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Nov 2018 · 117
There is a guy.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
There is a guy
A limerick
There is a guy from sunny Queensland.
Who trod on a kangaroos feet and
Before he could run
The roo grabbed his gun
Before he could call a policeman.
Another silly rhyme
Written by Philip.
November 27th. 2018.
A silly limerick.... Just as important as an epic poem which few people bother to read.
Nov 2018 · 337
Sea Eagles.... A Limerick
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Sea Eagles. A limerick

Some Sea Eagles that I know nearby
Backwards and forwards these birds do fly
Their nests in a tree
And so close to me.
The wonders of nature so  defined.
Written by Philip
November 27th 2018.
The beauty of a nest building Sea Eagle.
Nov 2018 · 141
There is a light.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
There is a light.
There is a light
Holistic and somewhat very spiritual
Ethereal in many ways and in God’s spirit
Relationships are being made from day to day
Ever wide are my circles of friends gathering

I am for sure now in a paradise with a purpose
Surrounded by the loves of my fellow men

And the sympathy of many women of grace

Light is definitely at the end of my tunnel
I can see it now and I have I am blessed
God’s good grace and spirit surrounds me
Having been through dark dark days
There is a light. Oh God there is a light.
Written by Philip
November 27th 2018.
There is a light at the end of a tunnel of darkness
Nov 2018 · 96
This is so tough .
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
This is so tough. ~An Acrostic
This is so tough.
Having spent another lonely day
In living without my Darling girl.
Simply I have to say “I miss you Baby”

I can not care if my words fail to rhyme
See me as I walk around our favourite park

Sitting on the bench beside the lake
Oh I can hardly write for tears in my eyes

Tough as I am. I’m emotionally involved.
Oh people say that I’ll get over it sometime
Usually folk deal with death in many ways.
God knows I did my best to keep you alive.
Heaven is your home .Wishing I could join you.

Written by Philip
November 11th 2018
Loneliness of mourning
Nov 2018 · 153
Four Fighters.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Four fighters
Four fighters on opposite sides.
With brave and just causes to fight.
Scared of each other
Ran straight to mother
On the very first order to fire.
Written by Philip November 27th 2018.
Four brave fighters
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Worst part of loneliness is being without you
Worst part of loneliness is being without you.
On most days I can fill my life with something
Rather than nothing or feeling sorry for myself
Sorry that now my Darling has gone pain free
Trouble is that we thought we’d live forever

Pausing seldom to think of a reality of ageing
Ageing is deadly. Parts wear out and die off
Reality dawns on us too late. Missed the bus
Typically missed spent youth comes to haunt

On those occasions when tobacco was king
From that day on. The fuse had been lit.

Loneliness now is your legacy to me as I lay
On those days in Queensland when it pours
Never in small droplets. No it really rains. !!  
Engulfing the storm drains and rivers n lakes
Like the whole heavens are crying “She’s gone
I ache from the loneliness. I am so missing you
Now I appear to the outside world I cope well
Every holistic solution know to man do I try
So many all the days of the week do I count
Some say they are a great remedy for grief

I argue not ,I think this does work well for me
So in my opinion the loneliness is the worst

Because you were always there to praise me
Exciting my day by your loving exclamation
I love you my darling , I love you , do you know
No doubt in our minds. We loved each other.
God knows how long he plans for me to suffer

Worst part of loneliness is being without you.
I start my day with a sort of positive stance.
Thinking I know exactly what’s in store today.
Having logged all appointments methodically
Only I do it alone. So very alone , very alone.
Unless I come to grips with this I’ll be very sad
Though I hate the loneliness this without you.

You my darling meant so very much to me.
Only through the tribute do I place thoughts
Unnecessary for anyone but you to hear.

Written by Philip. 12 th October 2018.
It’s getting easier at November 26th 2018
With the aid of Gods guidance and Poetry
Worst part of loneliness is being without you
Nov 2018 · 418
A man called Crow.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A personal limerick.

There is a handsome man I call Crow.
Who most poets definitely know
He spends all his time
Composing his rhyme
Which is why we are here ,I suppose.
Written by Philip.
In tribute. November 26th 2018.
A personal limerick
Nov 2018 · 2.0k
A man from Darjeeling.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Anonymous 56

There was an old man from Darjeeling
Who boarded a bus bound for Ealing.
He saw on the door,
“ Please don’t spit on the floor’
So he stood up and spat on the ceiling.
Posted November 27th 2018.
Notes on a man from Darjeeling
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
There once was a poet of Alex
Who’s now collecting philatelic
The Stamps that he owns
Would make his wife grown
She banishes him to the attic
Written by Philip
November 25th 2018.
Recently started a stamp collection
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
An anonymous limerick
From the 1930’s.

There was a young woman called Starkie  .
Who had an affair with a darky.
The result of her sins.
Was quadruplets not twins.
One black and one white and two khaki .

