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In the quiet moments before his departure,
She watches as her father prepares to return
To the land of his ancestors, to China,
A journey back to the roots of his existence.

She loves him dearly, her father,
Her heart heavy with the knowledge
That he will not be there for the special moments,
Those milestone occasions that mark a life.

No father to walk her down the aisle,
To give her away to the man she loves,
No father to see the children she will bear,
To hold his grandchildren in his arms.

But she wants to reassure him,
To let him know that the man by her side
Is not a replacement, but a reflection
Of his love and devotion, his strength and kindness.

She weeps as she speaks, her voice thick with emotion,
For she only wants him to be proud of her,
To be happy for her as she has found
The family she always longed for.

A family that mirrors and exceeds
The love he gave her growing up,
A family built on trust and respect,
A family that will stand the test of time.

Her father listens with a heavy heart,
Regret clouds his eyes as he realizes
That he never told her how much he loved her,
Never expressed the depth of his feelings.

But he accepts her choice,
He blesses the union,
Knowing that the man she has chosen
Will never abandon her, will never hurt her.

And in that moment, as they stand
On the threshold of a new chapter,
Father and daughter embrace,
Their love transcends words.

For, in the end, it is not the words we say
That matters most, but the love we show,
The actions we take, the bonds we forge,
That truly defines who we are.

And as her father walks away,
She carries his love in her heart,
A beacon of light guiding her path,
A reminder of the love that will never fade.
I wrote this one, as my love watched her father and family depart for Shanghai, their ancestral home.  His final journey, for his final rest.  Though they appreciated this... it broke something in me to write this.
Heather Mar 2024
May her broken body peacefully return to earth
And her broken heart heal in the next place
I don’t know where we go when we die but I hope it’s not nearly as dark for her as this world was.
Heather Mar 2024
What’s a measure of a valuable life?
Or knowing when to ask for help?
Is it clutched in talons of the oppressor?
Is it living fast and dying young all for a story to tell?
How many should watch over your rotting corpse?
Because in the end all our blood pools black;
The ink of our heart’s quill desperate to get out
amanda cooper Dec 2023
your mouth tries to form the words that
your brain wants to say but your tongue
is weary and your lungs are just so futile,
working hard to overcome this but
you're exhausted and ready for sleep

cardiac arrest, and they're begging god to take you,
instead of asking you to stay

but you never wanted our pity,
and you never wanted our tears
you just wanted us to pray,
you wanted us to come to jesus
and ask to sit by his hand
but i still flinch whenever i see his palms
i can't stand the sight of blood
i'm afraid of the ocean,
and i'm afraid of the flood

i'd measured out the morphine,
once every other day,
then once a day,
then twice a day
and then every six hours then every four hours then every hour-
and then when you couldn't swallow anymore
we tucked it into your cheek, hoping that
you'd forgive us when we tried to ease your suffering,
and again when you heard our whispered prayers
begging god to take you, instead of asking you to stay
Ackerrman Aug 2023
Do not let the silence fool you,
The screams are stifled, through and through.

The gentle glint is in their eyes,
Soft smiles grin in wild surprise,
Though the man pretends to sleep,
He hears the words and faintly weeps.

When you walk in the empty hall,
There's no jubilant footfall,
Of yesteryears' purple vigour,
Just vibrant souls that you ignore.

Do not let the silence fool you,
The screams are stifled through.
Do not let the silence pacify,
There is no rest, waiting to die.
My experience visiting a family member for the last time in her care home.
sofolo Jul 2023
Towards the end, there was The Good Place inside of The Dying Place.

The raven watches silently.

You were drifting on waves of Ativan while I vaped in the courtyard before I flipped the mouse card. Lotioning your feet—now yellowing.

“I’m sorry to bother you,” I said to the nurse. “But here, take this” as I handed her the phone I yanked from the wall.

No more distractions, please.

An advance copy on a projector screen. Downton Abbey in The Dying Place. You couldn’t believe it. But you also couldn’t stay awake.

Nowadays when I say “calzone”
I’m actually saying “can I have another year on loan?”

When I think about bourbon in the rainbow-speckled glass, it’s a sip-by-sip plea to get those years back.


I hold your hand.
The dolphin returns.
I kiss your head.
The mouse rests.
One last breath.
And the raven's wing lifts.
I whisper
“I love you,”
as you fade away,
your last breaths
soon to come.
a few days pass
and there you go,
away to live with the moon.
I wish I could say “I love you” again,
please say i’ll see you soon.
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2021
this once sound vessel
succumbing to agony,
as if scuttled by
a siren at sea,

and in her heart
flutters and sunbeams,
she's not alone
in her dreams,

there's a torch light
with wings, dancing
about her wounds,

it burns of empathy,
but too numb to feel the pain
of her dying rooms,

hereabouts goodbye,
under the silk of anesthesia,
she whispers,
"blade of grass, then away we fly..."

Michael R Burch Apr 2020
The Lingering and the Unconsoled Heart
by Michael R. Burch

There is a silence—
the last unspoken moment
before death,

when the moon,
cratered and broken,
is all madness and light,

when the breath comes low and complaining,
and the heart is a ruin
of emptiness and night.

There is a grief—
the grief of a lover's embrace
while faith still shimmers in a mother’s tears ...

There is no gruesomer time, nor place,
while the faint glimmer of life is ours
that the lingering and the unconsoled heart fears

beyond this: seeing its own stricken face
in eyes that drift toward some incomprehensible place.

Keywords/Tags: lingering, unconsoled, heart, death, bed, deathbed, silence, last, rites, hospice, eternity, finality, infinity, grave
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