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Styles Aug 2014
That taste, he will always taste.
His memory misses, what can't be replaced.
Her look, that smile on here face.
Those precious kisses, and how they were placed.
Styles Jun 2014
People see what they want to see, so in all reality- what does that have to do with me? If it was up to me, I'd be me. But instead, I play my part in society, so people don't riot me. Ended up hating myself; more than I hate me. So I change every thing that's real, so the fake will be just like me. Real recognize real; sounds simple to me. Just try explaining that to society. Whatever I lack in swag, they'll buy for me.

Too expensive for my taste; Hit Walmart and I'm Gucci, down to the socks. Rings and watch, filled with fake rocks; looking like I got crazy loot- see me, on the street. Somebody shoot - me; for my, jewelry - that's stupid. But don't blame me; I'm society.

I'm being trendy thing, in spite of me. Everything is really real, everything but me. Cover girl issues, making up for free. Hating myself, because society told me, what to think of me. Had all my freckles removed; woke up the next day. Society decided they were ****; why didn't anyone text me.

Mirror on mirror on the wall, amazing grace, respond to call. Who is the sickest of them all? As I watch the hands fall, face forward, right off the wall. Million pieces, scattered wall-to-wall; Society reflected on every piece, as I collected them all.

Believe what you may, its your call. Or wait until Society drops the ball, and blames us all.

— The End —