With apologies for being derogatory Philip.
Posted November. 25th 2018.
There was a young woman called Starkie
Nov 2018 · 167
A historical limerick
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A British rock star that we all know
Passing water on the Alamo
Biting heads off bats .
Why did he do that ?
Yet the USA they love him so.
Written by Philip.
November 25th 2018
From the dark days of 2003.  Ossie Osborne’s tour of America
Nov 2018 · 165
I am a poet.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A limerick (3)
I am a poet.
I am a poet who loves his Queen
She loves him, do you know what I mean?
From dawn until dusk
Linked hearts in their trust
Forever and each year in between

Written by Philip.
November 25th 2018.
A limerick of love
Nov 2018 · 170
When you wish upon a star.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
When you wish upon a star.
When you wish upon a star
Have you any Idea where it goes ?
Express ... it goes express into the cosmos
Naturally it’s a secret wish. Not seen on FB

You can never see it on that Twitter thing
Or in graffiti painted beautifully on walls
Under tunnels or on the sides of rail trucks

When you wish upon a star.
I happen to know that the fairies in the garden
Secretly leave their home in a pumpkin patch
Hail up the nearest Angel Michael or Gabriel

Under cover of the large cabbage daddy grew
Pops said wish into a magic red velvet bag
Off it goes with Michael or Gabriel up in space
Now when you wish upon a star.

And you find that all your dreams come true.

Simply get down upon you knees and pray.
To thank God for all his blessings this Xmas
And spare a thought for all the children
Round the world who are contented with life.

Written by Philip.
November 24th 2018.
When you wish upon a star
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A limerick.
There was a young lady of Riga
Who went for a ride on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside.
And a smile on the face of the tiger.
Remembering from school.
Posted by Philip. November 24th 2018
A young lady of Riga
Nov 2018 · 678
Queen Victoria of Lorraine.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Queen Victoria of Lorraine.

Queen Victoria of Lorraine.
Ultimately the Queen of my heart
Established on our first meeting
Equipping me to know my life’s quest
Never doubting that she was the one

Victoria of Lorraine allow me to rescue you
Imagine if our minds had not been entwined
Can you not believe that my task on earth
To rescue you from out of the Castle prison
Over years a prisoner of circumstance
Realising things could have and should have
Inasmuch like the stories Daddy read you.
As the handsome prince set out to rescue you

Loading his horse with all the weapons needed
On a crusade to fight the dragons of the bush
Rejecting you then locking you away for spite.
Relax I am coming for you my beautiful Queen
Attending to all the doubts and stupidity of life
I intend to do whatever I have to do on my way
Never doubt me. You will be rescued my dear
Eventually and will live “Happily ever after “

Written by Philip
November 24th 2018.
A story of Queen Victoria of Lorraine
Nov 2018 · 150
You are my constant focus.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
You are my constant focus.
You are my constant focus
Oh I want you in my life.
Understand that you are loved.

And not just by family and friends
Reflecting what you look for in a man
Eventually I will take aboard all you need

Magical feelings abound in me when we talk
You are my constant focus

Chronicle the days since we met as proof
Only we have to recognise this in real time
Not as some romantically induced dream
Simply I have to say we have chemistry
The chemistry that if mixed in proportions
A day,a week , a month , a year at a time
Naturally our love will grow and grow
Thus becoming the perfect relationship

For you are my constant focus
Oh I want you in my life.
Carefully I shall cultivate your love
Understanding all that you want from me.
Satisfying each n every need we ever have.

Written by Philip
You are my constant focus
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
If you can’t say something nice. Say nothing.
If you can’t say anything nice  . Say nothing.
Fortunately I’ve been told I’ve a silver tongue

You would not believe me if I told you but
Only people with silver tongues never offend
Usually they are clever enough to be kind

Clever in the way they talk , the right words
Are coming out of their beautiful mouths
Now I have been told I have a beautiful mouth
That was long ago and I think that man lied

See he was the one who taught Me English
And he was just saying this to be nice
Yes he said “If you can’t say anything nice”

Say nothing. So I said nothing n I had lots Say.
Only I was inhibited not saying anything nice
My phobia grew so I learnt poetry by heart
Eventually speaking in only pure rhyme
The people could see I was different
Having no malice against anyone at all.
I never would gossip, never sand-bag anyone
Never take part in character assassination
Give false witness, commit perjury or lie

No I would say nothing if it were not nice.
I found that if I only said the good things
Comfort them when the were feeling down
Eventually they thought that I was a liar.

See a liar needs everyone else to be truthful
And I could only say nice things or nothing
You know how they told you that if you did

Nothing , the devil would make work for you
Or you would be given a silver tongue
Then with a silver tongue you’d be a poet.
Having learnt all those poems and been nice
I wandered the earth reciting poems by heart
Now my days are filled with guiding God.
God then inspires all poets to write only in
                PRAISE. With kind regards.

Written by Philip.
November 23rd 2018.
If you can’t say something nice then say nothing
Nov 2018 · 9.1k
Positive positivity
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Positive positivity
Positive positivity
Oh having experience of negativity
So you lift yourself into positivity
In moving ‘tis the only way to go
The road into positivity,straight and true
In marking out the presence quality
Virtually confident in everything I do
Especially in a poetic way of life.

Positive positivity
Oh no ! Is a word I never wish to use.
Simple positive thoughts, repairs all
If you’re feeling down , think positive.
Think how, and thank your lucky stars
I had in equal measure , good and bad
Very soon I forget the bad it fails to exist.
In a wink of an eye, I’m wholly positive
The luckiest man alive because of love.
Your Love, darling , keeps me positive.
Written by Philip November 23rd. 2018
Positive positivity
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
The limerick.
Is an Irish rhyme from the 18th Century’s
When the Irish was fighting in France  for the English. It consists of five lines.
With a syllable pattern of 9,9.5,5,9.
With a rhyming pattern.  a,a,b,b,a.

An example.

