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 Dec 2014 Trynity Plummer
Everything around me is falling apart,
and I am trying my best to hold it together,
but I only have two hands.
 Dec 2014 Trynity Plummer
Now and again
I let myself wander
In the words once forgot-
Reaching further than
Hearing Past voices
I strain to feel a phantom touch.
I no longer can feel the stroke of your hand on my bare shoulders,
And I can't hear your inflection
In moments once precious.
There's no soul left in those shriveled memories;
Just deformed faces.
feeling like you're drowning in water, trying to breathe
heart throbbing
head spinning
body shaking
you're not in control
can't breathe
can't think
slurred words
1,000 people but no one sees you watching
but what could they do?
 Nov 2014 Trynity Plummer
love me
I don't care what they think
                                    your words will destroy me
I'm fine
                                    i cant take it anymore
I'm just lazy
                                    ive lost my drive to live
I'll get over it
                                    i cried myself to sleep last night
My family cares about me
                                    not even a touch
I'm an open book
                                    i have the darkest secrets known to man kind
I'll talk to you about it later
                                    *not even a whisper
They dance and spin
Across the floor
Leaving marks
Everywhere they go
They don't create something beautiful
So they hide it under a sheet
Hoping no one can ever see
Their masterpiece
You make me smile
for a little while

Then you make me cry
and say good-bye

The love of my life
wont make me his wife

I thought we had somthin
but now we're just nothin
This is for everyone out there who has been misleaded by those simple *******.
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