I once came across a girl,
sitting at the sea shore.
She had a smile like a dew drop
And eyes like the stars.
Her little heart held back a storm.
I once ran across the girl
sitting in the coffee shop
And I noticed how she’s changed.
Her smile held
oblivion’s mysterious allure
her eyes aglow with mischief.
A women stumbled into me,
From just across the way.
With painful eyes
And icy hands
As she began to say:
“You saw me falling,
You watched me crash,
Why is it that
you always walked past?
You could have helped me
find my light,
but it’s far too late
to save me tonight”
I am sitting on a bench in this lovely little park,
Next to the tree you had carved into with your initials in a heart.
And I am sorry that you found your grave, when you were only offering your heart for me to save.