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Nothing will sever our bonding tether,
We will forever remain together.
Our hearts united, never divided--
When we encountered, that's what empowered

The connection between our bleating souls,
Their detection of this pairing, so bold.
I soon decided we were like-minded--
For you, I've scoured, and somehow heard

Of a lustrous lass with charm aplenty,
She's one of a kind, there aren't too many.
With your love provided, I was guided
By the moment spurred, and felt undeterred.

**You truly are life's greatest gift for me,
Right by your side, I vow to always be.
Such a bitter grudge you longingly hold,
This poison surges in your darkened heart.
You carry a malice so fretfully cold,
Your soul is what you regrettably wrought.

You're brimming with an anger unneeded,
You muster quite an excessive amount.
This hatred you brew seems so deep-seated,
And all of this mindless drivel you tout

Spreads a bleak foulness throughout everyone,
Creating all of these hostilities.
You're a monger of folly who needs shunned;
You're surely not spreading some pleasantry!

You're merely a wretch, a putrid spirit--
Unwanted and useless, a stupid ***.
Much like a slate that's been erased,
A darkened screen, black and empty,
A book with all its pages blanked,
Inside myself, I roam blindly

Within this void I call a mind,
The depth of which might be endless.
For what am I hoping to find?
Why I still search through this abyss

Seems futile since this fog is dense,
And it's not soon being lifted.
Why must I endure this penance?
For how long have I just drifted

Amongst shadows clouding all that
Resides in this cavernous pit?
I feel like a scurrying rat,
Yet I can't stop, I mustn't quit.

If I'm to escape this labyrinth,
Then I will not discontinue;
Why this mind of mine feels absent,
I'm sure to find some kind of clue

That could reveal the hidden truth
Behind this enigmatic veil.
I'll try to persist as this sleuth,
And keep following this ****** tale.

Perhaps its end will soon draw near,
I grow sick of chasing after
These leads of which I often hear
All ending with a disaster.

I yearn for the soonest moment
I can consider myself free.
After all this time I had spent,
All I'd want to finally see
Are the walls of this containment
Start to shatter all around me,
Putting an end to my lament:
 A glorious day, it would be.
How can I begin to explain
This sudden rush of happiness?
It's not something I try to feign,
As far as I'm concerned, I'm blessed
To be overcome with all this
Blissful wonder swirling inside
Of my tender heart that had missed
The feelings it was sure had died.
I'll embrace the glorious joy
I've inexplicably found!
It surely seems not like a ploy
In which I'm trying to be bound.
Nevertheless, I feel quite nice.
In this splendor, I'll be basking.
It's quite the opposite of a vice,
I needn't resort to any masking
Of all this bright, splendid delight.
Still in my sight, I see the light
Despite any past forms of plight;
Its pursuance still feels so right.
Withering life starts to surround
The blazing colors seen around
Decrepit forestry looking glum,
Yet beauty's found within Autumn.

Life upon Earth begins rebirth,
Reasons aplenty for feeling mirth!
Towering trees soon shed their leaves,
'Tis no reason for us to greave!

Taking walks amongst the woods,
It should be easily understood
When life ends its annual race,
Yet another will take its place.

This phase of nature's quite a sight;
In its scenery lies delight.
No need to fear it when it comes,
Instead, revel in the glory of Autumn!
Unprovoked, you often squabble
With strangers you don't even know.
Often spouting unkind ramblings,
Seems like your head suffered a blow.

You rant and rave, not making sense,
You babble such mindless drivel.
The head you carry seems so dense;
In your little world, you revel.

You spew such foul atrocities
No one can seem to comprehend.
Still, you speak in this gibberish
No one wishes to understand.

Your madness and stupidity
Are such a sad combination.
Hopefully, you enjoy all your
Nonsensical fascinations.
What if nothing's real?
Where would it ever be found
Except in our minds?
To yearn for comfort
In your grievous heart,
Blighted by traumas
Which tore it apart,

You aim to consult
These friends from afar,
Not realizing
They won't mend these scars

If they're miles away
From the very source
Of these ghastly wounds
Causing the discourse

Amidst those that claim
To offer support,
Yet witness your pain,
But give help of no sort.

You're left all alone,
Not a soul nearby
To muffle your moans
Or soften your cries.

Your heart's turned to stone,
Though love's what you sought.
There's ice in your bones;
Your soul's left to rot.
Why become engrossed
In follies they boast
When other splendors
Are found easily?

The world possesses
Much better catches
And much more in store
If you're patiently

Awaiting a find
That could blow your mind
At its very core!
Still, you lazily

Accept the same spiel
They seem to still deal:
A gigantic bore's
What it is, basically.
Blackened skies spit the whitest snow,
Accumulating just below,
Forming mountainous heaps quite large
Which townsfolk often disparage.

Many will view this time of year
As a reason to feel great fear
of troublesome tribulation,
Yet I have a fascination

With all the atmospheric glow
In this scenery that still grows.
I admire how these sights forge.
There's beauty in Winter galore.

I don't dread how this weather nears,
How Winter's head's about to rear.
True, it tests our constitution.
By Spring, we'll have retribution.
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