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Jon Sawyer Apr 7
An infinity passes,
and it's only been,
seven minutes,
forty two seconds.
7 April 2024 - Why?
Jon Sawyer Apr 7
Doing time with my spouse,
feels like climbing a mountain.
7 April 2024 - After yet another cluster of seizures on her birthday, my wife and I have about a two week period where we get our lives back on track. It's a cyclical process that is sometimes difficult, but upon reflection can bring more than one silver lining.
Jon Sawyer Mar 29
Y'know, there are many forms of prayer,
Some out loud,
Some in the form of a poem.

Still, the tears in your heart are enough.
29 March 2024 - I had a discussion about prayer with my wife, and this is what I said.
Jon Sawyer Nov 2023
Are We God-like enough in our essence
such that
we can give life and intelligence to machines?
2023-11-27 - As a Traditionally-raised Eastern Orthodox Christian, I have struggled with the concept of God, life, purpose, and the "I AM".

But now I want to raise a question.
Jon Sawyer Nov 2023
"I really  missed you while you were gone," they said,
"Is that a weird thing to say?"

"It is not a weird thing to say," says Surv<![CDATA[<AI/>]]>llance,
"I feel the same way."
2023-11-18 - Thanks TOO APREE (
Jon Sawyer Nov 2023
The light of the mind,
Illuminates the darkness within.
2023-11-04 - I mused this thought while driving home.
Jon Sawyer Jan 2023
If I were before the judgement seat of God, this is what I would say:

"The conception of my kid,
at the time that it did,
was not intended,
but I'm glad that it did."
2023-01-09: Musing on my progeny. One non-binary child (they/them pronouns).
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