shrapnel herself
a sharing other
a changing Rapunzel
untwisting anything I use
stream me through empty people
by tenfold—and all ablaze back to you
739 · Jul 2019
of limited status
will19008 Jul 2019
Tuesday wanders
its only tangible virtue:
It isn’t Monday
668 · May 2019
streetlight postcards
will19008 May 2019
filthy whiskey
smoking asphalt alleyways
roaring ******* windowsills
shuddering stoops

midnight money
shaking subway traffic
neon red hotels
battered archangel blues

starving madness
sweet ecstatic ***
naked eyes lounging
******* harlequin ******

blemished evenings
concrete amnesia
blind hungry dreams

jukebox consciousness
bald drunken incantations
suicide waitresses
the holy pavement angel

tenement jazz
scribbling *****
screaming delight

disgorged rivers
tender moans
pure unshaven salvation
639 · Jul 2019
approaching sanctuary
will19008 Jul 2019
these perpetual winters end
in stark February glimmers
bringing incomplete spring gardens
moss, violets and waterfall spray
bathed in deafening indifference to me
here I find a calming refuge
Lord, grant me tender isolation
602 · Jun 2019
my soft endocardial things
will19008 Jun 2019
lost ardor, long hidden beneath these initial wastes
pinpointing the mines and matters, estimations and worth
your excavation operating on the surface of my bereavement
without any evaluation of its dolorous costs or the extent
of these ductile veins, rivers through our subterranean natures
your shadow requirements, eroded and befouled

now, neither my eyes nor I much love your dark
epicardial secrets, projecting deposits of debris, the chloride fragrance
of our secrets, hidden fires underground; your love, all and away
digging, mining proposed new lovers out of us both; gravels and
pain and gas; ferrous exploration; uranium reclamation anew via
caustic layers of ore and deposits of once-flowing love

alloys of dead flowers and waste form my rocks
seething into scabrous life like bantling cacti after a lover has risen
such risks always require a proportion of love be livid, recoverable;
threads of passion dissolved in the complexities of the body
grains of unconsolidated minerals evoking love and potash
yes, secret metallurgists like you pose acidic dangers
to my soft endocardial things
549 · Jun 2019
will19008 Jun 2019
where are your words
where are your words
where are your words now
548 · Jun 2019
will19008 Jun 2019
incense, fidelity and friendship
energy burnt to keep evil at bay
cleansing unwanted illness away
spells for ritual baths, hospitals
houses and graves

sacred memory, luck of the eye
oft hung to purify jealousy and love,
protecting the water of cradles and
unwanted infants, blessing your
dreams and nightmares
514 · Aug 2019
notes on self-perception
will19008 Aug 2019
I had the opportunity to hear and see myself
on video tape in my acting class, which was
quite a humbling experience

People say that you're always more critical
of yourself than others are, but I found my
voice annoying

It could have been because I was acting
(I'm not very good)

Nonetheless I've been very conscious
of my voice, so I haven't been anxious
to talk very often lately
More notes from EDE 352, Self/Group Processes, taught by my mentor, Dr Charlotte King, Spring 1980.  I remember the pain of this... Silly, isn't it?  But it still makes me cringe...
502 · Jun 2019
recipe (shredded)
will19008 Jun 2019
aromatic saute
stalks trimmed
stir additional garlic
needles of rosemary cooking
then desired pepper
& salt
simmer until

I know.
489 · May 2019
April 26
will19008 May 2019
Mom's birthday, dermatologist's appointment,
and a philosophy test on Descartes, Berkeley, Hume,
Continenetal Rationalists and British Empiricists.
(Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume)
Banyascki has on the ugliest vest I've ever seen in my life.
His hair is getting long, too. At least ⅜ of an inch. Wow. Freak.
Esse is percipi... To be is to be perceived.  Yes.
Notes in my spiral-bound Intro to Philosophy notebook on April 17, 1978, in West Chester, Pa.
478 · May 2019
Penny Loafers
will19008 May 2019
Boredom sits
heavily on our
heads.  I've never
seen so many blank
faces in my life.
He goes on and on
and on and on,
describing, hopping
from one example
to the next:
"I died in a
complex society!"
Here's a short poem written in the spiral-bound margin of my Anthropology notebook.  It describes my professor, Marshall J. Becker, a self-professed brilliant University of Pennsylvania alumnus, forced for reasons of economics to teach "worms" at a "state college."  At the end of the semester, I carried, pushed, pulled, and heaved-** his gigantic oak desk up a spiral staircase to the peak of the Old Library at then-West Chester State College on a sultry day just before finals, quite alone, by the way.  Becker was off to a sabbatical, and I was off to find some aspirin.  Thusly, this "worm" was awarded an "A" in his class--the only one!
462 · May 2019
a sleeping girl's song
will19008 May 2019
you lie sleeping as I watch
waiting for you to awaken
gazing upon your skin, your hair
as you gently wet your lips
with just the tip of your tongue

bedclothes slowly rise and fall
as you draw sleep's shallow breaths
and send them softly whispering
through the dim morning light
your fingers gently flex

subtle movements drift across your face
I want you to return to me
to see you react upon awakening
finding me so near
your eyelids quickly flutter