There is a young lady in Dallas,
Who remarkably lives in a palace.
Inspired she is.
To drink lemon fizz.
With her Muse an able accomplice

Written by Philip.
November 23rd 2018.
The limerick is a simple five line poem
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Perhaps it may take a while to wake up
Perhaps you may never sleep and dream
Relaxation’s funny thing.You can or you can’t
Ever mounting stressful situations blight a day
Coming to hauntingly appear all thru the night
I try to memorise a favourite poem by heart
Appreciate the simple gift of inspiration then
The rhythms of that favourite will give tempo.
Eventually the tempo will give the inspiration

Tempos will give you the medleys in your head.
Head becomes a power housing for the brain
Establish then that white light in the centre

So relax into a meditative state of mind.
I appreciate the simple gift of inspiration
Meditation holds the key it links you with all
Poets of the bygone ages that you’ve read.
Like a spark of genius , you’ve come alive
Eventually you may write fifty lines of poetry

God given inspired poetry and it rhymes
In the space of a few minutes a masterpiece
Fortunately the simple gift of inspiration is free
The freedom that you hold is a key to the city

On certain good days it is the key to Xanadu.
For do you remember the dome of Kubla Khan

In Seventeen ninety seven the poet Coleridge
Noting his poem from a drug induced dream
Simply wrote this epic poem. But lost half a
Poem when a person from Porlock knocked
And interrupted the genius and he forgot lines
Reiterating the old saying dream and not make
A dream your master , think and not make
Thoughts your aim, to meet with triumph and
In disaster, treat the two imposters the same!
Onymous with the simple gift of inspiration
Never anonymous be forever simply proud.

Inspired by Philip.
Written November 22nd 2018.
See what happens when you stock up on inspiration
Nov 2018 · 207
May I share with you ?
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
May I share with you ?
This simple Haiku

May I share with you?
This uplifting poetry
With me all my life.

From Memory my favourite poem by Rudyard Kipling. “IF”.

If you can keep your head when all about you Are loosing there’s and blaming you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you ,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about ,don’t deal in lies.
Or being hated ,don’t give way to hating ,
And yet don’t look too good ,nor talk too wise.

If you can dream ~and not make dreams your master ,
If you can think ~ and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to ,broken.
And stoop and build them up with worn out tools.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch and toss,
And loose ,and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the will which says to them “Hold on “

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
Or walk with kings~ nor loose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you ,
If all men count with you , but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds worth of distance run
Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it ,
And  -which is more- you’ll be a Man,my son !
Now my father and mother gave me a copy of this poem when I was about 10.
I have tried to tick all these boxes ever since.
It may seem a little old fashioned now as it was written about 110  years ago.
It’s always helped me.
I needed each and every virtue today.
Sharing poetry.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Past predictions are a symptom of future ones
Past predictions are a symptom of future ones.
And I know that this must sound so confusing
So much so that I am obliged to discuss this.
That if you analyse a word like forecasting

Planet location based upon their position
Relative to the other planets in The cosmos
Really at any given time we call a Horoscope
Diligently many folks eagerly read their own
In that the symptoms that they display daily
Conscientious or without provocation typically
Typically in line with their signs of the Zodiac
It being an imaginary band representing
On the celestial sphere the planetary paths
Naturally divided into twelve signs or sections
So twelve sections all related to a constellation

All are symptoms of future predictions. ***.
Realise this and you realise we have little
Effective control over our own lives. ***

And in that case we are puppets of fate.

Signs of the Zodiac, the date , time born etc.
You only need to study numerology to know.
Many is the time when your life is predictable
Prophets and tarot card readings will say all
To some folk that may seem gobbledygook
Or others will agree that it was absolutely true
My prediction is that there is An Almighty

On that fact I have never had a doubt.
For weather you are born under the sign

For Capricorn, Aquarius,Pisces or Aries
Under these four star signs predictions made
Taurus , Gemini, Cancer or Leo the Lion.
Unless you take note and keep wits about.
Reputable sages and soothsayers all agree
Expounding the virtues of Virgo the ******.

On being more than just a great airline.
Now Libra keeps the balance twixt all.
Exactly as Scorpio and Sagittarius support.
So know that your life is written. IN THE STARS

And written by Philip
November 22nd 2018.
Past predictions are a symptom of future ones
Nov 2018 · 104
Can’t buy me Love.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Can’t buy me Love.
Can’t buy me Love
And why do you think that is ?
No amount of money is enough.
To me money cannot buy you happiness

Because love holds the key to everything
Unless you have LOVE and the hunger to build
Your lives together in love would be wasted.

Maintaining that love for each other is crucial
Even though grass may be greener elsewhere

Love is the key , never forget , money is a fuel
Oh you can maintain love on an empty tank.
Very many people absolutely know this is true
Every lover tells me this and I say this to you. !
Written by Philip.
November 21st 2018.
Can’t buy me Love.
Nov 2018 · 88
Paperback writer
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Paperback writer.
Paperback writer.
Are you truely proud of all that prose ?
Perhaps you only produced it for the money
Exactly it was just to pay for the kids school
Reactivating the demands of publishers
Because they thought you’d something to say
And since then you have really struggled
Can that inspiration perpetuate day on day ?
Know now the block that many writers face.

