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Curiosity perhaps killed many a cat
For a cat it is an inquisitive brat

It could rummage through anything even your ******* trash
Tabby may spring on dinner table and cutlery may crash

Famous might be a cat for those famed nine lives
but not much help is that if in every danger it dives!

Its feline curiosity to crash-land it in trouble
for it tends to explore every kind of rubble.

The catty **** likes a fight and a wild-goose-chase.
Forever looking forward to amuse and amaze?

In a cat basket he's likely to be struck with ennui
Perhaps his caretaker thought only of his fengshui?

His meowing and hissing resonates in the valley
as he tussles with many rival cats in the alley

Mr. Tom cat thinks most females are saucy
but with them he acts in a way quite bossy

Wild and rough, with macho feral pride
I watch you tease and taunt in your typical stride.

No way is he kitty soft paws
Mr. Tomcat sure has the sharpest claws.

Tomcat ate the fishy leftover pudding & fish pie
and kissed the feline females and made them cry.

But my fav is my own cutie darling so soft
even if she may raid the larder and loft that's aloft .

A fun poem over the hols inspired by cats I have and watched
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Tanisha Jackland
She Comes.

By way of storm.

the waters winding
in a fury of death.

And She. is painting
the sky


For now.
You have been warned take heed everybody...reduce your carbon footprint as much as you can.
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Luna Pan
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Luna Pan
i left my youth in aegean
made a trade with apollo
he said "you will be haunted by this summer 'till the day you die"

sirens, wines, sun-kissed cheeks
i laid my sunburnt face to your chest
made a trade with you
i said "this is the only time we will have for the rest of our lives"

horizons, seashells, sands
made a trade with aphrodite
we lied down on beach in the full moon laughing on wine
you said "i will never be as this young and in love as i am in this summer evening"
i left my heart in aegean
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
guy scutellaro
the average cost of a funeral is

death is unaffordable for me

put me in  big oblong cardboard box

2 feet by 3 feet by 6 feet

packing list enclosed

fragile (not really)
      please handle with care

keep upright



send me to the
grande vide

postage due
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Chris Saitta
In our love for the wind and all that passes,
Each smote of self, a wisp of loss and absence,
Like the snow pendulous slips over last grasses,
In the glow of the lamppost and unholding fences:
So too the thousand-grains of breath
Blow through our bodies’ incandescence,
And in the starlit-smoke from the dragon's mouth
On wings of filth swirl the bone-edge of death.
Es menester que vengas,
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho,
y torno a ser el hombre abandonado
que antaño fui, mujer, y tengo miedo.

¡Qué sabia dirección la de tus manos!
¡Qué alta luz la de tus ojos negros!
Trabajar a tu lado, ¡qué alegría!;
descansar a tu lado, ¡qué sosiego!

Desde que tú no estás no sé cómo andan
las horas de comer y las del sueño,
siempre de mal humor y fatigado,
ni abro los libros ya, ni escribo versos.

Algunas estrofillas se me ocurren
e indiferente, al aire las entrego.
Nadie cambia mi pluma si está vieja
ni pone tinta fresca en el tintero,
un polvillo sutil cubre los muebles
y el agua se ha podrido en los floreros.

No tienen para mí ningún encanto
a no ser los marchitos del recuerdo,
los amables rincones de la casa,
y ni salgo al jardín, ni voy al huerto.
Y eso que una violenta Primavera
ha encendido las rosas en los cercos
y ha puesto tantas hojas en los árboles
que encontrarías el jardín pequeño.

Hay lilas de suavísimos matices
y pensamientos de hondo terciopelo,
pero yo paso al lado de las flores
caída la cabeza sobre el pecho,
que hasta las flores me parecen ásperas
acostumbrado a acariciar tu cuerpo.

Me consumo de amor inútilmente
en el antiguo, torneado lecho,
en vano estiro mis delgados brazos,
tan sólo estrujo sombras en mis dedos...

Es menester que vengas;
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho.
Ya sabes que sin ti no valgo nada,
que soy como una viña por el suelo,
¡álzame dulcemente con tus manos
y brillarán al sol racimos nuevos.
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Edmund black
It is a fallacy that
a poet never dies
Because truth remains
Words soon falls a
                             ­      r
  Like everything else in this world                            t

Eventually fades a
                     ­                       a
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