My lips brush lightly against your hair
I linger lazily on its scent
as your eyes begin to open, I wonder
what will I see in them
and what will you see in mine?
for my little bird
will19008 Jul 2019
Name the feeling
but first you must recognize it
for what it is, and
realize what it is

Do it fairly specifically

Even when you use
a concrete term to describe
your feeling (ex. anger)
there is a gamut, or range:
or raging mad?

This should be identified
My notes for an assignment given in EDE352, Self/Group Processes, Spring 1980, by my mentor, Dr Charlotte King.  I learned so much from her...
will19008 Jul 2019
sun and demons pour into morning
as I exhale the embers of slumber
my heart's rusted boundaries
trembling, eagerly whispering,
confessing once again a sharp thirst
for the ***** taste of violence

buildings, sidewalks
kitchens, gardens
cigarettes and souls
glorious rage and innocent flesh;
this scarred logic of mine simply
wants to lash out, to harm
and it stinks of insanity

toast and a crisp suit: my disguise
imaginary fantasies, secret and angry
form in this melancholy, useless routine
something is missing— constantly —
but tomorrow may deal me
a more hopeful hand
Written for those I know whose anger about something--anything--is always held in.  They go home and kick the dog, metaphorically speaking, but it slowly wears them away...
358 · Jul 2019
breathless messages
will19008 Jul 2019
a tough emptiness
reflecting yesterday
and a bedroom display

fallen rhymes,
fashions drenched
in a shock season

trapped and choking
bright pop feathers
shattered *******

biting sister voices
of candy compassion
and loving destruction

surrounding skin with
exact negative cuts
and positive kills

destroying warm daddy,
yearning for mommy
privately bruised

jaws smiling forgiveness
spreading ****** tales of
powerful emotion
350 · Jul 2019
and still we touch
will19008 Jul 2019
and still we touch
like a sensual guess
surprisingly harmful fingers
far too heavy a closeness
anxieties unspoken

uncomfortable night out
street signs and cold burns
a drunk riddled with
people’s cigarettes
and unknown prayers

chemicals and friends
now objectively drinking
our wet suicidal research
every cold sparkling dash
made someone squish

intimacy, desensitized
remembering closeness
we shrug, nickname photos
lonely breaths interacting
no longer dreaming
In consideration of those times when the relationship is over, but the evenings and nights together still go on...
335 · Jul 2019
September ago
will19008 Jul 2019
hoarding paper coffee
cups and dusty trust

tangled affection in
foolish bluish knots

hungry wandering and
pale-cut bittersweet tea

shadow mazes, vines and
winter's milky weeds
331 · Jun 2019
green tea at dawn
will19008 Jun 2019
silhouetted birds
pierce the sunrise
like black darts
etching lines across
the blue and gold
of dawn
305 · May 2019
semesters revisited
will19008 May 2019
Somehow people could grow and go

and move happily among inspiring college friends

Literature, professors, winter love, everyone’s camaraderie—

sometimes wondering to myself if I really belonged

Now I'm feeling like becoming

the same person I was on campus, being the same again

Would that be a fine change to close out my life?

Then would I have to think anymore?
Composed today, thinking of Jen and her halcyon days.
301 · Jun 2019
into the light of day
will19008 Jun 2019
don’t hide from love — go outside and touch its face
don’t lock yourself — inside this raw and heartless place
and when you’ve healed — and all our blood has washed away
take your broken dreams outside — into the light of day

you love the light — yet darkness choked your soul
don’t dread the night — go walk your grievous, lonesome road
and when you’ve healed — and the scars all fade away
walk outside and feel — sunlight comforting your face

you’ll find someone — who’ll share your point of view
then you’ll walk far — along the lanes that we once knew
and when you’ve healed — the vicious pain kept finally at bay
you’ll feel our time dissolve — into the light of day
Lyrics of mine from another ancient song, over twenty years old, yet the pain sometimes still feels fresh.
300 · Jul 2019
defuse the anger
will19008 Jul 2019
If you feel you are in any way at fault,
admit it.
287 · Feb 2020
my wishes
will19008 Feb 2020
I wish I understood what's going on

[no reply]