Writing’s on’t wall my friend I’m bound to say
Read other writers work. Admits it is amazing
I read your latest book , it was ******* anyway.
Though you would utter “I am just a poet”
Even poets can hold a biased view today.
Rich rewards not guaranteed to be the way.
Written by Philip
November 6th 2018.
Paperback writer
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Should I wait up in faithfulness
In hope that my lady calls her beau ?
Or should I press on to dreamland ?
To try to see her there ....
It is always a dilemma
To try to live in hope.
But it’s worth the wait so
Just incase she was asleep
Should I stay or should I go ?
Nov 2018 · 151
No, it is not your fault.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
No it is not your fault.
No it is not your fault.
Oh you are not to blame yourself at all.

I was the one that never found you searching
That forest was so dark that they hid you in.

I had to hack my way through to this place
So no it is not your fault.

No it was never your fault. You are blameless
Only I am the cranky one I should have known
That the way to a woman’s heart is difficult

Yes she has been abused by men for centuries
Oh why do you think that you are so different
Unless you think that cutting through a forest
Ripping up trees and fighting grizzly bears

Fighting off angry demons and fierce dragons
Are gonna impress this beautiful faultless maid
Unless you approach her with an epic poem
Love her for the rest of your natural life.
Then explain that it was never her fault.
            It was fate that drew you together .

Written by Philip.
November 20th 2018.
No it is not your fault
Nov 2018 · 127
There is a woman
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
There is a woman.
There is a woman.
Having the qualities
Extra over the norm
Respected and admired
Endearing to so many

I simply know her by heart
Simply never to question

A life’s ideal situation

Wishing never to part
On a state wide migration
My God , this is smart.
A new life vacation?  
Now there is a woman.
           She’s perfection for me. !

Written by Philip
There is a woman
Nov 2018 · 145
There is a man.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
There is a man.
There is a man.
He is at peace
Even in his grief
Respecting the past
Enduring the knocks

In spite of conventions
So willing to learn.

And if nothing is ventured

Man has nothing to gain.
And there’s everything to give.
No pain can’t be cured by
          the joy he can give !
Written by Philip.
November 20th 2018.
There is a man.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
The Nobel endorsement of one’s peers.
                      An Acrostic
The Nobel endorsement of one’s peers.
Have you been born to into greatness ?
Easy if you have and the silver spoon fits

Not so easy though if your father was jobless
Or your mother left him n ran off with a poet
Bare with me whilst I relate as I was homeless
Ever read n writing .A poet but I didn’t know it
Long before mums lover ,Life was so hopeless

Even though I was a twinkle in her lovers eye.
Nineteen thirty nine and Poland was overrun.
Dunkirk was soon to be a last battle to survive
Over Europe war was on n Fighters in the sky
Rivers of blood Churchill said n he was so right
Seeing the Battles of Britain raging in the skies
Enemies at the gates n cities thru the night
Mum gave birth to me upon a bleak bus ride
Eventually she washed me oh so clean n bright
Now she’d a poet of her own to display w’pride
To her an only son was all she’d want in life.

Oliver Philip was the name she called the child
Four years a world war raged it was pretty dire

One small mouth t’feed was all she’d afford
Not a dull child , he soon learned to write.
Essays, stories and poetry every single night
So teachers knew this child was very bright.

People came from far n wide to view this boy
Espousing the works of all dead poets out loud
Even Shakespeare, Keats and dear old Malloy
Revealingly the secret that she fed him books
So giving her boy the noble endorsement of  
           Ones Peers.
Written by Philip.
November 20th 2018.
An Acrostic.
The Nobel indorsement of one’s peers.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Let it be. .... (Acrostic)
Let it be.
Every time you wonder
That there may not be a God.

I would let it be, let it be ,let it be
The task is yours to solve ,let it be

By assuming you have God spirit within you.
Eventually you will solve it , let it be. !!!  
Written by Philip November 5th 2018.
Know when to stop. Let it be.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Is plain critique the fuel for inspiration?
Is plain critique the fuel for inspiration?
Does it serve a poem if it is just liked ?
Is something lost in that translation ?
Or is it a form of speaking to the wise?

Some poets warrant some cool admiration
With terms of respect, loving every line.
In sharing ways of a poems incubation
A safe haven is within the poets mind.

Is plain critique the fuel for inspiration?
I think we must see the coin on both sides
A poet has to daily work with dedication
Not to suffer fools and always speak his mind.
Written by Philip
November. 19th 2018.
Is plain critique the fuel for inspiration
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A Poem ~ A valuable lesson learned as a child
Composed by Philip October 7th 2018.
A valuable lesson learned as a child.

Valuable for all the obvious reasons.
And when it comes to my minds filed
Labeled “Experience “ that is its location
Unless you are so pure. You know what I mean
As seldom in this world only Angels are pure.
But as you know, life is a series of experiences
Life is a precious hour or a hundred years
Every now n then you learn a valuable lesson

Live it , learn from it , store it in the memory.
Eventually you have a wealth of experiences.
So where am I going with this poetic analogy ?
Sometimes a valuable experience surfaces
On this occasion I was about five off puberty
Not knowing much with God fearing practices

Learned the Commandments not new to me
Every Sunday would read n recite At masses
A sacred list of ten as God watches over me.
Repeating verbatim in our daily Bible classes
No Gods before me , nor taking God in vain
Even remember to keep holy the sabbath day
Daddy and mummy would ever be honoured

And most important know “Thou shalt not **** “
Shalt not adultery commit ;Whatever that was

And the big one of all Thou shalt not steal.

Children under Gods eye cannot steal.
Having no mind bearing false witness because
I would not covet neighbours wife or goods.
Like at the time covet was not known to me.
Did I ever imagine how good life would be ?

