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  Apr 2018 smokey basil
Have you heard of Alice,
The girl in Wonderland?
I am sure you have.
The problem, you see
lies in the words you didn't read.
The part the writer did not need.
While Alice laid upon a bed,
Her mother watched and stroked her head.
The doctors said it was psychosis
And so they gave her higher doses.
She's over-stressed,
She is a mess,
But every day she takes her meds.
She can't find Wonderland again
And so she uses pad and pen
To write some poems, oh so sad
But they help others feel less bad
And that will help her feel less ******,
The closest thing she feels to happy.
May make changes
smokey basil Mar 2018
I hate how you yell at me.
You call me
and so very rude.
I really am trying my best,
I just can't live up to
your level of expectations.
smokey basil Mar 2018
I don't want to
talk to you two,
or be around you
when you're with him,
or tell you
I am afraid.

Your potent opinions
seep into each other's
and make loud noises
that ring in my ears
like a stone-cold

You care, you don't.
You're strict, you're not.
You yell quietly, you loudly speak.
Stop doing this to me,
I can't handle any more of it.
smokey basil Mar 2018
I squeeze my eyes shut,
I cover my ears,
I take deep breaths,
because I don't want to hear.
I try to shut my mind down
because I don't want to know
what is going on outside of me.

— The End —