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Ayla Grey Mar 12
When my brain starts spinning
I count the red things in my room
And when I run out of red things
I count the color blue

I count until the moment
I stand to give my speech
I feel my heart wrench in stomach
I feel the pressure in my feet

There's a cyclone in my head
Tearing up memories as it dives through
But now I can't stop the spinning
There's no more red things in my room
7:08 halloween night
"its time to go"
the car
the moon
(that i can remember)
3rd floor bedroom
the moon
through the window
its too loud
curtains close
the sharpener

i don't remember
panic attack on halloween night- i can't remember most of it. only leaving. feeling nothing. then sharpener. but throughout it all, the moon
DJQuill Dec 2024
Life feels like a big, dark maze right now.
A dusty, dark hall full of unknown difficulties
I don't know where I'm navigating.
I see helping lights every now and then.
But they go dark after a while
Every step scares me to death
Makes my body shiver and itch
I may have the strength to reach the end, but
what will happen
when I reach it?
Nobody Nov 2024
Anxiety seeps into my soul
Like stains on a white couch
Like songs to your mind
Panic rises
Thoughts coming faster than before
"Maybe I'll die"
"Whats happening?"
And sometimes
No thoughts at all
But never any barriers
To brake my fall
What's wrong with me?
Loud noises and yelling remind me of what happened...
Why though?
Nnenna Oct 2024
I'm freezing from the inside out

as cold seeps into every pore,

spreading its dark tendrils inform of creeping numbness

that suffocates my soul.

Everywhere feels like a suffocating chill

and it's wrapped around my heart.

Leaving my breath in a startled gasp,

The air around me thickens, refusing to fill my lungs,

And my chest tightens in a vice grip that won't relent.

Each heartbeat a drumbeat,

echoing fear and desperation.

My thoughts turns to fragment,

shattered like broken glass,

Showing reflections of a mind in chaos.

Memories linger, taunting me with happiness,

that's lost in the haze of anxiety's relentless grip.

Emptiness consumes me, and turns me to a hollow shell,


devoid of warmth or light or hope,

that echoes with every heartbeat,

A chasm between what was and what is.

Time becomes distorted, stretching each moment,

Minutes become hours, hours become eternity,

Then the world retreats, leaving only darkness,

and a neglected landscape, lacking comfort or solace.

In this hell, I search for a lifeline,

A thread to cling to, a beacon to guide me through,

A reassuring voice, a gentle touch,


But every handhold slips away,

leaving me falling, as my body trembles like a fragile leaf,

Shaken by the winds of fear and uncertainty.

My mind screams in a silent cry,

Drowning in silence, and desperate for rescue,

I strain to recall calm moments,

Serene skies, peaceful nights, loving arms,

But they fade like mist in morning sun,

Leaving only the stark reality of this panic.

And the realization that I'm fighting for a breather,

to remember and to forget,

And if God's willing,

Then I won't slip away,

or get lost like these tears that slipped away.
Bree17 Oct 2024
It's like a spineless monster
As it claws right up my throat
First it takes my voice away
And next I start to choke

It digs it's nails right into me
And grips me much too tight
Holding me in place
As I will myself to fight

It sits right on my chest
So I can't make a sound
And my hands start to sweat
As my heart begins to pound

It takes complete control of me
Never letting go
So If I were to need your help
It'd never let you know
Em Sep 2024
I need help
so I yell and I scream at them
until my lungs give up
and my heart gives out.
silently wishing, hoping
they’ll understand that
I’m not a terrible person.
I’m just hurting

I need help
so I etch the pain into my skin
pleading, begging, praying
for someone to notice the glaring welts

I need help
so I skip one meal
then three
make a chart for the weights
and the calories
waiting to reach the impossible goal

I need help
but I shake in my seat
suffocating in my own lungs
tumbling out of control
I grip my seat so tight my knuckles turn white
wait until
my breath hitches,
my breathing stops
Please don’t read this if you’re in a bad headspace
Kalliope Aug 2024
Heart is racing, skin on fire
Jittering buzzing pacing cussing
Hair is wild, eyes look crazy
Shaking crying mumbling breathing
Face is wet, chest is pounding
Screaming running hiding sobbing
Keep it all inside
The best I can
I was born to be alone..
As you weren’t there
for all my panic attacks
when I sent you a message
that I needed you right now
as my hands were shivering
to the point that I couldn't yearn for help,
when the doctor was the only one
who patted my shoulder and said;
It's okay, you are safe now…
When I saw a semi-reflection of my parents
through your soul….
Well, I’m here, fighting demons,
As it’s Thursday,
and you didn’t come home.
I know I should do better
and ignore this intense fear of mine.
I should yearn for something else
rather than the idea of
your colorful permanent settlement
in my black-and-white corners.
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