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Gideon Mar 8
After darkness fell, stars shone on the outside.
On Chestnut Street, he came to her bedside.
He sat by her deathbed, feeding her soup.
Her pale thin lips barely covered the spoon.
He told her stories he’s told her before.
She tries to breathe with ribs frail and sore.
After many hours, she falls gently asleep.
He hears her last breath and prays God, her soul, will keep.
Frank Cavalo Nov 2024
The Clock has gone to bed
So have the Bell and Chime
And such has ceased all hours to pass
Beyond the boundary of Time.

The Twilight holds you — tender
To cheek you turned to foe
And so now becomes forever,
The Ox becomes a Doe.

O, Heart as gentle as the nascent Fawn
Who gets lost on familiar paths:
"If only to reminisce" — it jests
"Or chance upon greener grass."
louella Jul 2022
she comes to everyone eventually
lies with you on polished hospital beds
watches over your crib as you’re fast asleep
loves you like a mother loves her newborn
tends to your tribulations, to your shortcomings, never judging

then soon, she gives you grief for tiny little mistakes you make
she insults your frame in the mirror
gawks at the insecurities that haunt you
makes all your surroundings seem like ginormous threats
heats you up with angst and tells you to deal with the real world

later, she’ll settle down
she’ll patch up the tarnished image she left of you with bill payments and mortgages
she’ll start poking you with sticks and bricks, making your back slouch in pain
she’ll be fake nice to you once in a while, other times she’ll shame you for taking a cheat day
she’ll tear you down limb to limb, bone to bone, leaving little room to try to grow

finally, she’ll leave you couches to sit on while the television sizzles, the only entertainment left for you
won’t lend any help or support for your medical bills and visits
will creep around the corner slowly, telling you to breathe, keep breathing, just keep breathing
she’ll try to reach you, but your frail bones and blinded eyes won’t be able to see her hand outstretched in the dark
she will witness your last moments with an absentminded smile
knowing **** well she loved you, but she was never able to stop to tell you
i want to do more metaphorical stuff again, i miss it

Mark Toney Oct 2020
Younger wanting to be older
Older wanting to be young
Child wishing to be bigger
Bigger wishing to be thinner

Teen wanting a clearer face
Clearer face wanting a better body
People lamenting bad hair days
Bad hair days replaced with no hair days. . .

We diss what we have
Wish for what we lack
When what we have is gone
Oh, what we'd give to have it back!

Youthful desires for future yearning
Future bearing down like a train
Elders' memories of past unnerving
Hit by a train never the same

Mark Toney © 2020
10/6/2020 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Seems like we're never satisfied. If you're an adolescent you want to be an adult. If you're older you want to be younger. And on and on and on. Why can't we just be content and enjoy what we have at any given time? - Mark Toney © 2020
Jenish May 2020
The dragon dance of death,
Born in silent Wuhan
Round and round far it goes,
Filling ballrooms of Rome
Hip Hop, Tap, Rock and Roll
Taking breaths of poor souls
Healthy youth fit to dance,
Saving our elder lives.
Kenshō Apr 2020
sugar cane berry stains

lost friends life's bends

mountain still, in the end

there and back, i've been

we were kids, you were teens

we learned a lot, what we've seen

one more shot before we go

that sacred breath you always know-

when to call it a day
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