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Eleanor Sinclair Sep 2018
I feel the sunlight on my face
And it reminds me of your warm embrace
The one for which I long
When I’m weak it makes me strong
It was sad to watch you walk away
But I know we’ll make it back together some day
You don’t believe my words
How many times have I said it? Is it the second? Or the twenty-third?
I love you without earthly notion
You fill me with a variety of emotion
And I will always feel love for you and us
Love far deeper than lust
Imagine our island in the sky
On a single cloud floating by

We will make it there,
I swear
Sarangi Jun 2018
New chapter fresh start
Empty page waiting to be written on
I wished for words
I got a  perfect song
La la la la laaaa.....
Made me dance on the floor

Out there,
It was darker
I wished for a lantern
I needed lights
Ha ha ha haaaaa...
I won a  moon in my life
I can't stop
I can't stop smiling
Wake me up
Am I dreaming???
It's too good to be true....

PS : I love you
I am in love with you
Vous étiez assis à côté de moi,
nous étions des étrangers,
dans ma tristesse vous me calmé
Et je suis content.

Ciao stranger, bientôt sûr la piste de dance je te regarde, et juste après, nous dansions.Le reste de notre histoire était trés doux.

Si les circonstances de ce monde travailler ensemble pour notre amour, chérie je vais te trouver à nouveau assis à côté de moi faire mon coeur content.

La prochaine fois je ne vous laisserai pas de toi.

Mon cœur me fait mal, mais la douleur est beau que cela valait la peine de vous rencontrer.

Je suppose que c'est l'amour.....le sentiment est bon.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2014
well this keyboard is intimidating
but jeez i can't keep
using a pen forever
so what if it's more

This poem looked better
When it was
Written down.

— The End —