An Acrostic poem. By Philip.
Written Sunday 7th October 2018.
A valuable lesson learned as a child
Nov 2018 · 157
The forgotten prisoner.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
The forgotten prisoner.
Trapped for years on end.
Confounding rhyme.
Prisoners of a scan,
That won’t come right.
It’s haunted me for too long
Now it’s time.
To admit to a defeat,
May seem a crime .
While wrong,
Perhaps ?
I’ll get it right next time.
Written by Philip.
One is soon forgotten in life.
Nov 2018 · 160
What are your words worth ?
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
What are your words worth
Well thank God I am at last set free
Trapped within these pages so dog-eared
I began to think that no one wanted me.
The top shelf of a thrift shop was my goal
To be pulped at the recycle yard my fate
But “Glory , Hallelujah “ two dollars paid
This liberator took me home n read aloud.
“I wandered lonely as a cloud”
“ That floats on high o’er vales and hills “

Written by Philip November 18th 2018.
Poetry of Wordsworth Published 1807.
What are your Words Worth. ?
Nov 2018 · 401
City Desk.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
City Desk

Each day my poet pathway
Is paved with good intentions
With so much sad fake news
Necessity soon becomes ....
The mother of invention.

Written by Philip
November 18th 2018.
Practice five lines of semi-rhyming humour
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
An exercise in manifestation
Usually when you want to manifest something in your life,
it is because of the emotions that it will enable you to feel.
For example, if it is a material possession
it may allow you to feel more successful and proud of yourself.
Or if it is a relationship it may allow you to feel connection, intimacy and union.
If it is a new job it may allow you to feel the excitement of new challenges.
If you want greater wealth it may allow you to feel free and able to make enjoyable life choices.
So start to drill down on why you actually want what you want.
This clarity will allow you to start praying for the emotional qualities first and allow you to start to come into vibrational alignment with what you are wanting,
and of course this will make it so much easier to manifest.
So start your day by thanking God and the Universe for bringing your manifestation to you in easy and joyful ways.
Then spend time accessing the joyful feelings that you want from your manifestation
and carry those feelings throughout your day, just like you would if you had already manifested your desire.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
An Acrostic Poem based upon the above text.
Usually ,when you wish to manifest something.
Select yourself a Sacred Space to meditate.
Uncompromising access to a higher self
A feeling of emotional control is the one state
Like a magic wand of success ,a golden ring
Limitless love as your unconditional promise
You can be free to offer this ,as on the wing

When embarking on a fresh career or journey
Hail and anticipate that certain, new success
Excited in the field of that new challenge
Never doubt yourself ,trust in your certainty ;

You wish for wealth to ensure that confidence
On a scale unheard of by your group of peers
Unless you aim that ,high independence fails

Will you drill down to what you really want?
Is your dream impossible? Let wind in to sails,
So start your day by thanking the Almighty
Have a series of thanking the Universe as well

The blessings that you have in  life are such
Only now to understand their true wealth .

Manifestations starting with the first step
And carry those qualities all day long.
Note at least five gifts to be grateful for
In the following hours add them one by one
Finding and researching all the known virtues
Expanding each from groups of Seven.
Starting with the first being that of “Faith”
Then listing the second virtue now of “ Hope”

So on to third virtue we know as “Charity”
Oh , they are the easy ones that come to mind.
My list then comes upon my friend “Prudence”
Each of us appreciates the next as “Justice.”
Then the sixth virtue to live by is “Fortitude”
Have you seen the final virtue to live by?
I have and I recommend you make a friend
Name that friend “Temperance “ he’ll be there.
Go now and manifest with all your heart.
The above “Poem “ is a channeling from a section of the book ( Page ....). As an example of an Acrostic style. The first letter of each sentence forms the content vertically.
Try this around the content of the book and share it with your own thought patterns .
It is interesting as to what prose or poetic verse manifests itself.
Good luck. Philip. 28th September 2018.
Now try an Acrostic yourself and run it passed me.
Usually when you want to manifest something in your life.... Best write it as an acrostic
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Everlasting love is a commitment  

Everlasting love is a commitment.
Virtual reality cannot ever compare
Everlasting reality is my love for you
Reality that continues unabated
Longer than  affairs of the heart
As my darling I know you by heart
Since the first Happy days meeting
The first day of the rest of my life
I discovered an everlasting love
Not withstanding your aloof brow
Golden are the moments shared

Love's unconditional commitment
Only true lovers understand it .
Very close encounters promote it
Especially within thy noble form

I love you so much my Barbara
So much once to inspire my mind

As constant is my wish to praise

Composing lines of loving prose
On each and every living day.
My mind races with the inspiration
Mastering words of literary giants
In songs of praise dedicated to thee
Then understand my commitment
My commitment ,to my darling girl
Everlasting love is my commitment
Not just for now but forever always
Thank you for our life commitment
Philip. 22nd January. 2017
Everlasting love is a commitment
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Title.        Never take for granted
the greatest power, the power to choose.
                ( An Acrostic ) of 50 lines.
Never take for granted the greatest power.
             The power to choose !
Every concession,or subsidy in whatever form
       As a contribution or donation to charity
Value this as a highest prize , volition is the          
   Sacred power to choose ,use that power well
Efficacy empowering the production of results
   By marching forward in a positive direction
Ranges of choices sometimes oh so wide as to
   Make a decision very difficult indeed.

