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 May 2017 Liz Arnold
Abi Moss
Insecurity isn't an attention seeking excuse.
Its something we do without noticing and other people get concerned..
I don't understand.
Everyone takes insecurity the wrong way. And it bugs me.
You're watching, judging, and assuming
You don't understand why I do what I do. 
Why I obsess over little things.
So stop trying to
The world is my oyster
But without the beautiful pearl
Just a plain old shell, in a plain old world

It's a shame you'll never know the brilliance
All you're capable to understand is the madness.
Insane, sane
Heart, or brain
Ferocious , tame
Take two breaths and stop breathing all together.
Turn your self to useless energy, forever.

Welcome to mind of the mad.
The queen of the asylum
A dapper old castle in the brain of a girl.
Who is tortured yet pampered in her own little world.
It's like you can feel it..
all the bad seeping in
destroying every little good aspect
you've built up in your life

there's just this huge darkness
taking over everything
you cant breathe
and theres nothing you can do about it

it's like you're drowning in your own mind
and you're pushing yourself under the water

everything used to be bright and happy
but at some point in your life
it all turned upside down

you bleed and burn
trying to crawl back to what was
even though you know
there's no going back.

we've all grown up
and it *****.

how does he not see what i see?
he doesn't see the way the moons face lights up
he doesn't see the life glowing from the daisies
he doesn't see the portrait of the galaxy
through the stars
he doesn't feel the sunshine, like i do.
he doesn't see the world the way i do.

he only sees a flower
and a big circle in the sky
he only sees holes of light in through the night
he only feels the heat of the day hit his black shirt
he will never understand
because of his closed mind

how do you show one
all the beautiful colors of the world
if they are colorblind?
if you don't look a little further into things, you're basically living the generic version of life.
live in color. open your mind.
She sees the bad in front of her
but instead of running from it..
She fell inlove with it
I told myself I wouldn't let you in
but then there we were
standing in that dark alley
it was close to midnight when
you pulled me closer
and kissed my lips so perfectly

i could taste the cigarette
off your lips
and for whatever reason
i loved it.
your darkness entered
took over any good that was left of me
and with a smile.

how is it so easy for you?
to make daisies grow
in the darkest parts of my mind
when you're mind is darker than mine

 May 2017 Liz Arnold
walk with me to the ends of the earth;

cross the limitless boundaries of land and sea

and most likely, you'll get tired of walking

but hopefully, never tired of me.
more love sick poetry because i'm a sad human being sometimes
roses are red
violets are blue
you drive me insane
and I still love you
you get way too mad
and say things that aren't true
but at the end of the day, I could never picture myself without you.
I love your smile and your goofy laugh.
the way you make me smile..even when I'm sad
now I know things aren't easy
and probably never will be
but when I say I love you, please never don't believe me.
I'm holding it all in
pushing my emotions away
blocking you further out
everytime I see your face
Everyday you become
more of a stranger
than someone I love
Because anything is better
than accepting what you've done
How could you?
I should have know
you never cared
I should have known
you only were saying
what I wanted to hear
Pulling me closer
within every goodbye
Just so your hateful words
would drive me to
believing it's all a lie
My heart wants your love
but my mind knows that
my love for you
will never be enough
So, I'll keep you in my poems
and leave my real feelings hidden
it's going to be extremely hard..
but I know it's the right decision.

— The End —