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Brent Kincaid Dec 2017
I used to be an avid libertarian
Now I am a vocal egalitarian.
I see that Republicans are
Rehearsing to acclaim a Tsar,
Contemptuous of anything agrarian.

My peers are equally divided bubbleheads
Half of their brain cells completely dead.
Their parents taught them so little
That they are caught in the middle
They believe each word their crazy leader said.

The USA is not a pure democracy,
The only thing pure here is hypocrisy.
Voters sit on their hands
And applaud the brass bands
Saying, ”What else can anybody ask of me!”

My peers are equally divided bubbleheads
Half of their brain cells completely dead.
Their parents taught them so little
That they are caught in the middle
They believe each word their crazy leader said.

The USA is not a pure democracy,
The only thing pure here is hypocrisy.
Voters sit on their hands
And applaud the brass bands
Saying, ”What else can be asked of me!”

My peers are **** near useless bubbleheads.
On voting day, three quarters stayed in bed.
They play a dumb political game
Saying both sides are the same
And let our country drown in the watershed.

Some rail and rightly blame the establishment
As if they understood what that really meant;
They know the country’s out of hand
But somehow they don’t understand
The folks they voted in are to our detriment.

My peers are equally divided bubbleheads
Half of their brain cells completely dead.
Their parents taught them so little
That they are caught in the middle
They believe each word their crazy leader said.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2017
A roster of rotten rogues and rascals
Rapscallions and self-righteous racketeers.
Wrapped themselves in the American Flag,
Like Wicked Witches of the West in drag.
Not a whit of statesmanship in the bunch.
Hearts as black as coal, I have a hunch.
If we go by behavior, the devil is alive;
Queen bees who hate the workers in the hive.

They started with genocide of all those here,
Native Americans before the whites drew near.
They kept it up by importing a million black folks
They owned and ***** and made up ugly jokes.
In time they treated Irish and Italians the same.
Let them come here and then played a sick game.
Promises to those, the non-Europeans, were not kept.
They heaped them with bias while good Christians slept.

It has been going on forever since antiquity.
They make our fine country a den of iniquity;
When not operating from a sense of disdain
They run their show on hatred, death and pain.
They claim they work for the people, but
Most of the people can tell what is really what.
Distressingly disgusting, diabolically divisive
They do their best when citizens are permissive.

In time they decided monopolies were great.
They let those with money put up the gates
And charge those with little to pass through
To get food, water, places to live. Not new.
Old country villainy was given a new face
And soon only a few creeps owned the place.
They cheated and swindled and laughed at those
Who starved, rebelled and fought and died.
Rich children splurged on geegaws far and wide.

Soon the list of enemies grew in the mansions,
They included over half of regular American citizens:
Blacks women and poor people were told shut up.
There was not enough nectar to put into their cups.
Gays, agnostics and atheists were treated as if
They were the living minions of the Christian devil
Liberals and objections to conservatives called evil.
Anyone who had issues to the gathering of massive wealth
Was treated as a criminal who wanted to steal their wealth.

The self-righteous racketeers bought newspapers and lies
All created to be swallowed whole by the lazy and unwise
Who could not see that they bought and sold more crooks
That got into office and wrote evil laws into the books.
This is not a new game, in this computerized info age.
This is an ancient costume covering up the old outrage.
It only takes for most of us to stand by and not protest
When leaders lie, and cheat and steal and call it a jest.
Denial is a pernicious disease. Just look at who is in the White House and who runs Congress.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2017
Platitudinous, pusillanimous,
Pulchritudinous, posterior
Poseur, postulating pus bag
Posing as plenipotentatious
President POTUS, posturesome
Proudly putting paws on *******
Publicly preposterous woosie
Pretending propriety: a putz.

Eternal egregious eccentricity,
Endless empathy-less publicity,
Effectively inbalming ethnicity
Eviscerates any essential nobility
Excluding even existential energies
Of expectations of excellence
Instead enacting evolution-free
Economical inimical extortion.

Hourly horror holler hate,
Both houses holding hotheads
And hundreds of houris
Honoring honor-free hopes
Hesitation-free horrible haste
Hosing hope and helpmeets
Who have inherited helplessness
From heartless halfwit hoydens.

Boisterous ***** and boors
Beat beauty and belief badly
But beg and bawl for bounty
Bathing in bastardy and blood
But beyond bowing to betters
Banquets and bowers of berks
Badly bent beyond blessing,
They’re best boxed for burying.
Brent Kincaid Nov 2017
I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Jesus!
Why’d you let all those liars get elected?
Why do you let them collect their bribes
And cheat people they should’ve protected?

They’re poisoned by fame
And they’re invoking your name.
They’re robbing the poor.
What is all this praying for?

A lot of crazy people claim you, Jesus
When they scream out hate and bile.
Where are the thunderbolts and plagues?
We have needed them for quite awhile.

Do we need another major flood now
That wipes out Washington D. C.?
Maybe that might wake the Republicans?
Maybe not, We’d have to wait and see.

They’re poisoned by fame
And they’re invoking your name.
They’re robbing the poor.
What is all this praying for?

I hear you’re coming back someday
To teach the sinners why and how.
Is there any tiny possibility at all
That you could manage that about now?

