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A Writer Sep 2015
When it rains it pours,
The storm of life is never forgiving.
Often giving us more than we feel like we can handle.
It floods our bodies with emotion, stress, anxiety, and depression.
We can either tread through the flood, or let it drown us.
  Sep 2015 A Writer
Anne Sexton
There can be certain potions
needled in the clock
for the body's fall from grace,
to untorture and to plead for.
These I have known
and would sell all my furniture
and books and assorted goods
to avoid, and more, more.

But the other pain
I would sell my life to avoid
the pain that begins in the crib
with its bars or perhaps
with your first breath
when the planets drill
your future into you
for better of worse
as you marry life
and the love that gets doled out
or doesn't.

I find now, swallowing one teaspoon
of pain, that it drops downward
to the past where it mixes
with last year's cupful
and downward into a decade's quart
and downward into a lifetime's ocean.
I alternate treading water
and deadman's float.

The teaspoon ought to be hearable
if it didn't mix into the reruns
and thus enlarge into what it is not,
a sea pest's sting turning promptly
into the shark's neat biting off
of a leg because the soul
wears a magnifying glass.
Kicking the heart
with pain's big boots running up and down
the intestines like a motorcycle racer.

Yet one does get out of bed
and start over, plunge into the day
and put on a hopeful look
and does not allow fear to build a wall
between you and an old friend
or a new friend and reach out your hand,
shutting down the thought that
an axe may cut it off unexpectedly.
One learns not to blab about all this
except to yourself or the typewriter keys
who tell no one until they get brave
and crawl off onto the printed page.

I'm getting bored with it,
I tell the typewriter,
this constantly walking around
in wet shoes and then, surprise!
Somehow DECEASED keeps getting
stamped in red over the word HOPE.
And I who keep falling thankfully
into each new pillow of belief,
finding my Mercy Street,
kissing it and tenderly gift-wrapping my love,
am beginning to wonder just what
the planets had in mind on November 9th, 1928.
The pillows are ripped away,
the hand guillotined,
dog **** thrown into the middle of a laugh,
a hornets' nest building into the hi-fi speaker
and leaving me in silence,
where, without music,
I become a cracked orphan.

one gets out of bed
and the planets don't always hiss
or muck up the day, each day.
As for the pain and its multiplying teaspoon,
perhaps it is a medicine
that will cure the soul
of its greed for love
next Thursday.
A Writer Aug 2015
I wish I could tear my skin away to show you the scars unseen.
So you could see how my hearts been beaten and battered,
Stomped, forgotten,
And worst of all,
ripped apart.
If you could see the story of my heart,
Yours would cry for mine.
But this thick skin doesn't open up easily,
Or for just anyone.
It protects so that my heart sustains no more injuries or pain.
A Writer Aug 2015
The wringer is no place for a damaged shirt to be.
It may be torn or ripped in its most fragile state.
It may not come back to you the same as it did when it entered, losing a part of what it was.
But you have no choice,
because it's the only shirt you have
and you need it today.
You need it everyday.
But every time you put your shirt through the wringer, you're risking the loss.
Be patient.
Be gentle.
your old shirt.
It's all you have.
If you loose it then what?
Set it out to dry and
let it be.
Be patient and gentel with yourself, you're all you have.
A Writer Jun 2015
I’ve exchanged razor blades for,

Pen tips and lined paper.

I no longer bleed for real but with words onto paper,

And suffering is no longer an option.
Feelings are a part of the human experience,

And are nothing to be afraid of.
Feelings are okay, and won’t take over.
Crying doesn’t make you weak,
Or anything less than what you are,

But they do mean you’re alive,

That something mattered.

Chaos can live all around you,

In your home, in your school, at your work,
But you don’t have to be chaos, you don’t have to let it in even if it knocks on the door a million times.

You’re not responsible for the feelings and actions of others, they’re not yours to own, even if you’re made to feel like it.

Life’s and amazing journey,

And it’s only just begun.
A Writer Jun 2015
Isn't it interesting
What can change in a years time.
You look around and your whole life is different.
You have new people in your life,
And old ones have gone away.
Your wounds sting less,
You've changed.
Maybe you've changed for the better,
Or maybe the worst.
It's a difficult life sometimes, but it's nothing we can't handle.
Everything happens for a reason.
You crossed this poem for a reason, your best friend hurt you for a reason,
You failed a class for some odd reason.
We may never know these reasons until years afterward.
And that's okay.
Life's a journey,
It's the longest  journey we'll ever take,
The path of life is bumpy, and there's a lot of hills, some big, but most small. We encounter heartbreaks and heart gains. We encounter friends and foes, tears and happiness.
And it's all okay.
We're human,
And we're on a journey.
  May 2015 A Writer
Charles Bukowski
don't feel sorry for me.
I am a competent,
satisfied human being.

be sorry for the others

rearrange their

juggling mates

confusion is

and it will
whoever they
deal with.

beware of them:
one of their
key words is

and beware those who
only take
instructions from their

for they have
failed completely to live their own

don't feel sorry for me
because I am alone

for even
at the most terrible
is my

I am a dog walking

I am a broken

I am a telephone wire
strung up in
Toledo, Ohio

I am a man
eating a meal
this night
in the month of

put your sympathy
they say
water held up
to come
you better be
nearly as
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