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Oct 2017 · 715
Idiot Oct 2017
Salt makes soup delicious
just like
Love makes our life gorgeous.
Hope that one day the world is full of love.
Oct 2017 · 682
Whale fall
Idiot Oct 2017
Your are the whale fall
In the ocean of my life.
You become the oasis
When I am lonely every single night.

However however,
Your soul isn't here,
It goes along with her

And I shall be clever
That the body of yours can never
stay here.

I just wanna tell
All of me has fallen into the ocean of yours.
Whale fall is an important progress for the deep ocean ecosystem. (Check
for more details :)
Aug 2017 · 549
Idiot Aug 2017
Blackboard, broken pieces of the Pierian Mountains
They give mathematicians creativity and muse.
Beautiful pieces of math are given birth,
just as Venus from the ocean.
#Mousai were given birth in the Pierian Mountains.
#Blackboards are really necessary for mathematicians.
Idiot Aug 2017
Hey! You enigma man.
Fill in this crossword puzzle.
   Y        U

Then, fill me in

       your heart      
   your mind       &       your body
your soul.

This is my answer to your riddle
Having an ambiguous with someone is like playing a crossword puzzle.
I need to hold on my breath to figure out everything.
Idiot Aug 2017

             S              N
L-i-k-e   t-h-e ---------------------------------------t-A
            N         ­    D
             W    A

                    School gradually appeared in my horizon,
And Happiness was dramatically frozen.
Monday blue~
Aug 2017 · 361
The Dimension of Clouds
Idiot Aug 2017
Nice to see you again Mr. Cloud.
You are now
a three dimensional cloud.
I heard you crying near my cabin so loud.
I opened the window,
And saw the rain projected you into the lake
as a two dimensional cloud.
You came from nowhere,
Then you quickly disappeared.

Mr. Cloud Mr. Cloud
The sun project you into me
And I lie on the grass, sleeping safe and sound.
It is so hot in summer. I want more clouds. Hahaha!
Aug 2017 · 352
Defining Love
Idiot Aug 2017
Case 1'   If you love yourself, then
love is something that reduces your degree of freedom
but gives you more happiness than ever.

Case2'  If you don't care about yourself, then
love not only decreases your degree of freedom
but also hurt you deep inside your heart.
Only when we love ourselves can we find true love, especially for girls!
Aug 2017 · 639
Idiot Aug 2017
Say "travel",
Then time goes by.

Say "travel travel",
Then time stands by.

Shout "travel travel travel",
Then time will become clay,
Everything shall be deformed
Into what it was like
In your will
By your memory.
This is the fifth time to take a trip in Taipei alone. I am training myself to become a good traveler, who can see the past or even future of a place via traveling.
Jun 2017 · 237
Leaf leaves
Idiot Jun 2017
I am leaving,
like a leaf.
Leaf leaves,
and will never come back again.
I am leaving the dormitory which I have been living for three years. I feel really upset.
Jun 2017 · 239
Living Without Shadow
Idiot Jun 2017
This morning,
I woke up in a world
without hope.
The Sun remained shining,
but I had no shadow,
as if I had lost myself.
No matter how tough the time is, the key to happiness is in our hands.
Jun 2017 · 1.4k
The Dimension of Exams
Idiot Jun 2017
If learning is a three dimensional thing,
then exams are two dimensional. Any beautiful things will be projected into ugly figures.

If studying is a two dimensional thing,
then midterms shall be one dimensional. Happiness will be projected into sadness.

If curiosity is an one dimensional thing,
then quizzes must be a dot, the one that breaks my heart. Knowledge will be projected into nonsense.

As a whole, practice makes perfect, and quizzes are useless.
Now in a bad mood!! Because I failed the midterm of Geometry, which ,I think,  is well-prepared!!!
May 2017 · 275
Idiot May 2017
Last Christmas, I gave you the mug.
I wanna know
what you saw
in the mug
filled with fluid,
with my soul in your mug.
Mug is a funny word. It could represent a cup or a face. Furthermore, it also means "to rob someone". So, the narrator wants the one he/she loves to see their face in the   cup. And he/she wants to rob his/her heart.
May 2017 · 279
Idiot May 2017
I t
Read the
The head of each line spells "DIARY".
May 2017 · 584
Idiot May 2017
According to the Euclid's first axiom of Geometry,
It is the existence of the line between you and I.
Telephone is the only access for lovers apart.
Euclid's first axiom of Geometry states that for any two distinct points on a plane, there exists a unique straight line.
May 2017 · 332
Idiot May 2017
Into the woods,
We adventure,
Feeling the excitement
given by Mother Nature.
Into the books,
We adventure,
Feeling the happiness
given by ancestors.
Inside the dreams,
We adventure,
Feeling the excitement,
given by ourselves.
May 2017 · 392
Cicada in jail
Idiot May 2017
Autumn day, Cicada sang
My hometown’s far far away.
Shadowing on my white hair,
Black cicada, sorrowfully it sang
reminding me of my youth fading away.
Cicada, cicada,
no matter how hard you fly,
the dew and wind blocks you away.
Noble as we are, nobody understand.
No one will give us a hand.

— The End —