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my love, you are the reason for everything I do
witchy woman Aug 2015
Pictures painted perfect
presented passionately,
performed precisely
per person.

Pacific patterns push
pry precious paintings
past pooling purpose.

Politely, please pardon
pitiful, pointless
PPPPPPPP just trying somethin new
Pluck Aug 2015
I couldn't point to the reason that you consume my thoughts when the sun goes down.

So mysterious is my desire to have your time, regardless if it's genuine return of interest or just the run around.

Your smile, that smile, precisely resembles the overwhelment of staring at waters so crystal clear the blurriest of views shutter no longer.

Your laugh, your voice, so tranquil my legs lose their brawn, my voice cowards behind my amazement & I feel my joy flourish stronger

I just thought you should know that you amaze me. That my eyes become frustratingly fatigue when I try to see the flaws you claim to have, those absent flaws no one else can see.

I just thought you should know, friend, or more. Whether we're sharing laughs or beds. Your uniqueness is eternal, your beauty goes unparalleled, and no matter what we ever are, you're surely a blessing to me.

Everyone should have a friend as prodigious as you atleast once in their lifetime, & I can see the pain you hold back from those who let you go unknowingly discharging a gift.

When ever you need a chest made pillow, a patient hand to dry tears, or just ears that don't judge and understand the language of scars; I will be ready to use the strength you give me to give your spirits a lift.
Come into my commune,
My farm
In the sky;
You won't be lonely
Not by a hiker's mile

Let's climb
Into the morrow,
Throwing fear
To the wind

The curators
Of sorrow
Are seething within

They prey
On your pleasure
And worship your sin

Like vultures
They hover,
Like maggots
They win

Come into my commune,
My farm
In the sky;
And feast
On your freedom

Then bury your lies;

You won't be lonely
Not by a hiker's mile

~ P
That One Guy Nov 2014
I don't know you did this Kagami
Madzq Sep 2014
Pencil - ****** - ***** - Penalize -Pentagram - Pentagon - Pentagonal - Penitentiary -Pensive - Peninsula - P.......

....Plagued. What is it to be plagued? Haunted?
Seiged by an inescapable force?
ability to move, yet achieving no valuable distance.
A struggle writhing within ones self.

Pen -Pent- Pent up- P...

....Please, no more....

....more miles high.....
In the ground.....

Great stakes.....
So very high.

Pen-Pensive-Pacing- to pace back and forth down a narrow stretch of newly carpeted hallway.
A door.


Innocence left?
       May be none left.
Kristen Ordonez Sep 2014
I want it again, another great night
Wine-soaked cards stuck to a plastic table
Where we can't use names and accents aren't right
And sitting on the ground feels more stable

It's been my favorite by far, you were there
Your smiles was stained with jokes and flat beer
But that didn't make your hand leave my care
Or when happiness spiraled and left tears

Will there be a night when you're not around?
When shadows gather but don't look like yours
It's the only one that helps keep me bound
The buoy that saves me from hitting shore

These nights are what life created for us
When liquid courage pushes me to trust
svdgrl May 2014
Make us pet names
and perfect cuddles
with precious time.
andrew May 2014
I've fallen empty again as its Monday night and I'm forced into another word battle with my over bearing and under protective ****** flatmates 
I don't know if I believed drugs ruined souls until I saw your hearts turn to vicodin art projects and your eyes to steel blades 
I thought love was a four letter word with nothing but warmth radiating from its vowels but now I know it to be a cold noun which is to be thrown at me when I'm not wanted in your presence 
Straws are for drinking hot coffee but yours are cut in two's and fueling nostrils with more than caffeine could ever hope to achieve 
Mary Lambert claims she's touched trees with charred limbs but I'm watching two burn out of control and I know the thing about forest fires is that they don't tend to stop
Stop lying that youre trying your hardest to stop competing with caffiene and that your heart will soon again pump clean blood 
We both know that lies and pills go hand in hand and soon each hand will be blue and cold and I sincerely hope you love each other because pretending you'll achieve what you can't possibly desire is a lonely way to go
I havent written in awhile but I needed to vent
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