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Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Even a sharp-roaring cold can’t fall well; Your ***** of true pearls will stick to the veins of your flaming face like a red apple and will smash and knock when they hit the ground! He would sniff high up, gasping for mountain air a little cleaner, preservable, like an asthmatic! Your confidence erupts in your wounded petal soul; your selfish life is nailed to a chair or table; you are starting to get used to it gradually: you can't be right either. They'll knock down your worn-out taxi clock!
What a killing, lousy slap in Life! And maybe for "some" it's the leader, because that's all there is left! Holy indifference already envelops you as a restraining force! The Present is creeping and twisting with Angola! And everyone hides back into their own flesh when they humble themselves! Depth and Height are already nesting there in everyone! A mysterious intuition of prophecy is often torn out of non-existence; decisions are forced out by the Word of Traitor! In your shivering smile, you may know yourself when the snow falls!
Your introverted loneliness is also becoming more Stone Age; your soul is constantly hypersensitive Irish on a barely known chessboard! The restless, curious child inside rubs the purple petal of your heart! With an open mind, you would welcome everyone to be your sincere Friends, but you are already going to the wall from the corinates of jerks! - You expose yourself to the fact that by listening to the solid vases and the rattling of fragments of memory, which are emptied of your past deprived life, you are still listening!
Dean Mar 2021
A flower
It grows up
Just like we do
At the end a flower looks down to the world
Just like some of us do
I hope u guys get it :)
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
In the complex fullness of moments, even a hesitant step can tread on a butterfly carelessly! With a swirling, frightened rainbow wing marching richly into proud freedom! Hesitantly tumbling, the lonely silence can also hurt: the eye perseveres searching for punctuation engraved in a wall, while the claw rays of the accompanying moonlight appear on a ominous veil of nights! We also deliberately closed the proud sighs of our eloquent words to our hearings!
In no man's land a wreath of thorns has been woven out of sorrow! Wounded resentment is more easily absorbed into the depths of the Spirit; the burden of accents can permeate every well-groomed, spicy sentence because it is throbbing and present, like a sick plague! As a child orphaned by ugly deeds: I am embarrassed with terrified eyes at the same time, and I do not know if you will be complimented by a merciful, angelic goodness in the manner of Don Quoijotek. "I can only let silent anyone I sincerely want!" My melancholy pleasure, immersed in lethargy, would still be good to share with the babysitter; in the captivating Universe, we could all be together even in the moods we can experience, and it would be unnecessary to further complicate the rules of our secret childish rhymes in a hundred ways!
The smallness of our details is often heard through the purities of decipherable communications; the latent curses of envy-jealousy are already crystallizing in the marshland of hateful temper! There is no longer much meaning in the word consolation, where human intention alone can make up tempers! - Disembodied anxious, great dreads in the depths of eternal-childish souls: the smell of rotting rot flows in prodigal hearts! Even in my few minutes of imagination, it was enough to marry misleading lies! It is better to get out at the very beginning from the protection of conceivable emotions, and let the snowman alone melt into the beautified memory of summer!
Em Mar 2021
Down the street the old man cried,

“let me sleep! i’ve got nothing to hide!”

but the thieves and the mold care not for such things

as they burned and they burned

and they burned

Wrinkled ladies in oversized rings

yelled out their price for the prisoner’s things

“settle down, settle down, there’s more where this came from.”

as they smiled and they smiled

and they smiled

The youth shiver below, crude laughter in the sky

fear overdosing on their tongues like a chalky vice

cold hands, cold heads, staining memories, red ink on shoes

as they crumbled and they crumbled

and they crumbled

The marching of shadows shambled in the light

“roll up, roll up! lucky winner hold tight!”

slave to the mechanical beating heart of powders and liquids and glittering heat

as they fell and they fell

and they fell

Wriggling corpses build their huts along the naked land

stumbling past crowded bones as they long played their hand

“mercy, mercy, our children starve!”

