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Maddie Jan 2016
The people
Who notice
Broken smiles
Are the ones
That have
Their own
How are they
Supposed to
Save someone else
When they
Can't even
Save themself
From darkness
And pain
That hides behind
The dreaded
Fake smile
That fools
Them all
Jamie Oct 2015
Everyday I wake up,
I feel alone,
To my friends who love me,
I fake my smiles and pretend I'm fine,
No one sees the tears I hide inside.
MR Aug 2015
Some smiles are merely
a motion,
skin stretching to
a thought
inflicted wound.
Marisa Lu Makil Jun 2015
Put a smile on your
Face and soon enough, you will
Believe you're okay.
I heard once that when you've lost someone you love, the best way to get through it is to wake up on Monday and tell yourself that this week, you will smile, and be okay. Then so it again the next  week, and the next. Soon enough, you might truck everyone (yourself included) that you are okay.
Michaela Ferris May 2015
I may smile on the outside
But it's all one big lie.
I'm dying inside
Tearing at my akin
Just so I can feel, even for a second.
You tell me I look fine
But little do you know
That I'm one step off the edge...
Waiting for a reason to stay.
You say I look happy
But I'm not.
I starve to feel worthy,
I cut to feel alive.
I think of suicide as a way of ending this pain.
I don't want to die
But I no longer want to hurt.
So what's that...
I look fine?
Little do you know behind my smile
Lies a thousand little secrets
Give me your pain.
You don't need to have it,
Nor should you and you don't deserve it.

Wipe your tears away,
That cover your pretty face.
Find that smile again.

Your smile, you think.
Well that is fake,
But that's what I want to change.

Give me your pain,
Give me it all.
Then you won't have to suffer,

Think to your self.
Not of your demons inside,
But instead angelic thoughts.

Your lying in bed,
The covers over your head.
Now softly have sweet dreams.

Waking up in the morning,
You wash your face.
Now start the day with joy.

Give me your pain,
I say once again.
I'll hide it away from you.

You don't need to weep,
Your thoughts not too deep,
If you just give your pain to me.

There's no need for you,
To be on your knees.
Next wipe the dirt from the floor.

Pour yourself a drink,
Very mindlessly.
You don't need to be careful anymore.

Give me your pain,
Is what I say everyday.
I don't want to be ignored.

Guys, give me your pain!
This is what i think and want.
I don't want you or anyone,
to suffer from your thoughts.
So give me your pain.
I don't have much,
but I want a whole lot more.
I'd brace a smile, everyday,
to free you from this mess.
Give me your pain,
I whisper to you.
I am not asking but demanding.
I will not accept you saying no,
so don't deny me again.
Instead, the thing you can do,
is give me your pain now.
The last bit is kind of more like a poem version of an authors note, that I thought belonged in the poem.

— The End —