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Jun 2020 · 381
Time Travel
Chia Seeds Jun 2020
The second hand of the clock
starts moving
anti clockwise.

The tears on my face
seep back
into my eyes.

I fly and spiral
a black hole.

The time
spins and warps
out of control.

I zoom by
all the places
that we’ve been to.

Right to the very
first moment
that I’ve met you.

.uoy teem ot eciN

And it all begins again.
Jun 2020 · 1.6k
Chia Seeds Jun 2020
It’s the assurance of petrichor after rain
that makes me believe in rainbow after pain.
Jun 2020 · 174
The Song
Chia Seeds Jun 2020
If I were a song, you had left at the stanza
Notes hung in the air like wingless butterflies
I wished for a caesura but the song came to an end
And all that was left is a

s i l e n t
r e v e r b e r a t i o n
o f
w h i t e  n o i s e

The curtains were drawn
But I still heard the flapping of wings
A strong and steady staccato
That perhaps existed only in my head
Jun 2020 · 142
30 Seconds
Chia Seeds Jun 2020
I submerge myself
in the seawater

The water
envelopes me
drowns out
the noise of this world

There’s an inexplicable
down here

To know that
still goes on
I’m under refuge

the water may sting my eyes
my lungs may ache for oxygen

But to be
d  e  t  a  c  h  e  d
from this world

Even for just
t h i r t y  s e c o n d s  

It’s all worthwhile
Jun 2020 · 241
The Wanderer
Chia Seeds Jun 2020
I want to lose my way in a foreign land
Carrying a backpack with a map on my hand
Wander aimlessly into a random inn
Hear stories from villagers about the local scene
Beer, wine, cider or cinnamon mead
Pain, past and pressure suddenly freed
I want to look at the same sun rising
But with a brand new perspective of life worth living

— The End —