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vonny Apr 2020
golden sunlight shines down on the white sand

glaring onto our backs, freshly rubbed with sunscreen

you just jumped out of the ocean, your hair glistening with seasalt

i was never a fan of the water

but you get me to try new things

smiling in my sundress, i look over my book at your face

your eyes are scrunched as you take a bite out of your sandwich

that you crafted so experimentally yourself

i return my gaze to the pages and you put your arm around me

looking back at you makes me realize how lucky i am
i wrote this about a vision i had fanatsized a lot about.
Bongani G-kay Mar 2020
Lucky i was

Rough tough year
It was for me
Tears and fear of being alone.....
I had .....
But you came along
Gave me everything
I ever asked for
Anything i didn't had

I was the head
You were the neck
Gave me balance
You did
Take care for me
You were for me but changes
Changed me
I took advantage
And those were not my intentions
It was the stage
I was growing
Glowing in the dark
Everyone started to noticed me
Through all you stayed
You never left
As they did
They played me
As i was playing you....
Guilty came
Soon you found out
About my affairs
Out of our relationship
It wasn't fair
Even though..... your lies
I trusted you...
Since the day
I layed my eyes
On you
I saw the real amoung
The fake...
You gave you couldn't take
Now i want the chance that comes second
To make
A difference from last
Its the past
We can wipe it away like dust
Even though it keeps coming again
In our memories with pain
We can't complain
Its life
To us....i wish we can say that with glasses of Champaign
And we will drown the pain
Along with our past that passed....

Appreciate those who are real to you
Peyton L Feb 2020
I didn't use to believe in luck,
I even thought myself perpetually
but now I see
that the universe has done me a
kindness by having us meet
I only hope that
their generosity would continue
to help me in my endeavor.

And if it doesn't,
then I will scour the ground
for every four-leaf clover
I will race to the bottom of every rainbow
for its *** of gold.
I will do everything I can
to stay lucky
so I might be able to keep you.

I worry that, without my luck,
I will not deserve you
or that the universe is using you
as a way to prove to me
I am not worthy
of all that I seek.
Haven't shared this with The Girl but thought I should anyway
Brandon Kellems Jan 2020
Does anyone like it?
Everyone runs
Into some

From time to time
Overwhelming it typically is
If you were a lone passenger...
If you are lucky enough to have companions
They can help you feel calmer
As long as you do not scare them...
There is no shame in asking for help

If you ever find your highway,
Clouded with traffic
To face it alone
Would be tragic
Having friends or someone to talk to
Can be almost magic
Ask them to guide you
Through the traffic
july Jan 2020
whenever there's nothing to see
you'll be my eyes
telling me not to look in the dark parts
but rather focus on the colorful ones

whenever it is dark
you'll be my light in the way
guiding me as i mindlessly walk
into the pitch black of nothingness

whenever i feel blue
you'll be the waves
that will washed me away
through the shore of intrusive thoughts

whenever i tell myself i'm unworthy
you never ceased to make me feel
like i'm the luckiest gal on earth
just with you, being you

whenever i'm lost
i would always come back to you
because when you wrap your arms around me

i feel like i'm home.
who says a person can't be your home?
laura Jan 2020
Sometimes I wish
things were different
or better
but when I look around
me, I realize I don't
want anything to change.
BJFWords Dec 2019
I'm your knight in shining armour
I'm your bane, your adipose
I'm the reason you're not happy
I'm your ****, your tuberose.

You're my shock, my half cooked omelette
You're my biscuit never picked
You're my very painful fracture
You're the fur ball cats have sicked.

He's the one you should be courting
He's the one that hides distaste
He's the martyr, self inflicted
He's the life that's gone to waste.

She's the one that smiles at no-one
She's the girl that lives alone
She's the happy, carefree songbird
She's the chocolate scoffing crone.

Count your blessings maid of plenty
Lucky that you've never cared
Comatose to squires, to gentry
That beating lump you've never shared.
Juno Nov 2019
We were the lucky ones;
The people who lived.
But take it for granted
Was all that we did.
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