How dare you play with a life in this this way
I just got him back and I want him to stay
You pretend that you're coming that he will lie still
then you play with our minds and they fill him with pills
Relentlessly checking the screen on my phone
constantly worried that he'll die alone
My heart can not deal with the sadness and fear
That soon he'll be gone and he'll never be near
A love not believed
until recent days
will leave me again and I won't be ok
Regret will lie heavy
and deep in my heart
that I didn't forgive him
right from the start
So mess with his heart, Death
then take him away
but I am still here and I NEED him to stay
Make up your mind, Death
and stop playing games
he's not feeling good
his life not the same
I need him to rest, Death
protected, pain free
He will be missed badly, especially by me
But not till he's ready
and he wants to go
Stay away until then, Death, he'll let you know.
Another poem about my father... I wrote it after he had a major heart attack . It’s my way of getting the fear out of my heart