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  Dec 2017 Cam
10:00 A.M.
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4:00 P.M.
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8:00 P.M.
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10:00 P.M.
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10:03 P.M.
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from Andrea

"i love you ♥"

10:03 P.M.
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for all the boys and girls who still yearn for love in our digital age
  Nov 2017 Cam
Lizzy K
asked me if I
knew you
             A million
memories flashed
through my mind
but I just smiled and said I used to
BY wiz khalifa
  Nov 2017 Cam
now when I think of love I want to puke,
the thought literally makes me sick to my stomach because I know now what it does to a person

how you lose yourself in someone else and then all of sudden you can't breathe anymore without them

I am promising myself to never be that stretched again,
to give myself a try for once, relying only on my intuition and will to power through life and relationships, never getting too blind to see things as they really are

I wanna know what it's like to be so good alone that the earth shatters when I take a step,
electricity radiates from my skin and my soul is so loud it shouts through my eyes
  Oct 2017 Cam
Imran Islam
Suddenly, like a summer rain
You're falling ceaselessly
On my eyes
I think so
In the courtyard of my mind
You came so long ago.

The fire of separation of you
is burning hard
In my heart,
I think so
In the courtyard of my mind
You came so long ago.

When I feel hurt from your hate
Make me forget them
Memories of your love
I think so
In the courtyard of my mind
You came so long ago.

I'm ruined forever
But I still smile
And always will
I think so
In the courtyard of my mind
You came so long ago.

I am too alone today
But I'm still happy
With tender feelings
I think so
In the courtyard of my mind
You came so long ago.
  Oct 2017 Cam
Take your needle, and paint my skin
Tattoo over, under and across my territory, so they won't see inside me
Pervade my body with rainbows of pain

With Striking colours, hide the black and grey mass of my being

Take my skin to another land
Where flowers bloom, fairytales live and rainbows glow
Where my heart is hidden

I hide myself well, my skin draped with powerful ink
It's how I protect
How I live behind
How I survive
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