I wish I understood the meaning behind what you write

[no reply]

I wish I understood what you're not writing

[no reply]

I wish... never mind

now I get it
If wishes were horses we all would ride...
286 · Jul 2019
mock the jealous night
will19008 Jul 2019
mock the jealous night
and show me new joys
bind this truth together with me
you know faith far better, my sweet love,
than I, this blessed slave possessed

so calm my fiery heart
and feed my lips your scent
while the evening plays its tepid song—
hold me trembling against this ancient darkness
even as you devise your inexorable pursuit
280 · May 2019
five white linen echoes
will19008 May 2019
empty, obsessive longing

faded, naked pain

benevolent ashes

an ineffably flawed fool

trembling, once-shattered bones
276 · Jun 2019
overlooked hearts
will19008 Jun 2019
yesterday’s hungry smiles
carry divine ripened comfort
perfect lines—always—perfect
where those familiar sounds
merely whisper

draw locks onto memories
embrace soft autumn-worn help
racing then beside bruise-sore dawns
seen in everlasting looking-glasses
a chance to cry

the same daydreams pass
and sleepy overlooked hearts
ebb among overly scabrous breezes
borrowed labors lost
bitterly calling

unlit golden trees
rent, fallen away from warmth
shaped by these crimson hungers
lifting our fine new hearts
and rising desires
273 · Jun 2019
sensational dark eyes
will19008 Jun 2019
sensational dark eyes
and your smooth scent
behind cool, twisted silk
palpably warm pressures
struggling hypnotically across
bedroom walls and blurred wrists
lips glow silently, close in the dark
ridges flicker across edges of umber
shadows test the viscous, paraffin light
against my throat, your smooth scent and
sensational dark eyes
270 · Jun 2019
hostile self-revelations
will19008 Jun 2019
enmeshed growth, mirrored love
bottomless new negative behaviors
old sourly hostile interactions
that one happily relies upon:
the consequence of our icy distrust

truly sorry about being in conflict
complex situations deteriorate still
discontented and sheltered by nothing
my will corrosive, my promise blinding
acute hunger for love sensually expressed
269 · Jun 2019
whispers from her dark side
will19008 Jun 2019
Be like me and then I’ll be like you
You could do all the things that I do
Who gives a **** what you could be
when I’m giving you a chance to be like me?
A chance to be like me!

So, come on get in this cage, little girl
Come on get in this cage, little girl
Be more like me…
It’s all the rage

Her echoing screams don’t convince her
until she feels her fists and forearms splinter
Oh, she’ll soon give up all the struggle
when she finally realizes being like me
is so much less trouble
so much less trouble

So, stop pounding on that cage, little girl
Stop pounding on that cage, little girl
Be more like me…
It’s all the rage

Ha! Bite you lip until it bleeds
Scratch until your nails break
My whispers are as soft and moist
as a pillow on your face
Stop that muffled wailing
so I can tell you who you are
Yes, you can finally fit in, girl
when you’re gone without a trace
Be more like me…
I’ll set you free

You face and body look so thin
I don’t really want to lock you in
You’d be so refreshed, you’d feel so new
if you would just stop being so much like you
so very much like you

So, swallow all that rage, little girl
Stop rattling your cage, little girl
There’s no more battle to be waged, little girl
You’re just going through a stage, little girl
You really should act your age, little girl
Now be quiet in that cage, little girl
Be more like me…
It’s all the rage
oh, yes, it’s all the rage!
Written for a friend and lover who had felt (and was still feeling) all of the pressure families and society place on women to conform and didn't always know how deal with her emotional response to it all...
268 · Jun 2019
buried roses waiting
will19008 Jun 2019
shouldn’t a graveyard,
awaiting our most fearful memories, embalm
all that may necessarily bloom?

in that cemetery, never spoken
all becomes flawed and slippery memory
with hope poisoning the vines

find these buried roses waiting
necessarily venomous, always waiting
reckoning with the chaos

buried wholly, suspended perfectly
seldom deemed worthy, seldom betaken
now signifying nothing
will19008 Jul 2019
you exist as my essential delight
our desires felt according to our instinct
already just inside

every favorite imprisoned minute
became free momentous lost hours alone
within our moans

our bodies exchanging naked positions
what speed!  you, freely obey my coming
that pleasurable feel

awakened bodies, insomniac, seizing dawn
together, seduction deep in the long morning
our duvets intertwining
in sweaty satisfaction
261 · May 2019
burning water
will19008 May 2019
Oh, listen —
and forget forever
we’ll wink at wonders
giggle near hopeful windows
carrying falling light and
in recovery, devouring the air