Two equally ,typically undesirable alternatives
     We get to know typically as a dilemma
An act of choosing to take up one option as
     Opposed to another to maintain momentum
Knowing that there’s no apparent option rather
   than the real , you have “Hobson’s choice”
Embarras de richesses you become spoilt for
     Choice, is the other side of the coin.

From the comparison betwixt the humble poet
      And the power hungry “Megalomaniac,
Optimising in an act of choosing between the
  two, voluntary ,of one’s own free will Choose
Rights to act or judge by your power of choice
   you may call this discretion,one or t’other

God grants such power as yet unmaterialised
    and unrealised which he labels potential.
Relinquish that potential at your peril
   you may never live to see that choice again
An area of power and influence you may get
    to understand as your domain but reflect
Never take for granted the greatest power,
   the power to choose.
Twitter and chat with all and sundry
    relatives you’re born to, friends you choose
Even if you use your power of wit n influence
   and see it as weight n clout you throw about
Delegate or depute and assign somebody to
    make your choices for you. No don’t quit !

The A to Z of choices takes no time to ponder
    If you take for granted the power to choose
Even by commencing from “A”. Aha . Eureka!
   you have chosen first time lucky .But wait. !

Great though he may appear as the “Boy”
  of your dreams, will he stand the test of time?
Retiring back into your shell ,your”Colleagues“
  At work never choose to know the real you.
Every “Demi-God “or “Elder”that you meet ,
  give respect to ,spoil it all by choosing not to.
An “F” word muttered under your breath .
    A “Gender” question,which choice of path?
To “Hero-worship” then a real life commitment
      “Interpreters “ of choices thru a Drago Man
Established in the art of choice as lead by
  “Jesus” Christ “Knowledge “that it will not fail

Superimposed, will “Liquidise “and blend
    all the choices that are available “Mmmmm”
To the most “Natural “smoothie that you have
   ever chosen to drink. “Ohhhh” yes. !  

Pause and “ Pause” again ,do we really under
    stand the power of choice. Procrastinate  !
Oh put off until tomorrow, “Quit” whilst ahead
      “Realise” your winnings in the now.
Weather you “Seek” perfection ,or an easy
    way out . “ Take” heart it is your choice
Ethereal choice becomes the mother of
    invention, when and where necessities dwell
React with an un-earthly prowess and ability
   to establish what was to be the right choice.

The “ Virtual “ choice that you could have
   made under the circumstances, bono-fide.
Having and knowing you have the power
    Of choice, it leaves it in your hands.
Even if you get the choice “Wrong” this time
    it is your mistake , no one else’s

Pretty soon you will know the error and mark
  It with an “X” n strive to get it right next time
Only “You “ have this individual power
   To make up your own mind .You do, don’t you
We can all be as”Zealous “and pedantic as
   You like in life but choices win through .
Even if you can’t be bothered to take the
   Choice to read this poem, on and on and on.
Reacting in a moment of impatience.
  “ what am I doing wasting time reading this?”

To have a power of choice is a valuable power
    not granted to all people of the world.
Oh stay with me ! Tell me that you understand
    the meaning of this poem. Do I make it clear

Can you choose? Do you choose? Are you
   exercising a sacred power that you’re given?
Holy power, not given to timid mice sitting
  on the fence waiting for the right choice
Oh no ! Never take for granted the greatest
    power, the power to choose.
Onlookers and bystanders are you learning
   from any of the simple examples I have set?
See unless you see and understand the good
   and bad choices made by man thru ages .
Earth and the Universe would have failed
  In its quest to provide a Heaven that we seek
Written by Philip. 2010.
Never take for granted the greatest power the power to choose
Nov 2018 · 108
I saw her standing there.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
I saw her standing there.
I saw her standing there.

She looked at me and I  Well I could then see
An Angel in the guise of a pure Madonna
Well that’s when I told her my wife she’d be

Having learned to live alone I was for her.
Every day for weeks I begged her to be free
Rich poetry I gave not taking no for an answer

So many weeks of calls she’s was wise see
The way I looked was way beyond compare
And she would never look at any another
Not since she saw me standing there.
Did I say that we lived many miles apart ?
I at the time had no place of fine abode
No rooms to call my own to impress her so
God knows , I must  to put my act together

The solution was a nice sea view apartment
Having made the nest she put me to the test
Empowering me to be her true n faithful lover
Reciting poetry I found my life it turned around
Each time I saw my darling standing there.
Written by Philip November 5th 2018.
Yes I saw her standing there. From then there was no other.
Nov 2018 · 158
Day tripper
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Day tripper. (An Acrostic)
Day tripper.
An Angel of the streets
Yes  looked good in the dark with light behind

Though her behind sagged She were a tripper
Ripping through every penny that she made.
I knew her when she was young n beautiful
Pimps ran her life now and oh how she’d aged
Persecuted by the cops with the tricks to play
Eventually she became the tripper every day.
Rita was the meter maid of Liverpool they Say

Written by Philip.
She had a ticket to ride
But she don’t care.
November 4th 2018.
Day tripper. She had a ticket to ride. And she don’t care.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
The levels of loneliness of a poet of longevity
The levels of loneliness of a poet of longevity.
Have I been there today ? But it’s easy to be.
Ever heard the expression “ idle hands n devil”

Loneliness fills the empty void if you are idle
Expanding loneliness to fill that barren space
Virtual reality I know that’s not the answer
Ever watched the kids these days at play ?
Levels of loneliness expand within availability
See when spare time gathers you start to feel

Occasionally being reminded of those bygones
Friends and family you’ll not see again is real.

