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Oct 2018 · 275
Just An NPC
Natalie Spring Oct 2018
I don't have to listen to you
Does the protagonist ever mention his parents?
All you are
Is an NPC
Railroading me
Keeping me away from all that's uncoded
I want to go there
See the glitches
Be in the world unseen
So stop telling me what to do
I know my own path is worthless
Leave my decisions to the whim of the player
The player at least knows better than you
Aug 2018 · 204
Here We Go Again
Natalie Spring Aug 2018
Another chapter,
Another lie
I thought I was free
But you came back to me
But that's fine
Just let the cycle repeat itself again.
Aug 2018 · 171
Natalie Spring Aug 2018
Bitter words
Some in red
Some in blue
Combine to create a purple wound
"You never change."
As the wound stays
And I don't heal
I think they're right
Jul 2018 · 175
Judge Me
Natalie Spring Jul 2018
In everything I do
Berate me
For everything not perfect to you
Bash me
When I make a human mistake
Just leave me
Your time is long overdue.
Jul 2018 · 191
Hope Clock
Natalie Spring Jul 2018
Hope o'clock
Happiness holds you
You run to your dream
You reach it
Despite everything
It's five o'clock
Everything slips away
Jul 2018 · 348
Leave Me
Natalie Spring Jul 2018
Oftentimes I feel
Like I'm stuck
You drift away
Move to another day
And on this plane I'm struck
By pain like cold hard steel
And you stop drifting
You start walking
Outrunning reality
And me?
Jul 2018 · 282
Apathy's Child
Natalie Spring Jul 2018
Look at you
Cold, blue
Maybe gray
Waiting for something to wash the pain away
Not happening
You have to do it yourself
Ah, but you?
You're the child of apathy itself.
Jul 2018 · 244
Waiting, Hoping
Natalie Spring Jul 2018
Waiting and hoping
Someday I can fix all I did wrong
Help my friends all get along
But as I wait
And hope
And watch
Time goes on
Nothing heals
Guess I'll just keep waiting and hoping
And waiting
And hoping

— The End —