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certifiednutcase Jun 2017
The number on the scale
Becomes very real.
When food becomes kilojoules
Cravings become nil.

The number on the scale
Shouldn't be like a rusty nail.
Causing a wound
that never seems to heal,
that spreads till you're ill.

The number on the scale
is now fear.
For somehow worth is
Equals to
The number on the scale.

The number on the scale
Haunts till
The number on the scale
Decreases to
The (smaller) Number on the scale.
Ember Jun 2017
cake-235 calories

You can have a bite.  
Come on treat yourself.  
For only the price of:
An hour of sit ups,
two hours of guilt,
A day of crying over the bathroom scale,
A week of fasting.  

French fries-250 calories

Come on take a bite.
Reward yourself.  
You haven't eaten anything but your own fingernails in days.  

Chocolate milk-120 calories

Take a sip.
for only the cost of the rest of your life spent worshiping
the feeling of an empty stomach.  
The feeling of being cold in a warm room.
The feeling of your bones poking through your skin like white flags.  

Waffles-190 calories

Just one bite won't hurt.  
And another and another
soon it's a binge.
Now purge.  
Purge your body of the evil of calories.
Purge your guilt into the toilet.  
Wipe your tears and brush your teeth.
It's worth it to treat yourself,right?
Devan Ducasse Jun 2017
We live in a world where a bad grade on a test
Scares us more than getting bullied

We live in a world where disappointing people
Scares us more than starving

We live in a world where losing someone
Scares us more than force throwing up

We live in a world where being imperfect
Scares us more than cutting

We live in a world where being called not good enough
Scares us more than thoughts of suicide

We live in a world where a math question
Scares us more than death

We live in a world filled with expectations
Expectations that we must meet

We live in a world thats so caught up about school and work
That no one notices when a person is sick

We live in a ****** world
I would rather die than breathe for 1 more second
V Jun 2017
Fat, fat, fat.
All I see is fat.
I am the "chunkiest", the "chubbiest", the "roundest" and the "ugly pig".
I might as well be a rat, the biggest of the big.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "just right", "average", "normal" or "perfect size."
They lie every single time, and hell, just 'like that'.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "too skinny!", "I wish I looked like you", "wow! Size zero jeans?!" and "underweight".
Yet, I refuse to touch this cold, stocked plate.

Fat, fat, fat,
All I see is fat.
I am "awful", "dying", Miss "eat something" and "throne of bones".
Yet, this body will never be my souls rightful home.

Fat, fat, fat.
All I ever will be is fat.
Even in a long gown and stuck to the end of an I.V pole,
With doctors and psychatrists and loved ones crying and begging me to just "recover, please come home!"

I am still fat.

The hospital bed is empty,
My bed is left untouched,
There is a silence as the wearers in black all sob and stare silently at the body in the ground.
Devasted and hushed...

I see them, but can no longer speak.
No longer able to feel, no longer live,
Forced to watch time pass and hearts mourn...
Their days now heartbroken and bleak.

My  best friend doesn't speak, she now sits alone,
My mother sobs every night, family reminded
so often of my presence,
The one who secrelty loved me has loved no more,
Even my pets still wait outside my door.

Those who knew me, only can remember me in the things left behind,
Even the sun itself rarely shines.

Dead, lost, gone.
I am no longer fat,
But I also no longer- belong.
Recovery is worth it. <3
liv May 2017
Not many understand but I want them to
I want them to know
How you make me feel
Please understand what I'm going through
I want to talk
And you to listen
You are my best friend
But you make me feel this way
Why me?
liv May 2017
You sleep as I kneel
over the toilet
Letting everything out
I need to be empty
Empty is pure
Pure is good
You eat as I restrict myself
You don't know
Shay May 2017
It’s an addiction like any other; it’s always the same story
“if I don’t eat as much tomorrow I won’t have to take these pills so purgatory”,
yet each day the dose gets higher and the symptoms get so much worse –
you’re dependent on the emptiness and pain it brings with its curse.
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