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  Oct 2014 Twinkle
Shaima Al-Marzouqi
They saw her face bright
smiling and laughing
They heard her giggles and laughs
Everyone wanted to be like her
Loving this adventure called life
"She's full of life", they said

Little did they know
She's an amazing actress

Her life is her best performance
She's been wearing costumes and performing
all her life
But no one was able to notice

Or maybe
they just decided not to see
They ignored all the signs
because it's easier than reality
her reality

She deserves all the awards for her performance
Oscar, Emmy, Tony...

All these years
Being around thousands of people
Her family, friends and colleagues
She was able to fool them all

Does everyone who laugh and smile all the time really that much of a happy person?
Perhaps people who are,
are the ones who do that to forget
To forget their reality

"Maybe if I pretend long enough, it'll become my true feeling, it'll become my new reality, maybe..
maybe my performance will beat my depression. Maybe.."
Just see what's in front of you. See and don't ignore.
Twinkle Oct 2014
The beauty of truth is that one day, it shall reveal itself.  
Try as you may want to hide it.
Lies never got you anywhere.

It is understandable to lie to protect yourself
But it is terrible to influence others with your lies
The lives you've ruined, cause your understanding was skewed

But, as I said, the truth shall reveal itself
That day shall decide, whose side you are on
So you better hide, lies make a poor sheath.
  Sep 2014 Twinkle
Richard B Sebastian
Scatter my broken heart on a bed of thorns,
Trample the pieces, make it splinters,
Look ahead, it's all forlorn,
What is the point of mending this nothingness?
heart pieces scatter pain
  Sep 2014 Twinkle
Amitav Radiance
Continually looking beyond you
Wandering and losing the way
The eyes adapted to look outward
Keeping an eye on the whole world
Forgetting to glance within you
Eyes open to the whole world
But closed to the beauty within
The life that awaits your attention
What lies within reflects in the eyes
Capture the beauty everywhere
Eyeing the love that’s all around
  Sep 2014 Twinkle
Amitav Radiance
Words just lay scattered for long
Strewn all over the mind in pieces
Unable to gather from the corners
In the darkness, they lost relevance
Scattered thoughts waiting to regroup
But the mind had wandered elsewhere
The room locked away and forgotten
Where once the heart and soul resided
Looking for happiness elsewhere
A chance incident was a commotion
And once again looking for safe haven
Standing in front of the locked room
To gather the lost pieces of words
Depraved of attention, they lost weight
Not fed with the feelings and emotion
But once again it was time to gather
The strewn away pieces, neglected
And it was time to align them
With the ink that bled within
The pen was waiting for this moment
Twinkle Sep 2014
Wish I could reach out and hug all of you.
Just to spread a little love today.. I'll stick to my promise.

My 1st 10 words write.
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