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Es menester que vengas,
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho,
y torno a ser el hombre abandonado
que antaño fui, mujer, y tengo miedo.

¡Qué sabia dirección la de tus manos!
¡Qué alta luz la de tus ojos negros!
Trabajar a tu lado, ¡qué alegría!;
descansar a tu lado, ¡qué sosiego!

Desde que tú no estás no sé cómo andan
las horas de comer y las del sueño,
siempre de mal humor y fatigado,
ni abro los libros ya, ni escribo versos.

Algunas estrofillas se me ocurren
e indiferente, al aire las entrego.
Nadie cambia mi pluma si está vieja
ni pone tinta fresca en el tintero,
un polvillo sutil cubre los muebles
y el agua se ha podrido en los floreros.

No tienen para mí ningún encanto
a no ser los marchitos del recuerdo,
los amables rincones de la casa,
y ni salgo al jardín, ni voy al huerto.
Y eso que una violenta Primavera
ha encendido las rosas en los cercos
y ha puesto tantas hojas en los árboles
que encontrarías el jardín pequeño.

Hay lilas de suavísimos matices
y pensamientos de hondo terciopelo,
pero yo paso al lado de las flores
caída la cabeza sobre el pecho,
que hasta las flores me parecen ásperas
acostumbrado a acariciar tu cuerpo.

Me consumo de amor inútilmente
en el antiguo, torneado lecho,
en vano estiro mis delgados brazos,
tan sólo estrujo sombras en mis dedos...

Es menester que vengas;
mi vida, con tu ausencia, se ha deshecho.
Ya sabes que sin ti no valgo nada,
que soy como una viña por el suelo,
¡álzame dulcemente con tus manos
y brillarán al sol racimos nuevos.
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Edmund black
It is a fallacy that
a poet never dies
Because truth remains
Words soon falls a
                             ­      r
  Like everything else in this world                            t

Eventually fades a
                     ­                       a
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Eshwara Prasad
I initially didn't understand what you said, but after a while I realised it was measured. It now seems excessive.
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Every life is precious, every life is good.
Yours, mine, her, his. Yellow, brown, black,
brown. Eyes slanted, eyes round. Tall, short.
slim, rotund. Healthy, sick, disabled. LBGTQ.
Living or dying. Rich, poor, anywhere in between.
Educated, illiterate, brilliant or dim-witted.
All need food, housing, healthcare. All need
clean water and air. All have a heart. And all
need love. Everyone needs love.

 Mar 2023 Eloisa
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
midnight dark
is my true love’s kiss
of clove and citrus scented

cradled in the subtle
woven voices
of the conspiratorial night wind

soft as the silver-blue
edges of light
cast from nocturnal lanterns

sharing in silent thunder
secrets held in coffers
of crimson jade

blazing with the vibrance
of constellations
blown before celestial storms

full as skyward Luna
rounded and buxom
heavy with desire

veiling my worldly sight
so her truth can pierce me

blinding me
that I may see
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Ken Pepiton
Old wine, sometimes, has been
vinegar, a while.
On opening, one learns, they say.

It's good
for cleaning windows, and lenses.
- but we'd better let the next
- jug of that vintage go to auction

New wine. Make glad the heart,
workers in the vineyard, laughing tired,
sugar high burned out, say hey, boss,
why don't you hire more hands,

eleventh hour hordes appear, as they
by right of the lateness, are  payed
a whole day's wage.

And that's alright now, momma,
nobody cheated me, I worked all day,
took my pay.

And it is,
very good, if I may say
so now,
Life is short, but filled
with instances, infinite instants
in some state
of methodic mental ascent.

And that's alright now, momma,
nobody cheated me, I worked all day,
took my pay.

We got plenty,
we have confirmed,
as is, to up and hit the road,
go boldly old into this cold night.
Dust bowl radical mindset,  good for... sweeping generalizations
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