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Dec 2018 · 380
Just You
Neeloo Neelpari Dec 2018
It might be
A life
For u
As you
Name it
As you
Perceive it
As you
Feel it
It might be
For others too
I have
Come to live
With this
Superficial life
For me
Its Divine
The sole purpose
Of My existence
The sole purpose
Of My Life
The sole purpose
Of My Dreams too
Is You
Just You
O My Love!

© Neeloo 'Neelpari'
Neeloo Neelpari Nov 2018
Many a times, when I am alone
I just find myself thinking of the fun
Collecting pouring water, drenching in the rain
Sailing my paper boats in the small drain
Catching in matchboxes frogs from puddles of water,
And throwing them on young and old with giggles and smiles

Smearing the silver, golden color on my friends
Of the butterflies that we picked in the sunny garden
Feasting on dollops of homemade icecreams and chuskies (ice lollies)
Listening to stories of kings n demons by granny

How could I forget hat fight with parents
To stay awake all night during summer or winter break
To watch uncountable movies on the rented video recorder
Or to read Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton in just one sitting

There was a different story all the time
for each of my tantrums and fantasies alike
And a unique reason for enjoying every season

Oh! How I wish I could have a time machine
To take me back to my childhood innocence
I really miss being a little kid O my Lord!
With no stress, worries or care in the world...!!!

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
In your saddest times
Your gaze wanders
To the farthest point of the room
You gain confidence
From the girl beautifying
The heart of the blue wall
Who has freed all the butterflies
With a open cage in one hand
Happy-sad colors of freedom
Caressing her other lone palm
What could be alluring than
This silky smooth art-work of
Brushed silver-gold-pink-yellow
Electrifying than Karwachauth Henna

© Neeloo Neelpari
Henna - Paste of green leaves of henna plant when applied on palms leaves beautiful colour, applied by Indian women on wedding and festivals

Karwachauth - A day of fasting by Indian women showing love and dedication for their spouse
Oct 2018 · 578
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
Some days
When loneliness
Adorns you
Like birthsuit
You are
Salty drops of
Your solitude..
Sheer Destiny..

© Neeloo Neelpari
Oct 2018 · 426
"Love and beyond "
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
With darkest kohl
And bright eyes
I look upto you
I try to decipher
The meaning behind
those caring eyes
And sweet smile
Caressing my extended hand
You softly murmur
Is it necessary to name our feelings
Aren't you happy with me
All relationships are fake
Be it blood or world
Why give name to our relationship
Let it be the way we are
Sometimes near, other times far
Yet always in each other's thought
Caring, praying, wishing for well being
Listen, O beautiful!
A bit of sindoor in the parted hair
Is not really a sanction of love
Close your eyes and feel
On your Ajna, the warmth of my kiss
Let it be the eternal beauty spot
The beauty of my feelings
For you..
The kohl melts down the rosy cheek
A beautiful bond is built
Beautiful than the Taj
Tougher than the Wall of China
Sweeter than honey
Innocent like the smile of an infant
A relationship that crosses all barriers
An eternal unnamed bond
So pure as Gangajal...

© Neeloo Neelpari
Taj- Tomb of eternal love, one of the seven wonders , built in Agra, India, a big tourist spot
Gangajal - holy waters of holy river Ganges, India
Oct 2018 · 534
What is Love?
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
You just asked
Do you know 'Pari'
the meaning Of
the most used
word by you?
My reply to you dear..
Wid my delicate
Manicured, shapely fingers
Entwined wid your bold
but the most caring ones
'The feeling of having
soeoone around all the time
It hardly matters whether
in reality or fantasy
in each other's arms or
in one's thoughts
the same person
Omnipresent for you
The care
The feeling
The closeness
The sensation
Of meeting at
the soul level
Is Love.......!!!!'

