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From the time I first recognized
The presence of a painful hold
Upon my heart, I realized
That sadness can sometimes feel cold.

Chills can spread throughout your body,
You can't utter a single word.
This torment almost seems ungodly,
Your mind and soul soon start to blur.

Why I have to acquaint myself
With such woeful misery
Just seems so unnecessary,
A bleak and pious mystery.

It's not like anybody else
Would consider it as fair,
But still, I know somebody's there
To help me flee this ****** despair.

The love of your life, beloved friend,
Endearing, caring counterpart,
The one who always will depend
On the unity of your hearts

Will nurture you the best they can
Until you're ready to return
To the life both of you began,
Free of the shackles you once spurned.

Wherever we decide to go,
There's something I'll forever know:
Inside my heart, you have a place
No foulness could hope to erase!
The atoms constructing your left hand and arm
Originate from the dust residue made by the explosion of a star.
The atoms constructing your right hand and arm
Originate from another source, other traces of exploded stardust.

These explosions occurred perhaps millions, maybe billions of years ago.
These infinitely microscopic specks of dust
Have traveled the eternally expanding cosmos
In order to meet, and ultimately create your very form!

What were the immensely staggering odds
Of coming to being?
What were the astounding chances
Of your formation happening?
Horrors I've faced over the years
Greatly reduced the amount of fear
I use to feel, but overcame
After besting the toughest game

I've ever known and ever played:
Escaping this mind that once caged
My sanity, soul, and freewill:
The greatest treasures I instilled!

I have no fear of the unknown,
I've learned to know it very well.
I do not fear being alone,
I was once in a private Hell.

Do I fear death? No, not really.
It's just a part of life, clearly.
Though what does death really entail
If it is even anything?
Perhaps what I will have to hail
Is my decay into nothing.
Hypnotic music, joyous sounds surround
The fans, all entranced by the performers.
The drummer happily bashes and pounds
Everything he sees shaped like cylinders.

The hi-hat steadily keeps the rhythm,
The bass drum makes a thud, quite powerful.
The crowd can't help but nod along with him
As he makes these beats so insatiable.

The cymbals create such fearful crashes,
And his finely tuned snare shoots roaring pops
Hurtling towards the off-guard masses,
This manic madness just can't seem to stop!

What exactly does he have left to prove?
He simply wants to see everyone *groove!
Tonight's gonna be a doozy,
My supply recently went dry.
Might not be feeling too happy,
But I'm sure I'll be staying spry.
I searched for any hidden stash-
Although I failed, at least I tried.

Thoughts are churning, starting to race,
My droopy eyes begin to glaze.
A certain numbness in face
Reveals that I'm in quite a daze.
I must confess, I feel displaced
Inside of this musty, dense haze.

The cat just keeps ******* sneezing,
How annoyed I am's amazing.
Maybe I can help its wheezing-
She can't whine if she starts blazing!
With this notion, I'm just teasing,
Though she'd always stop from freezing!

How long I'll stay awake tonight,
You can all assuredly bet
That I may greet the morning light,
However, nobody should fret-
I'll soon sleep with enough of a fight
And wake up in total regret...
How you can sustain
The relentless pain
Of your withered brain
As it stays contained

In this emptiness
And bleakened abyss
As it still emits
These thoughts, so amiss

Is quite perplexing-
You're likely vexing,
Maybe suspecting
This sordid affair

In which you were placed and left to despair
With this grim burden which you'll always bear.
Laboring under the strong delusion
That you hold some kind of authority
Only makes you into an amusement
For the rest of your fellow company.

You gladly boast about spending decades
Working a meager, lowly, thankless job.
It's no wonder your sanity seems frayed,
But still, you're acting like a pompous snob.

So what if you became a veteran
Of the local town's pizza syndicate,
You're merely an hourly employee
Who loves to particularly berate

Other workers you still think you're above;
You hold no more power than anyone!
You'll likely stay in this fantasy land,
And probably won't ever understand;

Instead, you'll persist to stubbornly shun
The truth of the matter, which is a fact:
You're just a wretch with a mind that was cracked.
I wrote this piece to basically vent a large amount of frustration I'm feeling towards a  coworker of mine. I don't exactly hate the man. I won't be drug low enough to hate him. However, I do consider him to be a ****-nosed, ****-faced, ****-drinking, ***-guzzling *******. Keith, you'll never read these words, but I sincerely think you're a ****.
Growing tired of this pain,
Though impatient, how you fought!
Did you ever make a change?
Won't give that a second thought.

A soul seeming so badly stained,
Looking so rough and wrought.
Though it still seems a little strange,
It's just been through a lot.

There's no need for your disdain,
Don't you know what you were taught?
We all know you're not deranged,
Though peace is what you sought.

Now let all those drops of rain
Help you not be distraught.
Don't you fret now or complain
About bad luck you caught.
If I could not think,
Then I cannot be,
Yet I'm past the brink
Of reality.

I wander on plains
That somehow sustain,
But what I perceive,
You'd never believe

To ever be true
Or part of this world.
Your mind would unglue
And become unfurled

To the realms most eyes never see
Or accept as reality.
"We fight war for peace!"
"Their evil won't cease!"*
Based on what I see,

You bomb these countries,
Making refugees
Who just want to flee
This whole travesty.

People helplessly
Leave all these cities
Because you destroyed
Everything they've known.

With sinless lives, you wrongly toyed.
It seems "their evil's" not alone.
I realize people can debate on the topic of sin and who is or isn't guilty of it. However, there are a countless number of people who've lost their lives to war simply as casualties. What crime did they commit, exactly? Why should innocent people be punished for the wrongdoing of someone else?
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