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 May 2020 ghost queen
Amna Khan
The clouds grumble
as if on cue
with my rage.
My palms streak the lightning
with utmost familiarity.
A pet loyal as ever;
always awaiting
the slightest nod
to curse all who ever belittled me.
 May 2020 ghost queen
the present
forever shifts

yet remains

claiming and
re-claiming us

a sequence
of stillnesses

flux and

finite and
‘It is almost banal to say so yet it needs to be stressed continually: all is creation, all is change, all is flux, all is metamorphosis.’
- Henry Miller
Close your eyes and dream
Of me touching you softly
Close your eyes as I softly
Kiss your gentle lips
Holding hands
Listening to
Our heart's beating together
True Love is Beautiful
Feel my love
Touching your heart
I'm so happy that your in my life and heart
We'll be together forever
I love you so much and
I always will you'll be forever inside​ my heart..
True Love
God created Adam,
And then HE created Eve,
Both sinned and were thrown down to Earth,
Out of their progenies the world grew.
God sent many prophets to make men tread on HIS path and believe in HIM.
Obstinate man didn't listen,
Father fought with son,
Siblings fought with siblings,
Different religions sprouted with different beliefs and different Gods,
Man became bold,egoist and self centred,
From a cave man, an intelligent man to a technology man,
His ego grows,
He now thinks of himself as God,
He wants to conquer the Universe.
Enough is enough!
God sent warnings many times,
Calamities, famine,the plague,
Ebola and Aids etc,
But man finds his way out.
So God sent something lethal,
A super virus with all the strains of other viruses,
Covid 19 dangerously contagious,
Spreads easily and widely,
Enters cells quickly,
Damaging the lungs, heart and kidneys,
A virus that has man shuttered,
An economy in tatters,
Will obstinate man heed now,
Or find his way out.
 May 2020 ghost queen
Maybe it’s the naive teenager part of me but...

I want to dance in your room with only the color LED strip lights on, chill dance music playing, and dancing even though neither of us know how to.
I want to stay up late playing video games together because we always do so much better when we play together.
I wanna drive around mindlessly with you in a car, listening to music, and just be free.
I want to hold you when you’re having a bad day and tell me all about it so that I can tell you all of the good things that you have to make it better.
I want to go camping with you in the middle of nowhere so that nobody can bother us, we can just be our crazy selves together.
I wanna make blanket forts with you and watch movies together.
I want to feel every emotion possible with you.
And I know that you want this too.
That’s the beauty of this.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I knew that the very second that you and I met.
I don’t know how, but my heart met you and whispered “him.” And that was it.
 May 2020 ghost queen
 May 2020 ghost queen
As midnight strikes
My demons smirk
Knowing that it's time.
They rush to my vulnerable mind
Unlock the cage
And release the thoughts that weaken me.
For hours on end
My demons laugh as I fall
and Beaten
It wasn't looking good at all
the framed picture of Jesus
had cuts all over it
On the face
In the hair
On the hands joined in prayer
And the eyes were crossed out deep
and cut out

why would he
do that?
Why would a five year old do that
to the gift he got from
Was the child possessed? Oh, God! Was
the child possessed by the devil?

They took him to church to
find out
and the priest
asked him why did he cut the Jesus
in the framed picture and
the kid said, "I wanted a bike, not a stupid

"He is definitely possessed," said the priest
"You'll have to bring him
to church every Thursday and Sunday. And I
will give you further instructions."

Grandma fainted
mother broke down crying

Father got him a bike actually. But mother
and grandma made sure it
won't reach him. Because father left
mother and went
away to live a life of sin with another woman.
All ties had to be cut
with that sinner.
The bike was donated to a foster home where
the nuns pasted a picture of Jesus
on the basket to protect the
rider from accidents
But the first kid who rode it fell off while
climbing a ***** and
the bike slid across the asphalt
leaving deep scratches into the face of Jesus
 May 2020 ghost queen
i don't know if you love me
and i don't know if i love you
but all i know is that i cannot take on the
if i am stuck on you

so please, say that you love me
i will love you back

we can bloom in the night's rain together
we'll take on the world
as much as i hate being a simp, i'll do it if it's for you
 May 2020 ghost queen
evade the sun..
my lustrous moon,
my feelings, crude
I breathe a tune,
of manic!
my sun..
oh, so tragic!
tell me, moon
is loving such cruel
to jeopardize
a soul, so pure?
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