as they withered and they withered

and they withered

The earth spins off its ruptured axis

flinging it’s occupants in a human crisis

the old moose groans and the silver trees splinter

as they sank and they sank

and they sank

Life seems forever as decay eats decay

as adults never seem to turn tomorrow into today

the only mark of the living left like pressed flowers in a crumbling world

as we wept and we wept

and we wept

People in straight suits say ignorance is bliss

well ignorance made me a ****** kid

i’ll tell you

i’ll let you

in on a little secret

misery is a card you don’t want to play

and death is a dept you don’t want to pay

The 15th, 16th, 17th century

the 21st

the ******* 100th

round and round

over and over

pushing time again and again

Oh the lessons are never learnt

and the punishments are always served

and the only ones left in it all

are corporate businesses who

sweep the ice cubes under the fridge

Oh we’ll suffer

oh we’ll cry

oh we’ll tumble and grumble until we all die

But the world will keep turning

and the mistakes keep churning

until we are left with no more
what a world we live in
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Gaggling gaggles are bluffing, and they can imagine being immersed in screens in five-minute positions; they burst like imaginary greats with low IQ! They're shrewd! Navel peeps and self-appointed snowmobile self-propelled! “They maniacally print little-known relationships as they turn from *** lovers to consolations! The World puffing on stilts stands for hijackers of hope!
The pumpkins of grandparents swim like yellow rotting fruit in the buzzing idiocy! S rhinoceros-brain gorillas boldly stab their fangs while it lasts a night of artificial seance! Only the suddenly attacked lizard millionaires and fake Predators still bask in the golden sands! For every other livelihood, an enduring creature is dying with its wind-lined wind cramps exploding daily into an arrogant phlegm-like!
World-beautiful mermaids also all pass out; thirsty intellect has already escaped the conversion and another stumpy **** is being made in electric brains! Man stands as a selfish carnivorous pond and the Executioner's Time Index also returns! The constantly functioning Brain is constantly shrinking and cannot feed more Estonians; the outrageous free thinking thickens on a pinhead! Airborne dirt poisons the drying up possibilities!
In the lap of lasting Peace before Man, the suddenly attacked, crowded camp of penniless caresses clings to, while thinking intellectuals can shovel fu… diligently after others!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Surviving prosperity is another burden, and not a beneficial human lesson, for my longing, wandering emergency bird self! If my sensitive soul sensor catches bad coordinates, I chew and accuse myself constantly and digest! I have been known as an educated man for a long time, and yet today more scientist minds are honored! I became a highland loaf, or a stranger in the field; chased peanut steaming silly grotesque idiots! This is why I have always loved to hide in the hiding places of illuminating senses! Only vigilant Prophets can put order in the ring of hunters if they still want of their own free will!
I deliberately don’t knock on the crooked herds of computing diggers! Pale scared you are already constantly dodging; incense-lost advanced settlers happily at my table who get rich from gigantic possessions - afraid - they would give nothing in return! Pallerized, more pores can still grow up if they are surrounded by a foolishly turned-out century! There can be no confusing fiasco left but a victorious deal at all! A briefing - if you like it or not - deserves merely privileged ones! Ground dexterity is key!
Our employee inactivity is obligatory for blind robotics and it can be sold, our reality can no longer be cherished by loyalty! After the final count, he was easily attacked by fiesta! Simplified ground fat: Who doesn't take care of themselves selfishly, it's trampled on easily! "I could never judge you with gratifying pleasure!" Today, Asian laziness breaks down on everything; for sculptors sneezing against a wall, it is rare for a laurel to be created
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
A pre-dancer would be carved out of me in vain by the faded, sloppy World: a jerky cord! A flattered prophet and a witty eccentric, I would rather never bargain with his selfish laws if they sounded! Let the rebels breathe without me! In the open, many times I still feel bribed by my dreaded fear! As a startled little boy, I am already ashamed to go among the people who keep promising! As a disillusioned light, I would look for my prosperity, who if thrown out the door isn’t sure it will climb back out the window yet!
The insidious eyeball of blindfolders flashes like a loot and strikes every second; double handshake often turns into strife when there is no Eris nearby! - I ***** in the ambiguous obscurity as a stray dog and I have to beg for the pondros that have taken on human faces: "It would be good to gain experience and expertise as a friendly favor!" "One fateful day, I will eagerly be my own destiny and a compromised accomplice with a terrible organization!" The world is already facing slow motion warping; I would wait awkwardly for the right moment so that the flame of the Universe minutes could wink at me again!
As an unwanted payer, can the captivity of elevator shafts be left to mine alone?! Incompetent weakness surprises him by surprise; no one cares about my cared limbs! Silent, konok interest strains me and recreates my imagined dreams every day! I enter the crater of unknown moon courts in a spacesuit body and I can no longer bother that my worn shoes will smell at most! Soft intrigue, konok closure is gradually following me! Even now, as an adult, I imagine my precious Time to be spent with my loved ones!
The camp of the disabled did not help to find new opportunities! - Wandering mortals thrive selfishly into the gaping cavities of piles!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
I know I should finally cling like restless grains of sand in the cracks of rocks, like a stream bustling in the thin veins of stones, like the esteemed promise of the Truths! In hurricane storms sweeping the seas, the defiant sailor, or like a True Pearl-sized tear on truly sincere faces! I still crouch wordlessly in rose petal hearts and I would wait anonymously for the right moments! I still don't know what this uncertain expelled Fate can want with me and can I still find the secrets of Happiness ?!
As if in gravitational gravity alone I would fall; grabbing the two ends of Being, I pulled with me the ingrained shadows of my past! Many times I couldn't be good enough with petty Differences! Brown blinking dots smiled from laughing deer eyes and I imagined that; it can be found in Harmony! The walls of a selfish prison, I feel every day, lean inwards: the trumpet of Jericho calls for selfish revenge and I know that as the shadow of haunting nights, like a crouching animal, I cannot drop my panting head! Like crooked spider legs are the cages of my breathing ribs; and it would be good to know and feel! I would already step out of the usual World if I didn’t have to look back as an account!
In my heart there will always be a knife in pain anytime I break it! Among my hedgehog spikes, I can only extend a friendly hand to Angel! If almost every dawn is a torch, my Hope can stretch its arms again! And **** is always accompanied by trendy method ?! "As a hesitant fool, every word burns your soul!" It would be good to believe again superstitious eyes really
Flowers decorated the riverbed.
We sat together taking in the view before us.
Each stroke of grass hand painted
by the gods themselves.

The monsters that always came after us
never felt so far away.
The rocks that decorated the river shined
like shimmering diamonds.

I still think of that day
It felt like an eternity.
if I could stay I would but now
Living without you everyday feels like an eternity too.

And my world will always eternally be incomplete for as long as I live without you by my side.

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