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It is always "What will other people think when they see you?" NOT "What would I feel when you said that to me?"
My mother's reputation and image is more important than what I feel
I often speak
of the holy:
the high and mighty
the hands that guide me-
because that stuff never leaves you
when your oldest memory
is writing stolen stories in the back pews
(next to you)
of the church that ****** me to Hell
just for living; for loving; for breathing.
I often speak
of the ink
under my skin-
how it beats
with the blood
of my veins
how it rots
the valleys of my brain
how it festers
in the edges of my eyes
I’ve always thought
leaky faucet eyes and flatlines
were better fitting for me anyway).
And with calligraphy nibs
for teeth
and nails-
the points beg
for the weight
of the word
and the worlds
I could make.
So don’t mind
the blushing lines
on my wrists
& stomach
& sides-
that’s just me scratching the surface.

I often speak of
the hell I faced
in the soft heaven of my bed,
and how you Holy Figures watched
and waited
with blind and prying eyes
for the answer to come to you
on a rusting silver platter.
And yet,
when I served the cause
to this wretched effect
bloodied and blessed as it was-
wrapped pretty and proper
in a note I wrote in deranged worry;
you wept,
painting me a monster
with the ink from
my own ****** letters.
cast from above
like One before-
a glistening gold halo
turned to petty pyrite
(how fitting,
for a follower turned fool).

I ask
your Heavens now:
when I came to you
with prayers
and pleads
heavy on my tired tongue
in the pews of your Holy House
made Hell,
did you ever think to hesitate
before you began
to point your jagged fingers
and other weapons of war
at the silent space
between the lines of my letters
(that weren’t even there)?
Or did you hate being wrong so much,
six years of ignorance
was the price
you were willing to pay?
Was it worth it,
my Holy Roots?
Actually a slam poem I wrote a while back! I was raised Catholic, and of course, being gay/trans doesn't mix well with Catholicism. Tale as old as time. And because there's no real guidebook for raising neurodivergent queer Little **** (TM) with a penchant for getting into things I had no right to be in; they didn't know how best to help me. So, they didn't. Leaving me to my own devices so I could sort **** out for myself, in hindsight, wasn't the best idea, but it was better than the times where they tried to help but actually ended up making things worse. They try, though. And at the end of the day, it's all I can really ask for.
Rosé Jan 8
My mother yelled the other day
"Take a shower, brush your teeth-"
"Wash your clothes and listen to me!"
"Please do the dishes before you anger me!"

Yet concrete forces me down to my bed
Chains wrapped around my heart instead
Moving a limb is an impossible feat
Pure numbing pain crushes me

This feeling curled in my bones annoys me
As it did when I was only 6 and untrusting
Lies sprouting and sharp as from a garden
If only I could say, "Hey stop it."

My mother yelled at me today
"I gave you love and gave you strength-"
"I wiped the tears you spilled on rainy days!"
"If not for me you would have been left with no one you see?"

The love you gave wasn't until you had to show face
I got strength but from the way my childhood caved
The tears you wiped was when people died
Even when you were "there" I had no one by my side.

My mother sobs tears with rage
"Things you've done affect others as well-"
"It breaks my heart I couldn't help,"
"I'm sorry I didn't notice you weren't well."

Mother of mine why can't you see?
I just want a hug and cuddles- listen please.
I didn't have childhood but please forgive me
Sorry oh sorry for hurting you so.

Please just let me go.
Yeah... me and mother have a strained relationship ngl..
Cloudisse Nov 2024
These are two words which are completely foreign to me.

What is a mother? What is a father? How do they both act? I have not only been deprived of their significant meanings and experiences, but defiled also.

I am plagued with Mommy issues, Daddy issues. Anything at all relevant to something paternal, forcefully and painfully stirs something inside me.

I wish to squirm and break away from such a topic. It hurts.

Envy? Yes. But I know it is futile to wish and be other children with healthy families.

Everything Is Worldly.
Kitt Sep 2023
Somewhere between eggshells and landmines
Were the creaking floors upon which I played
Carefully, for her wrath could be detonated
At a footfall, just a bit too heavy
From a word uttered under the breath
A mess left too long in the sink.

But her embrace was warm,
Wrapping around me like sheets from the dryer
And when she put on pause her own life
To tend to me at my sick-bed,
Her eyes showed only tender love.
“My baby goat,” she would say, affectionately,
And leave a kiss upon my feverish brow.

She is a living contradiction, my mother:
Churning disapproval shattering the gleam
That she put into the hopeful eyes of a child
Just a moment before.
I lived in perpetual uncertainty,
Never knowing which mother I might see next:
The raven or the hen.

And now she looks at me with disappointment,
Wondering aloud why her children fear her.
Her capriciousness eroded away any trust
And much of the fondness as well
Her hot-blooded adoration
And her ice-cold tantrums
Have mixed so long now
All that is left is
Lukewarm like the bathwater
Left over from when the
Baby was thrown out.
nadine shane Feb 2023
i carry my mother’s rage
in every part of me;

i am never without it

i carry my mother’s rage
just like her mother did,
and just like her mother also did

if destruction is a form of creation,
then my mother
was never an inventor.
melissa Dec 2022
i find myself reflecting on my girlhood
what should’ve been
i grieve the girl i could’ve been
if these addiction genes didn’t flow so steadily
like an unwavering whirlpool
it wasn’t your fault your mom didn’t care for you
but why couldn’t you care for me
we all have  ways to cope
mine is taking pen to page
yours was needle to arm
i grieve for the girl you should’ve been
for the mom you could’ve been
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