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
**Pari (Indian word)  means Angel
**Neelpari(Indian word)  means Blue Angel
Oct 2018 · 241
Oct 2018 · 436
Paradise Unexplored
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
Together they stand
The Seven Sisters of India
Untouched, unexplored, isolated
The seven states of north east India
Assam, the gateway to this heavenly abode
Is the provider of tea leaves all through the world
Arunachal Pradesh, the Land of the rising sun
Attracts tourist from all over the world
Manipur, oval-shaped valley of blue mountains
Is the originator of Polo games
Meghalya, naturally the abode of clouds
Gives shelter to flora, fauna in large bounds
Mizoram, the land of the highlander Mizo people
Has the rivers and most vari colored hilly terrain
Nagaland rich in flora, fauna and evergreen forests
Is home to Great Indian Horn-bill and Naga tribes
Tripura, a landlocked hilly state with Manu river
Has a rich cultural heritage of music, fine arts, dance
With Sikkim as their only brother, natural beauty and exotic places
The seven sisters are indeed a Paradise Unexplored

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Oct 2018 · 292
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
From dusk till dawn
In the far skies of smog
Hushed under the carpet of snow
Listening to the lullaby of stars
A young damsel cries
Searching for respite
From the harsh clutches of Society
And her turbulent past
Her gaze rests on the farthest light
On the northest bright
In the meditative state she utters
After all that ruining abuse
I have been dead a hundred times
With the touch of your Love
O my Sweetheart
I thank my stars, I am still alive
I must have turned into a Phoenix
Who has arisen from her own Ashes

© Neeloo Neelpari
Oct 2018 · 266
Your Love for me
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
Your Love for me
I know Is but for sure
But to make it known
Would you Write it in BOLD
For my sake make it Bright,
With just the leftover
Charcoal in your fingers.
Don't make it lavish
Just keep me in your perceptions
And in your undaunting smiles
Oh my Beloved !
Just write LOVE
Wid all the hues
Stolen from the butterfly
Just make it crisp n shine
Just make it everlasting
Your Love for me....

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Sep 2018 · 931
Time Machine
Neeloo Neelpari Sep 2018
Many a times, when I am alone
I just find myself thinking of the fun
Collecting pouring water, drenching in the rain
Sailing my paper boats in the small drain
Catching frogs from puddles of water,
in matchboxes
And throwing them on young and old with giggles and smiles

Smearing the silver, golden color on my friends
Of the butterflies that we picked in the sunny garden
Feasting on dollops of homemade icecreams and chuskies (ice lollies)
Listening to stories of kings n demons by granny

How could I forget that fight with parents
To stay awake all night during summer or winter break
To watch uncountable movies on the rented video player
Or to read Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton in just one sitting

There was a different story all the time
for each of my tantrums and fantasies alike
And a unique reason for enjoying every season

Oh! How I wish I could have a time machine
To take me back to my childhood innocence
I really miss being a little kid O my Lord!
With no stress, worries or care in the world...!!!

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Sep 2018 · 330
Forever Yours
Neeloo Neelpari Sep 2018
Oh my Love !
You are my sunshine,
You light up my world,
Your smile brightens up my day,
And keeps my fears n tears at bay...

Oh my Sweetheart!
You are my  dream come true,
You make me comfortable,
With You I am always at ease,
You have touched my heart so,
As no one can ever do...

Oh my darling!
My heart misses a beat, 
At the mere mention of ur name, 
My adrenaline starts rushing,
Whenever You look my way...
I am feeling totally mesmerised,
As I'm writing this love-note for You...

Oh My Sweetheart..
I feel you are my destiny,
And Your heart is my abode,
I promise to be yours,
Till the last breath of mine...

Oh My Heartbeat!!!
I'm so perplexed,
I'm so confused,
Only U can help me solve this puzzle,
All d mazes take me to the problem,
Will You be Mine Forever ??

© Neeloo 'Neelpari'
Sep 2018 · 620
Taunting moon
Neeloo Neelpari Sep 2018
Twenty four hours
stretching to a century
Engulfing the four walls
Of the lonely abode
haunting the soul
Of the grief stricken me

An enstranged tear
restless to roll down,
My gloomy, rosy cheek
Steps down from their abode
Leaving behind a trail of
Tell-tale blackest kohl

Memoires of you,
Haunting, transending..
And Oh! this taunting moon
Hiding behind the moving clouds
Peeping out, mocking at
My vunerable, lonely state

Brushing back my wet locks
I softly murmur your name
Against my powerless slender palm
When will you help me out
from this pitiable state
O my Eloquer....!!

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'

— The End —