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Gladys P Sep 2014
Autumn adorns the universe,
Into a transitional seasonal display,
Preparing for a whimsical change,
Upon evergreen trees, in rouge and ember shades.

Lavishly, shedding slowly,
Into a fusion of tones, leaving embellishing grounds,
Bearing naked branches,
As they casually toss down.

Stroking their leaves, and sending colorful hues,
Like a genuine piece of tapestry,
Beautifully interlacing,
And harvesting, 'neath the suns abundance of energy.
Fire flies are in the air,
Like nature lights with it's flare.

As if fire dissipate embers in the air,
Tranced by short blazing from the stare.

Reflection of Mother Nature's care,
And mystical fire flies soft glare.

These are the nights I shall share,
If you are so inclined by my dare.

You can be my equal pair,
And I'll share with you these flying embers in the nightly breeze air.
I would share this view with you the mother nature's night lights in the air.
Gladys P Jun 2014
Upon a bright spring morning,
In the warmth of the ember sun,
Adorable chromatic koi's pose,
Graciously leaping in a distinctive pond.

Casually stroking their fins,
In a flattering array,
On this delightful,
And cheerful beautiful day.

As they glide smoothly,
Hiding underneath huge stones,
Preciously playing peekaboo,
Each in a beauty of their own.

Near a tall brick wall .... beneath the purities of cascading waters,
Portraying a lively show,
As the zephyr gently embrace,
And the waterfall plays a soothing percussion, as it flows.

— The End —