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Pritam Biswas Aug 2020
It is an hour of pandemic.
I am thinking about mankind.
When sleeping in the night,
I hear knocking just at right.
A figure comes and it says
Come poet your time finishes.
I rub my eyes, stretch my look.
He is death and I take my book.
Holding scythe he wears black dress.
I see his eyes and they gaze.
"Listen my poems," I tell.
He says,"where your fear dwells?"
I say then "Let's play chess."
Death smiles and against me sits.
We play, play and play.
I don’t know how goes day.
Suddenly once I see my hands.
It is bone and nothing belongs.
I try to find my eyes,
But they are gone.
Death smiles and says,
"I always rip in time."
Then I say pointing my books,
"Look my poems are alive."
PB 30/04/2020
Written on Strong Cognition
Steven Boston Aug 2020
To speak of the silent voice
would be to be laid bare
as the world glares on
gavel in hand ready to slam downwards
passing sentence to another

Imagine thyself
encapsulated in the looking eye
gavel dissolves with a heart melt
pondering their weary woes of ticking time past

Tear trickles your consciousness
meandering through vascular alleyways
no longer bound by piercing sight
but flourishing in a garden of unconditional compassion
Judgement to compassion was the theme! Was thinking how our perspective can change about a person through the lense that we view them.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
To see through that foggy glass window
I jumped over the upside down rainbow
From a place of pure heart and sorrow
With eyes that shined without halo

To see the flow of karma
As cause and effect made love
With the rivers and chains of life
Building and waving through time

It is a moment
of total clarity
Giving you serenity
and graceful harmony

Crossing carelessly
Crying passionately
Singing voicelessly
Whispering silently

This passion from many selves ago
Bearing the fruits of understanding
Of that unknown certainty
And that clear mystery

Once again I sit in love
Feeling the being of this
Existing without masks
Seeing without pasts
As joy explodes in my heart
Mixed with deep gratitude and love
Of the perfection,
In me
In you
In us
In this
Shannon Soeganda Aug 2020
The Empress is about to take Her Throne.

The Queen awaits patiently;

for after The Long Wait,

they both shall reunite

and reign together

in a Communion of Alchemical Union---

of two halves of a soul; from the same soul core.
2020-2022 Prophecy.
Let's see what's on menu from now on forward to 2022.
Talon Robinson Aug 2020
Be careful where you look,
For you might peer,
Into the Eyes.
The window to the soul.
The eyes that draw you in,
Might be the same that end you.
Look away
Don't be fooled
Trouble is what follows
For my eyes,
(Yes my eyes).
Sweet enough to
Make your mouth water.
A taste so enticing
Wanting more
Yet, wondering
What a taste is actually like.
From my eyes,
To yours.
What do you see?
Do you see
My eyes,
Mesmerizing you?
Captivating your soul?
Entwining it to mine?
Together maybe for a while,
Maybe for life,
Who knows?
Just beware,
My eyes!
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The rainbow colored light is shining through my heart
Giving me infinite power beyond all of my doubts
The true faith that was once born from these painful tears
Of the self-knowing,
that, I am all

How can you be afraid?
If you are fear itself?
How can you doubt?
If you are all...

You are so powerful that you cast a spell
Of one, that made yourself small
But when the wheels of the eternal turns
It will reveal all these loving paradox

What is sinking beneath your consciousness
Is so profound that it will shock you
To realize how powerful you are

I have been talking to myself
Lying to myself

I am...
You are...
We are...
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Infinite love
Is all around us
In the depth of this path
We saw the darkness in us

But perhaps
We hugged each other
And maybe
We kissed without knowing

As you walk down the street
Can you hear their laughter
Their sorrow
Their love for you

Like that ray of sunlight
Or a touch of that raindrop
Or a shade under that green
Or a breath on your skin

Oh you beautiful being
Can you feel it
Can you feel the love between us
Can you feel your own touch
Holding on your heart
Kissing it
Caressing it
Loving it

Like that wave
It beats to our pain
And as it washes over
We can feel
just how much love is in us

There is so much
So much that we killed
So much that we fought
So much that we cried

Oh you beautiful being
Through anything and everything
My love for you is endless
And maybe you can see it
One day
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