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 Sep 2015 svdgrl
cold mist
dark wind
and stench like death's own
firstborn son

i am a shadow
laid to rest
life's long struggle
under stone
and seal of spice

****** heat
pulsing light
voice beyond the dark
and stony veil


forth you dead.
come forth

flinty foot
faulty step
to haste, obey the call
and rise
from chained slumber

filtered light
through crossing thread
woven cloth
to wrap the dead

unbind him
set him free


and halted there
in frozen time
his hand
has pulled away
a strip
or two
and sight from blindness
has restored

but still
the itch and irk
of grave clothes
not unbound

i feel it all around

a finger moved
an opened eye
the breath of life
and hope to die

to wake again

broken free
of death's cocoon

before the end is the middle, and there am i, frozen in time, waiting for the consummation
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
You asked me why I don't eat meat
and I told you that I can't stand the idea
of being the reason
a living creature gets hurt.
You told me
They'll get killed anyways
and I didn't have a good argument
other than
I just don't want to be the reason.

You asked me why I felt so guilty about the cuts on your arm
and I told you that I can't stand the idea
of being the reason
a living creature gets hurt.
You told me
I would have done it eventually anyways
and I didn't know what to say
other than
*I just never wanted to be the reason.
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
I would like to say that our parting was just sweet
No sorrow
I must admit differently against the secret dark hours
Whispers holding the shape of your hallowed name take form
Merely caressing our true connection
Distance. Time. Neither hinder
This intense passion that still lingers in every beat of my aching heart
Ravenously reading your every slipped word
I wonder if even between lines one or two are just for me
A gypsy heart longs to wander
Roam each peak and fjord in search of feeling
Even Skathi's January chill cannot bank this fire inside of me
Burning ever brighter for you
Lay me down gentle but pull me hard, unyielding
Your Nordic blessed eyes speak volumes  
Warrior curved mouth against soft, blushing skin
I want to know what it feels like to be loved by you
Giggles, childhood memories, deep sighs into the wee hours
*What I would not give
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
Dee Bach
In his greedy hands,
I’m just a doll,
Not a person.
With a beating heart.
With an imagination.
No, I’m just a piece of space,
I don’t have thoughts,
I don’t have feelings.
I’m just some toy,
Who would not care.
In his greedy hands,
I’m only an object,
An object not worth much.
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
I've forgotten how to live
like a man on death row
accustomed to four walls
and the monotony of routine
waiting for the inevitable

yet still I hold out for the miracle
some dna evidence that this is all a mistake
that there is something waiting for me
and that this death will give way
to pastures full of sheep
waiting for the shepherd to return
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
Mie Juul
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
Mie Juul
Walking in where everything is black,
you see contours together,
close and far away.
But none is close to you.

Flashlight from your hand walks about,
shining on contours,
just to see them disappear.
You stand all alone.

wrapped up in the battle inside yourself,
fighting for friends,
fighting for the contours.
But they don't want you.

Guilty and defeated,
Fighting to stay,
keeps getting pushed away.
Realisation hits.
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
Aishwarya Nair
You are not broken
and I don’t need to fix you,
always remember.
 Sep 2015 svdgrl
Chalsey Wilder
Come meet me on my battlefield of choosing
Don't be disappointed with what you got
Oh, it's hot
The anger and frustration
The bottles have just opened
Pandora's potions, they make me uncontrollable and insane
Where do you think I got this game?

I learned to be a bigger ******* from you.
Salt on a wound.
Just a better saying.
I don't think they know me anymore.
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