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Gideon 3d
I love my parents, but they’re out of it.
For high school graduation, they gave me a gift.
A genie, three wishes, you get the gist.
A big responsibility for an eighteen-year-old kid.
What should I wish for? Well, I don’t know!
Beginning of summer, maybe I’ll wish for snow?
First semester of college, but I don’t wanna go.
Maybe I’ll wish to already know.
Know English, Spanish, math, science, and more,
But I’d rather know what’s on the ocean floor.
Why not cure cancer? Because it seems like a chore.
No, what I really want is the one I adore!
Genie, I wish for my perfect girl.
The most beautiful one in the whole world.
Give me a stunner, one that I can twirl.
Genie said wait, don’t give that a whirl.
I am all powerful, all knowing too.
So I know a secret, one about you.
Now don’t deny it, for you know it’s true.
You don’t like girls, or “doing the do”.
You, kid, are gay. Trust me, I’m the genie.
So don’t ask for a taco when you really want ******.
josef Mar 3
the gay one
i like you a lot
you’re the best
i think you're gay
but that’s ok because it’s
priiide month
he’s drunk
Inevitable Feb 25
I'm trying to fill your gaps with the lengths of me,
inhale your essence in form of hyperventilating.
Handling a ****** that i'll purposely procrastinate
I wont commiserate , it's more so a proclamation.

Guide your hands to the utmost high.
Religion can be a lie but we will pray tonight,
atone for sins, all while committing them,
a sip from our fountains before we begin.

Holy water. Instinctual desire.
Theres no hell in this fire created in our friction.
We've taken a fiction into reality.
We can lack diction in our expression tonight.
I'll read more into the thrusting of hips
and the curling of toes and lips
and the feeling of finger tips
to verify what your physical reactions
and floods already tell me.
I confess at your feet, i'm on my knees
begging for saving.
I'm praying on a rosary thats choking me.
No tithing but offering daily communion;
you have my body for free.
We worship in my house. Eucharist.
Natural inebriation, no tantalus.
and when your ready to spill your secrets,
call out my name through your bliss
while you grip my sheets in your fists.
You didn't know heaven could be visited
but we just did.
Raven Star Feb 24
The love around
Didn't suffice,
So i ran towards
The people around me are mostly in arranged marriages and while there is fondness i don't really find love. I long to go away and have a girlfriend and wife if it so happens and be in wlw relationship.
Obie Feb 15
They're weird,
they help you,
they hurt you,
they love you.
My two friends. They call me strong.
I like it.
They call me tough.
I like it.
They say I have high pain tolerance.
I like it…? No, ***** that.
When they say that, all it brings back is the years where I was beat every day.
They mean well.
But it haunts me,
the fact that I have a high pain tolerance but I grew it.
I didn't have it naturally.
I grew it. Because I was beaten to the point where
That's what happens.
You just get beat enough to the point where you don't feel it anymore.
This can’t happen anymore.
We need to end it.
This can't happen anymore.
Obie Feb 15
Dear Bully,
How come life is harder for trans people then cis people?
Now, I’m not complaining, but why?
Is it cause’ we aren't a ‘true man’ or not a ‘real girl’?
Who’s to say what is real or not?
Who made you the boss of my identity?
How come 50 trans and gender nonconforming people were killed in 2021 alone?
How come 41% of the transgender population has attempted suicide, when only 2% of the world population has attempted suicide.
How come when a trans person shoots someone the title of the article is “Transgender person shot someone,”
but if if a cis, white man shoots someone the title is just “another shooting,” as if it’s normal
How come the pledge of allegiance says ‘justice for all’ when there really isn’t
justice for all?
How come in 2023 there have been 417 new plans for laws and bans against lgbtqia people?
In 2022 there were only 180
Now, trust me, I am not saying 180 is any better.
How come almost 400 new laws have been introduced ever since a transgender person killed 6 people.
So, then
How come we haven't made 5 million laws against cis white men?
How come when I meet someone new they ask me who I am, and I say i play basketball, and I’m transgender.
All they can focus on is how I was born
How come when a cis man meets someone and they say they're into basketball the same person would say, oh who's your favorite player?
How come people believe that it's their business where I go to the bathroom?
Or how I was born?
Dear Bully,
IT is not my fault that I'm trans, so then why do you hurt me?
Why hurt anyone at all?
I lost my best friend, one of the most supportive people cause I had to leave my school
I HAD to leave. I didn’t have a choice.
Why would I stay if I would've just gotten beaten up even more than I already had.
Now, my best friend refuses to talk to me?
Why is that?
Because of you,bully.
And because of all the homophobic, transphobic, idiots out there.
I’m not saying I'm mad at you.
It's not like a middle schooler can choose to be transphobic.
I’m mad at the person who told you to be transphobic,
the person who told that person to be transphobic.
Just ask yourself;
Why hurt others
If you don’t need to?
josef Feb 9
william william william william william william william william william william


william william william william william william
william william william william william william william william william william william william
william william william william william william

do i like him
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

will i ever be with him
probably not probably not probably not probably not

am i sad about it
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

why do i like him
his eyes, his smile, his music taste, his curly hair, his sense of humour, his laugh, him

like an inaccessible mountain
he stands there
looking majestic and
i will not ever be with him
and looking at him reminds me
he is not mine
he will not be mine
he can not be mine
unless god intervenes

i don’t want clever conversation
never want to work that hard
i just want someone that i can talk to
i want you just the way you are

not going to be his
not going to be anything but a friend
not going to run my hands through his black curls
not going to see him after we graduate college
not going to talk to him
not going to spend maths lessons with him
not going to talk to him in pe
not going to shove him again

what will i do
get a husband that’s not as good as him
one that doesn’t make me laugh like he does
one who doesn’t have his sense of humour, his curls, his music taste
one that isn’t him

what a **** life
a life without will french
a life without the man who makes me feel like someone cares about me

a life without oxygen
i don’t want to compromise
i’d rather have him
please god
let me be with him
a heaven without him isn’t heaven
heaven is perfect
he is perfect
perfect like
the rain
a black cat
his eyes
his hair
his freckles
I S A A C Jan 13
so real
so true
the truest of blues
your touch so smooth
lubricate my mind with seeds of knowledge
harvest my body from your sweet desires
interested in the disarming nature of your iris
i am not used to this
i can grow used to this
never been used like this
i’ll never feel used again
if you are my only man
you’ve become my heaven sent
love letters written in green pen
thanking my brillant man
Marls Dec 2024
Whats your biggest mistake?

Never to be known, I said
As a smile grew on my face

To be known is to be vulnerable
And I'd rather not know myself
Not let them get close enough
To see the hurt beneath my eyes
Then to admit
My true soul
In all its glory
In all the tears it earned
In all the misery it enjoyed

To be known is to be loved
He said
I agree i thought
But deep inside I know
A men would never be the one
I'd like to know

As these words leave my pen
It hurts
In my soul my head my stomach
I might throw up i might not live
After a confession so selfish

"Oh child, to love is not to know
But to believe in the hope
To heal every broken soul"
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