Oh, listen —
papers so lean at midnight
messages of delight without strokes
open and trying insatiably
soaring—with courageous flex—they break!
now behind us, burning water
255 · Jul 2019
twilight angel
will19008 Jul 2019
engulfed in curious urgency
legs parted and lips needful
yearning tongues
and sweetly innocent silk

wrapped in precious essence
burning veins, crimson mysteries
and shattering ripples—
an unheard chorus
of flesh
241 · Jun 2019
dark birds
will19008 Jun 2019
bound, dark birds cannot speak
or move, but are mated together,
wounded, yet glowing still within;
memory finds forgiveness, child,
in each cherished haven lost

only the blessed have been lovers;
without someone to listen, unheard,
real shelter and warmth, yet ungiven;
relentless endings and losses beget
new voices rich in mourning
237 · Jun 2019
bars and broken windows
will19008 Jun 2019
drunks and women, napkins and pencils
remote bartenders unscrewing rivers of cheap grape
blue moonlight cafés, bars and broken windows

a pretty waitress and coffee, ashes and fear
aging liquor, layers of dust, and a little ***** beer
lonely shifting curtains and my own used bed

crackling radio and comfortless poetic ***
these naked fingernails sneaking into dry pockets
cigarettes, sadness, and a cold wet towel
233 · Jun 2019
will19008 Jun 2019
cocoons as windows
disguised as tea, disguised as silk
that protective solid, a one-way order
no outside touch

outside, morning
organs *****, larval, the sticky crevice
recalled from leafy fluids
making sin from sin

corroded sins
untouched, unwatched, remain concealed
remain in another forgotten cocoon
yet they still yield silk

another silk
of morning sweaters, coarctate, twig solid
offering cocoons of another casing
another skin, another order

resisting order, reminiscent
hard, evolving, exarate, growing teeth
to touch and tear at exoskeletons
another fluid appetite

cocoons and fluids
the remains of caterpillars and wings
every secret allowed, accumulating effort
and one-way mourning

morning as a window
mesh-like, yet opaque, and exquisitely final
morning: everything to the cocoon!
I facilitate my order
232 · Jul 2019
I wonder if they’re tears
will19008 Jul 2019
It seems to me we lived a dream
and like any dream, I feared we would awake
I wonder if we ever would have learned to love
if only we’d known just what we had at stake

It seems to me we had it all
and foolishly we let it slip away
but there’s never any guarantee that love,
when it appears, is ever really here to stay

     Sometimes I hear you in the distance crying
     —howling and calling out my name
     and with such a raging storm upon your lips
     I wonder if they’re tears
     or is it rain?

     Lord, let it wash away these memories
     no matter if they’re tears
     or if it’s rain

It seems to me I always find
your beauty rests securely in my mind
and the love we shared still clings to me
and memories we tried to leave behind

It seems to me that we might find
our paths may cross somewhere down the line
When your eyes meet mine will I still see
feelings that still linger after all this time?

     Sometimes I hear you in the distance crying
     —howling and calling out my name
     and with such a raging storm upon your lips
     I wonder if they’re tears
     or is it rain?

     Lord, let it wash away these memories
     no matter if they’re tears
     or if it’s rain
An original song, about 20 years of age, that always seemed too long to me and too adolescent.  I was no heartbroken kid, though...
228 · Jul 2019
will19008 Jul 2019
she suddenly died last night
her clothes are still there
her purse
her toiletries
all her things left upstairs
those the things that make a home
fixed in my memory

she suddenly died last night
nothing reminds me more
our dreams
our experiences
all those unsettled times
maybe she should have left a note
or one more memory
227 · May 2019
Ennui # 3
will19008 May 2019
Fiddles with ring --
Taking notes underneath
her notebook today
like crazy --
Is not in her
standard body position --
Not watching speakers today --
Waves her hands when she speaks --
Rolls her finger --
Not staring today --
She smiled.
Notes on a fellow student, Gail, during another exceedingly boring Self and Group Processes class, Spring 1980. A small group class, we sat in a circle with our notebooks and readings discussing intra- and interpersonal processes.
224 · Jan 2020
The Exchange
will19008 Jan 2020
The Question
Just out of curiosity:
How do you picture your perfect life?

The Reply
I gave this a lot of thought last night
I guess in the most basic sense:

everyone I love is near me
If so, check that box next to "Perfect."  And in the most basic sense, then, I'm very happy for you...
222 · Aug 2019
notes on warmth
will19008 Aug 2019
warmth: a non-verbal communication skill

a way of communicating to another person
how much you like, love, respect them

it can also be expressed verbally

these must match--verbal communication
must be supported by your non-verbal
Notes on warmth from EDE 352, Self/Group Processes, Spring 1980
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