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 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Eshwara Prasad
I initially didn't understand what you said, but after a while I realised it was measured. It now seems excessive.
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Every life is precious, every life is good.
Yours, mine, her, his. Yellow, brown, black,
brown. Eyes slanted, eyes round. Tall, short.
slim, rotund. Healthy, sick, disabled. LBGTQ.
Living or dying. Rich, poor, anywhere in between.
Educated, illiterate, brilliant or dim-witted.
All need food, housing, healthcare. All need
clean water and air. All have a heart. And all
need love. Everyone needs love.

 Mar 2023 Eloisa
don't waste it
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
don't fix your stare
on bars before the
shooting stars

it won't last forever
watch just as much
as you can

there's so much more in the far away little
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
midnight dark
is my true love’s kiss
of clove and citrus scented

cradled in the subtle
woven voices
of the conspiratorial night wind

soft as the silver-blue
edges of light
cast from nocturnal lanterns

sharing in silent thunder
secrets held in coffers
of crimson jade

blazing with the vibrance
of constellations
blown before celestial storms

full as skyward Luna
rounded and buxom
heavy with desire

veiling my worldly sight
so her truth can pierce me

blinding me
that I may see
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Ken Pepiton
Old wine, sometimes, has been
vinegar, a while.
On opening, one learns, they say.

It's good
for cleaning windows, and lenses.
- but we'd better let the next
- jug of that vintage go to auction

New wine. Make glad the heart,
workers in the vineyard, laughing tired,
sugar high burned out, say hey, boss,
why don't you hire more hands,

eleventh hour hordes appear, as they
by right of the lateness, are  payed
a whole day's wage.

And that's alright now, momma,
nobody cheated me, I worked all day,
took my pay.

And it is,
very good, if I may say
so now,
Life is short, but filled
with instances, infinite instants
in some state
of methodic mental ascent.

And that's alright now, momma,
nobody cheated me, I worked all day,
took my pay.

We got plenty,
we have confirmed,
as is, to up and hit the road,
go boldly old into this cold night.
Dust bowl radical mindset,  good for... sweeping generalizations
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Amanda Shelton
Everyone is capable of being
a victim it doesn’t matter what
color, gender, size or lifestyle.

We are all human beings.

People who claim men are
not capable of being a victim
are abusive and they are guilty
not men.

Also, no means no,
silence means no,
walking away means no,
its stalking if you follow someone
after they said no or didn’t engage

Just because they spoke to you
doesn’t make them your partner
or friend.

If you want a partner don’t be a
creeping stalker.

If you don’t get the point you should
go away and stop making excuses
for your abuses. Take responsibility!

People need to be honest and
educated so we can fight the abuse
and win.

Free the victim and
give them a path to survival.

Don’t be silent about abuse.

Be loud and proud to speak the truth.

Everyone deserves the same respect.

“Love is acceptance and success
because it helps build societies
so be kind to each other and
humanity will thrive.” ❤

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
Love is love ❤️ Hate is death and dangerous 💔
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Thomas W Case
She is my unopened
my box of regrets,
the locked door;
the letter without
a stamp.

I'm a
flower without
A fish on the
I'm a lame dog,
and the gray in
a beard.
I'm an
albatross on a
gray sky,
a ship lost
at sea.
I'm the unanswered
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