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Veritia Venandi Sep 2020
The moon hung like a chandelier from a charcoal ceiling studded with jewel like diamond stars...

Beneath a pair of candy eyes, caramel hair and ivory skin draped in a little silk garment stood still, looking up... Asking the universe for help...

Filled with doubt and sadness... She wondered if she could ever make it...

But then curiously,after a period of time, music filled the air... And like a puppet  her hands and legs began shaking... drowned in a sea of harmony...

Her stiff body began moving in graceful steps...
And she twirled and swirled... danced on her toes... drawing shapes in the air...tapping her feet to the heavenly beat...

Her mind was filled with memories of a time before her birth... When she was amongst the stars dancing and playing amidst the nebulas...

Now as she stood dancing her gratitude filled the air like fragrance that made the moon smile with delight...

A rainbow pride filled her heart as her mind whispered a lovely secret:
'The heavens taught her to dance..! '
Isn't the universe our greatest teacher? It teaches us things that we could have never learnt from books!
Thanks for reading this! ❣
Yashashvi Sep 2020
teachers come and go
but very so often one comes along
that you'll always remember
one who makes learning an adventure
the kind who can make you the best
someone you can relay on
who really cares ; what happens to you
not just as a student but has child
who could give out love in all directions
so that you don't faint when you're homesick
inspire you and shape the best version of you
teach you the words that heals wounds
today I'm here because of you
it's you who made me believe that I can alone make it sense
that is you, taught me to smile in hardships
thank you for your presence
god must be grateful for creating you
and I feel the luckiest to be your student
you have me and I need you as guide ;
no matter what I have you at loss of words
you're the polestar for the child who lost his way
and I know this polestar takes him in right direction
(ma'am forgive me if I have any grammatical mistakes ;
this child is not perfect yet
the only one that understood me in school
Prachi Sep 2020
Someone asked me,
Who is a teacher?
A pathway to degree?
Or holds a position deeper!

‘Union of multiple roles’, I said,
Is a teacher’s true identity;
One who enlightens the road ahead,
Assisting selflessly which is a rarity.

Playing a huge role in our upbringing,
And giving us a constant support;
Teachers were there motivating,
In the times we felt lost.

They teach us the art of life;
Losing sleep for other’s child,
New and innovative ways they devise;
It is incomparable what they provide.

The ones who are always well-wishing
Steering to right path and escorting;
They instill a passion for learning,
Student’s success is their earning.
Respect for all the teachers inspiring and supporting students.
Black Sep 2020
pain the teacher

the only instructor who instructs after punishment

the only teacher who flogs you without a cain

it teaches you the bittersweet truth

it knows nobody

it is a respecter of noon

it won't stop until you learn.

the best instructor anyone can ever have.

take or leave it one way or the other everyone gets trashed
pain pain pain
Pain it's keeps coming, it will teach you almost all you need to know ...
eli Aug 2020
you all scream profanities like there's nothing to lose
she looks so frightened in front of you all

you're so loud and shes so quiet
you're so rude to her

she doesn't deserve that
Seth Hollis Aug 2020
Though I step so blindly
Who better to guide me
No longer is life frightening
No longer will I spite thee
My words I will carefully sow
I'll trudge through the battles I'll know
I'll know and live
In the love that you give
For you are my friend
Forever and wherever I go.
My commemoration
Ylzm Aug 2020
Once you've sat at Wisdom's feet
and heard her teach the Truth
Light's unbearable and dark
and Teachers most grievously painful

For there is no error in the plumb line
Any tilt and crookedness is exposed
Every hearts' wickedness and deceitfulness
cries out and stinks as dead men's sores
Nikita Jul 2020
It’s been two months
Two months
Since I
Heard your screams
Wiped your tears
Held you close
Two months
Since I gave you

You begged
You pleaded
I had no choice
She’s your mother
I’m sorry
Dave Robertson Jul 2020
The bittersweet blast
of ending another
another one.

Weird, unnatural, irrational.

Mixing maudlin with
the electric buzz of new beginnings,
we will drink and sleep,
cheap grins on our faces
‘til we’re adrift in three week’s time.

These days and friends are mine.
Raising a glass to all the teachers who have reached the end of the Weirdest Year Ever (TM). We have lost our traditional chance to welcome the new and say farewell to friends.

Despite what some gutter press and bumbling government ministers say, we never stopped teaching or caring. Never will.
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