There are people that loudly claim
You heal people just by their prayers.
Could you open up sone free clinics ?
We’ve got poor sick people to spare.

They’re poisoned by fame
And they’re invoking your name.
They’re robbing the poor.
What is all this praying for?

And could you repeat that stuff, Jesus
About the eye of a needle and the rich?
I think the RNC convention would be
A perfect place to publish that pitch.

Mainly, Jesus, there’s stuff going on
That seems to be horribly unholy.
So, it is about time you spoke right up.
I mean, gosh almighty and holy moley!
Brent Kincaid Oct 2017
AssembleD to dissemble
Congregated to prevaricate
Misleading all misdeeds
Associates to discriminate

When nobles are ignoble
And hit us with a low ball
That baits and switches
And then laughs at us all
Applauding each other
And singing their own praises
Then giving themselves huge
Unconscionably large raises
It means we have lost sight
Of the hows and the whys;
That we are being defeated
By the Tower Of Lies.

Misleading all misdeeds
Associates to discriminate
Assembled to dissemble
Congregated to prevaricate

A subterfuge centrifuge
Spinning out stories for dunces;
Fables and mythology
For addicts to mystery
Fools playing wild hunches,
This is Vegas for the mad
A sad Monte Carlo atmosphere
Worsening every year.
An oven for a coven,
A sick secretive collective,
Of selected dark intentions;
This is no place for the wise.
Never unseated or defeated
Those in the Tower Of Lies

Assembled to dissemble
Congregated to prevaricate
Misleading all misdeeds
Associates to discriminate
Brent Kincaid Oct 2017
Don't let the door hit
Where fatigue makes you sit.
As people like to say,
Don't go away, mad, just go away.

These crusty old adages
Are better than biblical messages.
No meaning suffers loss.
Because the point comes across.

You hide behind double talk
That does not match your walk.
So down the road you go.
Find some other fools you know.

Preach your lies to all of them,
Because the point comes across.
Most know well who you are
And you are no shining star.

Steal from taxpayers and ****
We’ll gladly play back the tape
And show the world that can think
Just how badly the G.O.P. stinks.

You cheat and lie and brag about it.
Frankly we can all do without it.
The only supporters below you
And the people that don’t know you.

Most of your support come from bigotry
And some gun nuts in their zealotry
Who don’t yet see the picture clearly;
You cheat and victimize equally.

When the tally is taken at the end
You’ll find Republicans have no friends
Except those with millions to give.
Who care not if the rest of us live.
Brent Kincaid Sep 2017
I want leaders who know how to lead.
I want people I can trust to be legal.
I want people who don’t sell off forests
And pull the feathers of the American eagle.
I want to hear from Presidents and those
Representatives who are not criminals.
I don’t want to see people get elected
With moral codes that are not despicable.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to feel
That our country still looks out for us
Instead of making us want to cry all day
And shout aloud and wail and cuss?

I want to know that I can go to sleep
And wake in the morning in a free nation
Where no laws have been changed that may
Legalize inequality, theft and alienation.
I want to see crooks, no matter how high
Go to prison and stay there for years
And not let them out, no matter why.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to feel
That our country still looks out for us
Instead of making us want to cry all day
And shout aloud and wail and cuss?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if elected folks
Would be held responsible for lies they tell?
Wouldn’t you like to know for sure that
Even famous crooks and killers would go to hell
And spin on some deep level with the devil
With no chance to ever talk heir way out?
Yes, I’d love to see them fined and jailed,
But going to hell? That’s what I’m talking about!
Brent Kincaid Aug 2017
I’d love to have a magic wand
Then all Republicans would be gone.
I’d wave my wand once again
And fill their chairs with honest men
And women who could serve
Without trying to get filthy rich
And could manage to see through
Any hateful racist political pitch.

I think we should fire them all
Take their wealth as restitution
For the attempted ****** of
The United States Constitution.
Put them into a prison where
They do their time breaking rocks
And teach them some education;
A twenty year school of hard knocks.

We can do it by arresting them all
For abrogating their office vows.
They don’t understand honesty
So we should teach them how.
We’ll take every word they said
And print up an itemized sheet
And fine them for every false word
Wouldn’t that be totally sweet?

We could denude them of the riches
They gathered while on the job
And turn them loose on prison gangs.
Let them lie to that angry mob.
And part of their punishment could be
Digging ditches down at the dump.
And joy, oh joy, they might luck out
And work beside Donald John Trump.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2017
Hyperbole in front of me,
Political effrontery,
Lies dressed up as Scripture,
Treason beyond conjecture.
No hope of restitution
A gutted constitution
Guarded by mercenaries
Who hate blacks and fairies.

A pain to liberal brains
As hope goes down the drain
While major constituencies
Are sold out for SUVs.
Journalists lost their relevance
Kissing the haunches of elephants
In a mad rush every news day
To keep their beloved pay.

Chip-off-the-block jabberwocky;
Son talks his Daddy’s talky.
With no attempt at recompense
The fool makes little sense,
Hiding behind the leverage
He gets from his evil heritage.
There’s no need of morality
Or decency or much formality.

No matter how much criticized,
The wrongly, constantly victimized
Suffer the ignominy yearly
And continue to pay dearly
From our position down on our knees
As they try to rob everyone they see
And we are the casualties of infamy
Because neighbors stand by silently.
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