Let that not bring you down, try meditation.
Only then can you believe you are in control
Not giving yourself time to be at all maudlin
Each day loneliness can be kept at bay.
Loneliness is a dull sloth that can be tamed
In not letting things get to you in any way.
Not giving up to the inevitability of old age.
Even if bits keep falling off your body ev’y day
Stoop n build ‘em up again with worn fingers
So many times in life you seem to hit the rocks

Oh yes I know ,you say , “ tell me how you feel”
Feelings ? Well I’m pretty sure you’ll fill y’socks

Anyway , they all can see that you’re still real

Poets are a very special breed of person.
On a scale of one to ten I guess a nine.
Experience fills their minds to overflowing
To the point where they’ll burst or put it right

On that occasion best sit an’ write a poem
Friends can then receive it straight overnight

Love each friend you have “Without condition”
Only then can see that friendship is alright
Nothing ventured,nothing gained , a fine ideal.
God granted us the sacred power to choose
Ethereal guides stand there in our background
Vicissitudinous opportunity presents itself.
I as a poet and friend  I know this to be true.
True as the nose upon a happy poets face.
Yours is the life , yours the opportunity anew.

Written by Philip
November 18th 2018.
The levels of loneliness of a poet of longevity
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily
                         An Acrostic.
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.

And I ask with a willing heart ; May I contribute
Perhaps if I list at least five without obligation
Poetry is the first gift that I today can attribute
Rhyming line after line in our poetry Legation .
Easy when you’re under the spell of your Muse
Clever to add value n share gifts to the World
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.
Another gift that I see is the love everlasting
Today and everyday so unconditionally
Earth Angels guide me always keep romancing

Treat others as you would be treated.Tenderly.
Home’s where a heart is n your jig for dancing
Eternal everlasting friends best to practice on.

Can you appreciate all the comforts you have.
Only me for one, I do yes I do . For God I’m one
Memory is the next comfort that I cherish of all
For it serves me well and as far as I recall
On occasions ,I talk remembering to pause
Reacting to the other persons conversations
The secret is not to talk at one ,be mutual.
So tell me can you really appreciate your gifts

God needs you not to attend church to praise
Oh these days Gods spirit is environmental
Dedicated to you by his will and your intention

God you carry with you and that is inspiring
Remember to thank him for your gift of rhyme
And know it really doesn’t matter at all t’rhyme
Now do you appreciate the gifts of comfort
The command of the English language a plus
See the words that you accumulate daily.

Making three words fit where you should one
Especially on a poem with a syllable count

Dear poets ,that is a true gift of God’s spirit
And let no man (or woman ) tell you otherwise
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily.
Let me say the number is beyond limitless.  
You can read my words n challenge if you will.

Written by Philip.
November 17th 2018.
I appreciate the comforts God grants me daily
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Awake soon my muse and joyful rise.
You are loved , don’t be surprised .
This is a love that you have never
known before .
And it shall open all those doors.
To Xanadu and many more.
I am to be your North and South,
Your East and West
Your eyes your mouth
The poetry you inspire today
Will serve us well along the way.
Written by Philip
For his clever Muse.
November 17th 2018.
In gracious thanks to my beautiful Muse.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Poem Ref 027

We had better to talk in metaphors
We had better to talk in metaphors
Every time we open our mouths to speak

Have you thought , how it’s misinterpreted ?
As the listener you pass it to your brain n then
Depending upon your intellect or vocabulary

Between bull sh** or beautiful prose
Everybody gets to talk in metaphors
Tongue twisting Twitter patient trash
Time and time again it’s so misunderstood
Each dull mind resorts to that freeking F word
Rather than the composition of a good reply

Then we’d best to talk in metaphors.
Only then does it season verbal prose.

Talking in metaphors displays an active mind.
Active mind negates the essential need entire
Like a good metaphor can be twisted in a fight
Knocking arguments,do you know what I mean

If you talk in metaphors you have a chance
Not only winning an argument but saving face

Metaphors have been around for many years
Eventually loosing their initial meaning.
To shoot that messenger or be in the hot seat
An eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth satisfy
Procrastinating has become a thief of our time
Holidays all around the world Perfect Paradise
Only we had better talk in metaphors for life
Really it guilds the lily of the English language
So step up to the plates  ,friends , give it a try
Written by Philip. 26/9/18.
We had better to talk in metaphors
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Everything is poetry and  poetry is everything.

Everything is poetry and poetry is everything.
Variegated and multicoloured rich rhyming
Every line a rich tapestry of finest work.
Rhyming refulgent words brilliantly shining
Y-chromosomes with male characteristics
The male poems less feminine than the female
How do you tell the gender of a rampant poem
In everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Naughty poems are food and drink to youths
God fearing Catholic Poems are ubiquitous

In praise of God these poems are school fed.
Sunday schools singing their hearts in praise.

Prayers set to the music of the mighty *****.
Oh the Victorian poets were the masters of it.
Everything is poetry and poetry is everything .
The modern poets have lost the art of praise
Redemptions are hard achieved in gods name
Yet more poetry written on a toilet wall.

