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The Vault Sep 2019
Alone in the silent light
I sit
So quiet
It almost hurts the ears
A whisper
Sounds like a yell
And things in the walls seem to move
Creaking and groaning
As if some lurked
Within the books
I called my home.
Paseal Joe Mar 2019
It's so glaring,
yet we've been ignoring,
the cries and screams
from the floor above,
while claiming to mind our business,
we've ignored the sounds of things shattering,
and the painful groans and moans next door.

The signs are obvious,
while we pretend, we're oblivious,
if only we'd stretch a hand,
we'd save the little girl upstairs
from being molested repeatedly
or the boy next door from more trauma.

Oh, lives are being shattered,
how could we go about our day's work, ignoring?
hopes are being destroyed
yet we ignore daily
following up busy schedules,
forgetting the world around us.

Who would play the savior?
who would lend a hand?
who would raise a voice?
who would show some love?
who would protect them from so much fear?
who would say: "all hope's not lost"
We are the ones who keep quiet and claim to mind our businesses when these things happen, we've forgotten that our kids/ siblings could be victims too if these abused victims, turn out to be abusers too because, about 50% of the abused turn out to be abusers. Let's not judge, let's say 'NO'
Leif Aug 2017
there’s more out there
more to everything
I know it, I feel it, I long for it
To have it and hold it in fullness
Not for just a short second to have it fly away
Like a feather in the wind

The trees are hiding it in their roots
The ocean is hiding it in the waves
The sky is hiding it in the clouds
The earth is hiding it in the mountains
And God is keeping it hidden inside of me

I cant see It but I know its there
For I have felt its fleeting presence
In dreams

What is the emptiness that takes us after we see hear and feel something wonderful
After it ends
I don’t believe in temporary
I don’t believe in a rush that ends
A plant that dies
A beauty that is destroyed
An innocence that is lost

There is something out there
A deep indescribable something
Waiting for me to take hold of it
A constant force that breathes likes my lungs
Beats like my heart
And lives like my soul

An all encompassing
Never ending

That is what is waiting for me
Oh my soul how it groans
How it pains and aches
How it cries out from within me
Asking for sweet release
Each day growing louder
And more painful
all for this

I want more
No, I need more
I need more or I die
I need more or there is no point
I need more or there is no purpose
I need more or there is no sense
No sense to anything I do

I must live a life that is more
And if I do not
Then I am ruin
My passion is lost
And I have failed the call of my heart

Lord, let me be more
Or let me die

— The End —