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Gideon Mar 8
I watched her become numb.
I watched as nothing reached
past the fog surrounding her mind.

The constant disconnect between her and everything around her scared me.
When she stopped smiling with her eyes, it scared me.
When she became unrecognizable, it scared me.

Her death was a surprise to no one.
But it was a relief to some.
She had been a bright light in so many lives.
Her radiance and color were unlike anyone else.
Watching it dull into gray fog made us feel
like the whole world was losing color.

The funeral was as solemn as her last few months had been.
Not everyone had seen her descent into dullness.
Her dementia-muddled mind was uninterested
in the friends and family who did come to see her.

She lived as a dear friend to me and many others,
but she died a stranger to all. May she rest in color,
and may the people she left behind always remember
her vibrant life.
cleo Jan 14
so scared of losing yourself
to a future disease
you forgot about the rage inside
and your family's grief

there's a lifetime of love here
but it's getting hard to see
this thing you think you're fighting
well it's really fighting me
Steve Page Jan 3
You glance up once again
from the rediscovered photo,
sellotape stained and saved
for this future finding.

You hold me yet again in
the honesty of your peaceful smile,
in that shared perfect moment
catching us all unaware.

But that was just before our fall
into confusion, into the fog
that suddenly enveloped you
and robbed us all completely.

But now you return to mind
and I can return your smile
once again.
This month marked the 5th anniversary our mum's dealth after 3 years of dementia.  We were fortunate enough to have a glorious photo of her about a month before dementia really bit deep. That photo has pride of place in my home.
Rone Selim Dec 2024
Imagine living your whole life with memory loss..

Now forever in Love
with all the wonders,
all the dreams,
all the inspiration
your mind and heart has ever
pondered on, chased and sought after,
never realizing whatever you’ve always Loved is infact a story about yourself,
your soul.

Imagine reading a story to yourself about the parts of you, you have forgotten was You all along..
Unpolished Ink Nov 2024
she fishes,
searching a foggy sea,
for a souvenir of long gone years,
and who she used to be
Lizzie Bevis Nov 2024
In the mind, where memories fade,  
A once-bright mind is sadly betrayed.  
A friendly face, but whose is unclear,  
As echoes of love dissolve into fear.  

Time, a thief, with a fragile hand,  
Steals pieces of life, like grains of sand.  
Familiar paths turn into foreign trails,  
Lost in a maze where confusion prevails.  

Each brief moment, an unfamiliar song,  
Ties us to those we once held, now gone.  
Though the curse may linger, love remains,  
In the hearts of those who bear the chains.

©️Lizzie Bevis
I can imagine that quite a few of us can relate to the misery that dementia brings, watching their loved ones regress through their memories, slowly forgetting their friends and family, eventually taking away their ability to function independently.

I feel for all those that have had to go through this awful disease.
Walter Rivas Nov 2024
It’s the summer of 1937  
Gertrude is only fourteen  
She and her older sister sneak out of the house  
And Gertrude’s eyes have that certain gleam  
She’s mesmerized by the big city lights  
It’s something they’ve never seen  
They go into a club to see Benny Goodman  
As the big jazz band plays Sing, Sing, Sing  
-      -      -  
Henry has just turned twenty-five  
He and his friends go to see Cab Calloway  
They dance having the time of their lives  
Jumping and jiving celebrating his birthday  
Drinks and libations, it’s a celebration  
Henry and his friends are enjoying the show  
Cab on stage sings “hidee, hidee, hidee, hi”  
And everyone replies “hidee, hidee, hidee **”  
It’s the fall of ‘51  
-      -      -  
Sylvia lowers the needle on to the record  
Seeing Duke’s name go around and around  
And the piano starts with a pretty rhythm  
Then the band joins with a big wall of sound  
The records starts with it don’t mean a thing  
Sylvia is dancing by herself in the living room  
The eighteen-year-old gives it a good swing  
Sylvia is dancing by herself with a broom  
Spring 1946  
-      -      -  
Roger and his friends have a free weekend  
They hear Glenn Miller is in the neighborhood  
So they take a cab to a jazz club downtown  
And you guessed it, they were in the mood  
Inside the club Roger sees a beautiful brunette  
He knew he’d remember this for the rest of his life  
Summoning some courage he asks her to dance  
That was the night Roger met his wife  
May 1st, 1944  
A week later he went off to fight in the war  
-      -      -  
Oh to dance  
To romance  
To take a chance and be young forever  
To have those moments frozen in time  
To have them resurface from the darkness  
To have them move and groove again,
it’s divine…  
Henry cries remembering that night  
Sylvia recalls dancing all alone  
Gertrude’s eyes gleam, lucid once again  
And Roger knew he’d make it back home  
The nurse smiles as she plays another song  
The iPods are filled with a big jazz catalog
Memories seems to come flooding back  
Temporarily lifting dementia’s fog  
That’s the power of music
Jack Groundhog Nov 2024
On the day of all souls in the fall
as leaves lose luster to winter’s bane
my father’s shade returns to call
while I walk along a splintered lane:

His memory murmurs in a darkened nook
of years of yearning and wasted days,
as the distance that filled up the book
of our lives still grows as I turn to grey.

The care he’d showed I did not feel
as the pillars of our bridge began to crack.
Too late, I turned back to heal
the fallen span that we now lacked.

By then his old mind’s lantern had failed;
the new light I’d shone back went unseen
and broken arches into a chasm trailed
where once a golden bridge had briefly been.

Across the valley, dark, deep, and wide,
a spectral stretch of stones appears
to shine as a silvery coach now rides
across, to bring two sundered shadows near.

Now on this day of all souls missed
by those who find themselves left behind,
one faithful departed returns to kiss
the forehead of a son’s reopened mind.
A very personal meditation on this day, All Souls’ Day.
Zywa Oct 2024
The visitors help

her search, can anyone find --

her as she once was?
Poem "Is het vandaag of gistren" ("Is it today or yesterday", 2002, M. Vasalis)

Collection "Over"
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