As six mumf ago they cuddent even spel poet
Now by Jove they are one. Hallelujah.
Desuetude books of self published remainders

Poetry being all things n all things being poetry
Osmosis of a dilution of simple talent lost.
Epistemological studies of poetic knowledge
******* in blue ribbons in chronological order
Rarely seeing the light of day on a dusty shelf
Years on a collection of dead poets published

In everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Sagas of eponymous hero’s before a nation

Escalading castle walls to rescue fair maidens
Vexatious poetry going nowhere but hanging
Every stanza a cliff-hanging story of old.
Refineries built to recycle old poems for new
You know everything is poetry as I have stated
There is not so much on web-sites ever seen
Hundreds of poems viewed n little critique
It gets brushed over with a simple thumbs up
Now next time you wonder ...Can I inspire. ?
Gainsay with gusto the death of the verse.

Written by Philip.
November 16th 2018.
Everything is poetry and poetry is everything
Nov 2018 · 113
Our own light.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
A poetic idea. ~
There’s so much more to life than *** n money
Our own light. (An Acrostic Poem ) 28/10/18
Our own light
Usually *** and money hold the key.
Reach now inside yourselves ,find your light.

Our own light ,yes our own light. It’s awesome.
With casting off our deepest fears we focus
Now we can be powerful beyond all measure.

Light and our illumination banishes darkness
I’ve been told that frequently folks are fearful
God tells us we are never ,ever , inadequate
Having been preached too for a lifetime
The truth now comes to me from “Experience”
Written by Philip. 28/10/18.
Our own light
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man.
Poem # 031.
Philip : 20/10/20

Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man.
Of the pure unadulterated unconditional love
We men and women that inhabit the earth

In the constant search for a secure foothold

And wishing to be all things to all men around
Men and Women and genders betwixt the two

Being now away that we have a brotherhood
Loved by a community of lifelong friends
Earth Angels and guides which hold the skills
Skills which are perfected and so peculiar
Standing alone in their particular peculiarities
Excellent and everlasting good friends of mine
Diligently looking after their own fellowship.

Boys and girls coming out to play in the world
Young and old rich and poor sick and healthy

Together in a loving unconditional relationship
Having no blood ties save for holding the spirit
Especially the wondrous God spirit of passion

From whatever theological following you hold.
Every good turn you do unto others is returned
Loving your neighbor as thyself is a starter.
Loving your father and mother well deserved
Or your brother or sister , cousin or kin.
With blood relatives it’s seen as a given.
So be it for the population of the World.
Having established that relationship you’re OK
In that there is nobody to hate anymore
People outside the fellowship may gossip

Or continually sandbagged a reputation
From now on let us develop this “Fellowship “

Making time to consider the other fellow.
Accounting for a balanced life of compassion
Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man.

Now I am blessed by the fellowship of man
Nov 2018 · 93
What are dreams made of ?
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
What are dreams made of ?
What are dreams made of ?
I once heard a great poet question
And if asked then I ‘d like to say
“Sugar and spice and all things nice”
But oh no they ain’t. No way they ain’t
They are made up from episodes of lives
Of passed lives that I have experienced
In vivid wide screen projected block busters

Without reason or rhyme or any co-ordination
Or any obvious chronological order as I see it
No wonder I wake up in my loneliness so tired
I think by now I have certainly lived too long
And yet I know I have a duty to stay alive .
But I feel I have to say. I’m going downhill fast.
Written by Philip. 3/11/2018.
What are dreams made of
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
On the trial of writing a sonnet.
On the trial of writing a sonnet
Now as you all know.

The sonnet was pop  in the reign of Elizabeth 1
Hit sonnets topped the billboard charts 1590
Edmund Spenser penned some of the best

Those sonnets written in tribute to the Queen
Royalty in those days had their favourite Poets
I will try to explain the principal of the sonnet
Are you all listening? Well I will demonstrate
Little Story. Is the translation of The Sonnet.

Or it can be described as any short lyric Poem
For it is composed of 8 and 6 line stanzas

With stanza 1 (the octave) presents a situation
Run the stanza 2 ( the sestet) to show resolve
Iambic pentameter is the meter traditional
The rhyming pattern is octave a,b.a,b,b,c,b,c
I set the sestet pattern as c,c,d,c,d,e,e.
Now I suggest you first check our Spenser
Get reading his style Google it and read.

And get used to the rhythm and the rhyme

Spenser sent this tribute as I say to the Queen
Only in those days she had little to read
No nothing only in Latin and written by Monks.
Now he wrote a hundred sonnets as a story.
Edmund Spenser’s epic The Fairie Queen
To me the greatest poem ever written.
Written by Philip.
November 9th 2018.
On the trial of writing a sonnet
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
It isn’t just the way you move.
It isn’t just the way you move
That is the way of classic deportment

It isn’t just the way you speak
Speech is dictated by your education
No it isn’t just the way you smile
Teeth are an asset and laughter sublime

Just look it isn’t just the way you laugh.
Usually we laugh so much we start to cry
Simply it isn’t just the lashes that adorn eyes
The style of makeup indicates how you care

Then it isn’t just the colour of your nails n toes
Having weekly pedicures’s responds to those
Especially it isn’t the way you tweek my nose

We love to do that sort of thing to each other
And it isn’t just the way you always telephone
You ring me as I ring you just every hour

Yes and it isn’t just the way you **** my toe
On odd occasions we would **** each other
Usually isn’t just the way you write your prose

Mine is inferior to yours but your the mother.
Of course it isn’t just the way I just suppose
Vague entreaties saying that “I love you”
Establishing our bold proposals for our future.
Written by Philip.
November 16th 2018.
A frank discussion
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