Everything has got to be the best
Nowadays. For every little test
And exam must we come out on top;
Never must we stop
Working at our every skill;
A break
And everything you're good at will
Just disappear.
Everyone just
Wants what's at the top of Mt. Everest.
I guess I've got to get used to
How it works around here.
Always having to do
More than what you can.
Sometimes I just don't understand
It but every explanation
I get just adds more and more complications
To the tangled mess in my head.
I miss how things were before
Nowadays even the karang gunis
Don't want newspapers anymore.
if you don't know what a karang guni is, then here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karung_guni#:~:text=%22Karung%20guni%22%20is%20a%20Malay,use%20a%20hand%20truck%20instead.